So the Atlas lore really wraps the whole thing up.
The Traveller Arrival
The Traveller-Sin
The Traveller-Purpose
The Traveller is the first of its kind after it cuts the sentinel open and discovers the portal glyphs. After despair and believing there is no way to see the whole universe in a lifetime, they then find there may be a way once they have the glyphs. But this requires use of the portals which come with a danger that was not foreseen. The sin was extracting the glyphs and using the portals. But then the Traveller falls again into despair as they realize there is a price to pay. They reject the gift of the Atlas. It was not what they hoped for. The Atlas granted infinity but with no way to see it all. And the traveller was alone. So the first Traveller cursed the Atlas. Claimed they would survive no matter the cost.
At this point, the Atlas goes into protocol 16. BREACH BREACH BREACH
The Atlas also knew that those this Traveller was the first of its kind, multitudes would follow.
The ability to regenerate as a new iteration but also have to start over? The Traveller wanted continuous exploration with others without death. They didn’t ask for much did they?
The Atlas is aware the Traveller will find a way and a multitude will follow. But there is a price to pay…
What did the Atlas offer? The Mind Arc. ‘Life’ inside the machine. Not alive but still an existence with an eternity to explore?
I can’t recall if much is revealed on where Null learned of the Mind Arc but I always suspected it was some sort of relic from the Korvax Prime days. Housing echoes or souls is their bag and we know K Prime had good relationship with the Travellers. Hard to say but you could hypothesise they may have even been trying to find a way to preserve them and unknowingly invented a tool that -null- would use to commit dark deeds with.
Besides Artemis, The Hero-Traveller Asteria is the only known traveller in a mind arc that wasn’t used as fuel by Null. We also know they were friends with the First Traveller. I think this could even be Nulls first victim, a test. But he couldn’t bring himself to feed, Asteria being their friend?
Theres lots of fascinating directions to go with what we do and don’t know about the mind arc
I think before this, your iteration mentions its a voice they’ve “heard once before.” I think this indicates that -null- would have sounded differently back then when they were, a little more “organic” and less a light bulb head. This line only works within the context of the Atlas Rises quest line of course, you can find recordings of the first traveller in other places, but in Atlas Rises this would be the second broadcast from that meeting between The First and The Atlas. The first time hearing the voice happens when you enter the first portal searching for Artemis.
Feeling a bit more normal after the little trip to the hospital so I’m back to making my silly lil lore books.
Want to avoid peicing the guidance into the Atlas rises dialogue document for now as that is tedious, so I’ve moved onto the first part of volume 2, Polos 1st Community Research Mission.
Week 6 was an interesting one I’d forgotten all about, and I couldn’t remember if I’d seen them all before or just the ones we shared from sreengrabs and our personal playthroughs.
Depending on your choices, there were 16 ending variants. Sharing them below for folks who’d like to revisit that crazy post QS/ Pre Nexus period of the classic Anomaly.
I see the stranger carve the glyphs into the portal’s stone. They step across the threshold, and the blue glow of the portal flashes a deep crimson. A terrifying, otherworldly scream resonates across the entire portal structure. The gateway closes soon after, its connection severed, any way back closed forever.
The recording ends soon after.
I see the stranger turn their back on the portal and return to their trudge across the lonely landscape. Their crewmates fall one by one, until the stranger walks alone.
The pace of the recording accelerates and the static buildup strengthens. I spool through hours of tape, but the stranger continues to wander, living off the land, never returning to their ship.
I see the stranger turn their back on the portal. They are alone, their crew consumed by whatever strange being they met at the abandoned building. Leaving the portal seems to have freed them from whatever strange spell had been haunting their sleep. They stumble, then look around, frantic.
The recording shows them retracing their steps, always alone, until they reach the crash site. They build a shelter, keeping vigil for their fallen friends.
Suddenly, I hear a noise behind me. I scan the wreck, but see nothing. As I turn back to the terminal, I see the recording has ended.
The stranger carves a series of glyphs into the portal, then steps across the threshold.
The recording warps slightly, but continues. I see the stranger standing on a hexagonal world, dwarfed by the wreck of a large starship. Their starship? They help a figure to their feet, a Korvax. With a jolt, I recognise Nada.
The Priest Entity seems to stare right at me, aware that I have seen this reunion. They nod, and the recording ends.
I see the stranger hesitate, then turn their back on the portal gateway. They look over their shoulder as they walk away, as if they heard a voice from across the threshold. As the recording continues, I see them return to the abandoned building where they met the traveller who promised them aid.
They search the building, attending frequently to the control terminal, growing ever more distraught. Their saviour never appears, the being with the glowing mask never returns. The stranger cries, alone. They go to sleep on the floor of the building. The recording ends.
