There was a Steam update today. Not sure if that is the issue.
If I try to press left on the D-pad to access Tech, the menu pops back to the right making options for placing vehicles, nutrient processors, etc…inaccessible.
Can not summon the Anomaly either…%$##@! I finally had a day to play… 
Must be due to today’s Steam Client update. My controller is not functioning properly in any of my games.
about to log on and play on PC with Xbox controller will let you know what I find
I have tried Big Picture mode. No good. It registers that I am using my XBox controller. When I go through the menu in Steam, I can hear the controller getting stuck scrolling…what a pain…my mouse seems to then also mess up. Was not happening until I got the Steam update today.
Have not tried switching to Steam Beta.
Nothing has fixed it and my glasses broke…my day is over… 
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ok apparently something killed my 3.0 usb… and I pulled out my old wired mouse…
all works great now… dependent upon your definition of great.
Whew glad its sorted, the steam update only installed after i ended my session…
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