Well, if you want it to look like that last black hole turned your freighter upside down, you are all set.
A post was split to a new topic: Freighter empty and Discoveries gone
Hey, I am getting desperate. So many pieces can not be placed. I will take what I can get at this point.
Edit: do not try this with beds, I mean, why would you anyway but, they have no bottoms.
It appears to be the only crop that snaps into place without considering it a farming crop. It basically acts as if you are trying to place it on terrain.
That must have been fixed then When I initially started to add power to my bases, I had noticed to not be able to plant some of the ‘Small Tray’ crops back, forcing me to reload my save and not touch them to make sure I still had them. This was on planetary bases though, not sure if the Freighter behaved differently.
Only when trying to place on the main floor. A floor up and it works, so I assume it detects collision below for some reason.
It seems that at least a majority of Freighter issues have been resolved with 2.2. I can place all objects on the first floor (I do not have a 2nd floor)
Also, am happy to say that a long-standing visual annoyance seems to be fixed. Can you spot it @DevilinPixy?