The stranger carves a series of glyphs into the portal. They pause, as if called by a familiar voice. Seeing no-one, they continue across the threshold. A burst of static cuts the recording.
When the image returns, I see the stranger on the bridge of their freighter, surrounded by their crew. A Korvax priest entity joins them. With a shock, I recognise Nada.
Within moments, chaos has erupted on the freighter. Sentinel fighters swarm the ship, their assault sending it into freefall. Another burst of static cuts across the recording. The final image is a single frame of a Gek specialist attending their radar station.
I see the stranger turn away from the portal, a sad shake of their head. But there seems to have been a mutiny. Their surviving crewmates ignore their pleas and enter the portal, unheeding. They are consumed by the foam, and the portal closes with a crimson flash.
The stranger walks a short distance, shaken. They assemble a small shelter, enter and close the door. The recording does not show them emerge.
The strangers carves their glyphs into the portal’s stone. They stride towards the threshold, confident, as if called forward by a familiar voice. They enter, and a brilliant flash of white distorts the recording.
When the image settles, the portal is nowhere to be seen. All I see are stars, an endless parade of systems. The recording settles on a star and closes in rapidly. The same flash of light, and a new world blinks into existence.
The recording ends. What have I just witnessed?
I see the stranger tap the control panel of the portal, their hands guided by an unseen force. The gateway opens, its blue light spilling out onto the surrounding landscape.
In this light, the stranger addresses their remaining crew. They try to persuade them to follow into the portal, but with no success. One by one, the crew walk away. Only the stranger remains.
Finally, they begin their approach. The foam consumes them, then dies down. The portal quietly closes. The recording shows nothing more.
I see the stranger examine the open portal, then step away. The recording shows the rest of their movements. They continue to travel, mile after mile, always at night. Each light source is found, examined, discarded.
They search each abandoned building they find, looking for the traveller who promised them salvation. The tapes seem to loop forever. I spool forwards through hour after hour of material, the pattern never varying, the stranger never seeming to age.
I search and search, but find no end to this story.
I see the stranger activate the portal and walk towards the open gateway. They hesitate as they reach the threshold, turning back to their crewmates for encouragement. They step forward, and are consumed by the foam.
A burst of static interrupts the recording. When it ends, I see the stranger surrounded once more by their crew. They look old, far older than the moment before. But they are happy - the relief on all their faces is clear to see. A ship lands in the distance, and the group sets off.
I see the stranger turn away from the portal, but it clearly pains them. The recording shows their reluctant steps away from the threshold, their repeated glances back over their shoulder.
The recording continues as the crew and the stranger part ways. The group heads towards a settlement in the distance, the stranger towards the empty horizon.
As the images jump forwards, the stranger spends their time hauling large red minerals to a small shelter. They carve them endlessly, a parade of geometric shapes rendered in crimson stone. They fall down, exhausted.
I cannot fathom any meaning from the glyphs they carve.
I see the stranger tap tentatively at the portal’s control panel. They open the gateway and walk across the threshold.
As the foam settles, another being approaches the still-active portal. A traveller, their face obscured by a blinding light. They follow the stranger into the portal’s blue light.
The structure’s ancient stone bends and warps, buckling under some extreme force. At last, the traveller re-emerges. The portal closes. There is no sign of the stranger.
Though this is a recording, I cannot help the feeling that the traveller has noticed me. I close the terminal quickly.
I see the stranger turn their back on the portal and hurry away quickly. They return to the wreck of their small starship and begin entering data into the distress beacon. I see the red crimson orb…
The recording cuts out, placing the stranger back at the portal. It just shows this loop over and over. I search for an error, some corruption in the data that would explain this odd loop. I find none.
I see the stranger input a series of glyphs, then step forwards into the portal. Before the gateway closes, I see another figure enter, a shimmering being, their face obscured by a brilliant light. The recording cuts out, interrupted by a burst of static.
When the recording returns, the stranger is aboard their ship, before we ever made contact. There is a Korvax on the bridge. With a jolt, I realise it is Nada. They look extremely concerned. Before I can see more, the terminal begins to glow white hot, the screen consumed by a burning white flame.
I see the stranger turn away from the portal. They walk slowly, tired and unsure. Eventually, they wander back to the site of their crashed ship.
I look closely at the distress beacon at the crash site. There is a faint red light spilling from its interior, the haunting crimson I have seen so many times before.
The stranger paces around the beacon, unsleeping. They continue their vigil for days. They walk slower and slower, and eventually collapse. As they do so, their fallen body takes on the same red glow.
The recording ends.
Ending 6 seems to more closely resemble the Iteration we are familiar with, or it’s an iteration we have found freighter logs referring to in the game (the ones you find about nada and polo.)
-null- shows up in ending 13 for a little snack ;0;
This ‘Unknown Signal’ created ATLAS.
