One thing that worries me is that Loop16 is still calling for “Help”. When are we going to get a chance to help her?
Update sounds awesome and I’ll gladly wait until summer for what sounds like a huge update!
Can’t wait though to see what Sean and Co. come up with this time. Hoping for more terrain, animal
and weather variation and complexity. That’s my #1 wish!!!
I wonder if the early announcement of the update has messed up the ARG and how it will proceed. They may have to rework some of it.
Night all!
nite, be safe, yup i think that is the issue, EMILY need help
She’ll always be that loopy sweet 16 to me.
My theory is that the ARG will continue some more before the official update. This is to keep the interest up and show us more hints on what NEXT will contain, just as was done with Atlas Rises with the 4th race and new ships.
(This is coming from a guy who works at a prototyping company that also helps with the advertising of both new and improved versions of products. But doesn’t mean I know all the tricks.)
Last year we got:
The Pathfinder update in march, 2017
Then Atlas Rises in August, 2017.
This year we got:
An announcement in March, 2018(rather than an update)
So possobly the update will come on August, 2018. Its too good to not release it on such a special date.
There… could… be an update before the NEXT update, something small perhaps, but they would have to keep it veryyy small so as to save the buildup of excitement for the “main dish”. However, this is very unlikely and the method used for these situations is to monetize during this time by selling some merchandise like t-shirts, hats, exclusive items, special box editions, etc. to help keep the company funded.
So in summary, my theory is:
1.) The ARG continues and there will be some hints to new features in the NEXT update.
2.) And there will be something HG will sell for some additional funding besides the Xbox and WeGame sales. If they do, I promise to buy something from them. (Preferably another collectable ship or character)
Due to the predominating white color of the announcement, i’m going back to the old Etarc White display
Overall, arn’t we a lucky bunch to live in a time where even if one lacks the smarts to create such things, we are able to enjoy the experience of virtual immersion/escapism created by another.?! Whilst it already is for for me & various other reasons, once NEXT is dropped, NMS will be as much if not a greater historical milestone in gaming as DOOM, GTA, & Minecraft (imo).
Although the title ‘NEXT’ seems a little less inspired than ‘Atlas Rises’ , i’m not going to complain if HG full it off even ‘slightly’ well (will hope for the perfect execution which i’m sure they strive for).
Just hope that the bugs I experience relating to discovery, language learning, & fauna variety are all ‘squished!’
No man’s sky
X box
Or not
I think this will be part of the plot for the upcoming parts of the ARG.
Perhaps, we will get the hint for a “new villain” in the game through this sort of story? (Something I have always thought would be good to add to the game universe with the incremental updates.)
Next - Official Site at least 4 different sites state they are the official Site of next.
N E X T - can use it with no fees.
this the the meaning I take : any other considered hypothetically knew it as well as the next man
There appears to on 2500 Atlas 4th Lvl Pass issued
“THEY” are to notify us when all 10K issued.
“THEY” have not show official “DEATH CERTIFICATE” of those fighting EMILY or of EMILY.
My bet - EMILY will wipe them out.
V/ARE is to share to everyone what everyone is sharing. VR.
Considering there are approx 3 to 4 BILLION adults on this sphere.
If NMS could be, possible, potential is there, to be the first WORLD game.
With 1 Billion owners of your own star system, planets.
The game does not control you at the present time.
How many games that have come out and are praised control you and are stated
as the greatest latest fantastic GOTY and ends when you reach Z
can be better if they let EMILY loose.
I was at work when the countdown to the announcment hit zero, so I asked a coworker of mine to lend me her mobile phone (haven’t got one) to get some info about what happened.
Let me say just this - it almost literally blew my mind. Seriously, I had headaches for the rest of the day, being completely overwhelmed by this announcement.
I didn’t really expect a NMS update at that day, but I neither expected SUCH an announcement. I … kinda hoped for more (info)? But at the same time, I was totally stunned. The first few minutes, I couldn’t even comprehend what was going on.
Man, that’s going to be huge. To be honest, it is a bummer that we have to wait till Summer (although, I have a lot of games that ask for my attention besides NMS right now). The release could be anytime between June and August, while I think it’ll be the latter, because of 2nd anniversary date.
I think that we’ll get more information about the update via WT. It was the case for Atlas Rises, so why shouldn’t it be this time?
Also, that title … NEXT … read about some people who don’t like the name for the update. Well, it’s the NEXT update, isn’t it? … (OK, I’ll leave now.)
Will it be Joon or Awwgust??
It has been said that HG like their anniversaries… So I place my money on NEXT arriving in July - Prawn Curry’s birthday yall
Or maybe on the anniversary of the game launch, so August 11th, maybe
You know, June 21st was the initially intended release date for NMS back in 2016 and it just so happens in lands on a Tuesday this year too…would make a very fine day for NMS NEXT to launch.
This video I made a few months ago has a strangely coincidental title. I wonder if any of my predictions in it will come true.
The ARG websites speaks alot of Cloud computing and storage. Yes, it’s part of the ARG story but I was thinking of No Mans Sky, Artemis, and multiplayer and how we are just orbs and can’t see eachother and how that is because multiplayer isn’t complete yer but they turned that into a story oportunity in the mean-time.
Then my thaughts migrated to “How? …how is HG going to create multiplayer in a shared universe that is changing due to us building on it? When a unification day occurs, all the players will go to one spot and our consoles, as is, will have difficulty handling it. The trees and wildlife load so slowly as is…”
Then I remembered “Cloud gaming”. It’s a real thing that can run the most advanced games unplayable on home consoles/PCs on a superior computer 3rd-party and you just stream the video. You could also stream just games files too. Streaming has its flaws such as latency/lag issues that currently are unavoidable… but the lag of the game world is already wayyyy higher so the universe on the cloud would be an extremely big and much welcomed improvement.
They could “partially” run the game that way, like the files from the universe only, and the characters, music, and buildings would be from our consoles. This could make the “lag” of the planets go away and save much processing power and storage space from the console. I dont know if our current consoles are compatible with that kind of use but HG could(if thats not what they are trying to do already) do that to solve:
1.) The lag of the flora and fauna.
2.) The loading screen when warping
3.) The loading screen when going through portals
4.) Increased amount of players interacting with eachother in the same area
5.) and more.
But the major drawback is:
1.) Although it isn’t expensive, cloud use isn’t free either. So there will need to be a subscription of sorts to keep our game world running.
I wouldn’t mind the cost, but others might get upset. However, if the next update is a hit, then others may stop whining and not mind the cost either. Many of us spend our money in much sillier ways anyways, so i know many of us wouldn’t mind the cost if we are all having long-lasting fun.