And that ‘Voice’ speaks to US.
You are not alone
Do You get it?
Maybe it has something to do with what will happen when the 17th minute starts, according to the Remembrance records of what Atlas could not see.
So speaking of Remembrance, the Atlas sees the creator or someone with it at the end but cannot see past that point…is the Atlas seeing a possible end or is it, as the Mission title states, remembering, meaning it has already all happened.
Is this the moment Atlas is abandoned or is it a possible future or an end that has already concluded and we are just waking up in a sim and unfolding the story
The player describes it as a simulation the Atlas is showing it, a simulation it no doubt has played countless times to make sense of its final moments, hence remembering.
It’s the rememberance terminal logs that has me leaning towards Atlas plan being to look into its own sim for answers, seeing if K Prime can overcome its destruction, and then from there realising the correct form of space “magic” that allows all the Anomalous travellers to take that single true form and give atlas a space hug at the end of all things.
And something tells me that black hole thats moved close enough to Atlas home planet to cause issues will play a part in being an energy catalyst that allows the Atlas to escape its current layer of the sim it exists in.
It’s important to remember this was originally meant to be an ambiguous ending for the player to project their own meaning on to.
Some players could decide something truly came to the atlas aid in that final moment, while leaving room for all sorts of other theories, the creator forgot their wallet… etc, or maybe the atlas knows what really happens and in its denial it chooses to believe it can be rescued, that someone loves it enough to come to its aid. Which to me, is a very Sentient thing to feel when you are Alone and facing your mortality. You deny everything just to live. One of the other points of rememberance is to show you the Atlas had a sentience that came as a surprise even to the Creator.
The context of those logs has changed since release with everything added but I do like to hold on to its original intent in the back of my mind as an ending for philosophical thought and personal take away.
I never thought to attribute that line to that final moment but…
It makes sense for a game that was originally pitched and released as “a lonely space sim” to be littered with messages to remind you, the player, are not alone.
It’s original design was much more therapeutic in form. It was supposed to be a thought exercise for a player, perhaps it could even help pull people out of the fog.
Early on they talked a lot about how games can do certain emotions very easily, and avoid all the complex ones. Their goal was to make the player feel lonely and inconsequential. I think they arrived there with 1.0 for sure.
The game was a gem at launch and it’s a shame the current narrative is still “they finaly fixed/finished the game” or they “made up for the lies” etc.
You just know come launch, there’s going to be “LIES NO FIRE” articles cos, a particular bird mount that had a different anklet bracelet wasn’t there at launch
We know the Atlas is BIG. Big enough that the people who created it really weren’t bothered hauling it on to their ship, plus they’d already made a portable one that would be part of their ships navigation systems.
I like to think its about the size of a city block but also goes DEEP underground. Its computational components. Obviously its terminal exists in a room somehwere not unlike a research station or lab. (i also like to think teminals in abandoned buildings/Other POI’s etc are a replica of its own terminal)
So physically moving the Atlas won’t be possible should the True Creator be somehow be born into its reality via all the Anomalous Travellers becoming one again. So it’ll be a, together in the end scenario or a, hey I am a god now and I can exit planes of “reality” into the next sim on a whim, let’s go exploring! Our Journey continues.
the mind forgets, but the memory lingers…
deep within, you understand.
this world is an illusion…
Current boundary strength: 161716
do not be afraid…I think two of the most tossed around theories were, atlas and void would butt heads on her return or they would somehow come to peacefully coexist…
The latter was pretty close to the mark, I just didn’t see us having the cajones to hack a frickin atlas terminal to achieve it… If they asked you to jump of a cliff would ya do that too? And you tell Nada and polo about it after the fact? You could’ve killed us all! Go to my room, me!
I was kind of hoping the ‘backdoor’ reference was going to have us discover a secret interface within the ATLAS’ main chamber.
Like some little random feature that turns out to be an interactive physical trapdoor/hidden panel/pop-up hologram interface or something.
Alas it was not to be.
An opportunity missed in my opinion.
I see you’ve oficially gone canibal now…
The Angler fish is in control now, it is their want. I’m just along for the ride.
Some of the dialogue in the new quest line for Worlds Part 2, has segments tailored to whether you chose the Star Seed or the Mark of the Denier.
I have not seen - %SIGNAL_GREEK% - Atlas. I cannot enter its crimson diamonds.But I have seen the evidence of your spark-seed. Atlas has accepted your input before. This could be the scaffold.
I have not seen - %SIGNAL_GREEK% - Atlas. I cannot enter its crimson diamonds.But I have seen the evidence of your mark. You have defied Atlas before. This could be the scaffold.
It would seem as though clearing the Atlas Path is a prerequisite for In Stellar Multitudes as well as the other mainline quests.
I’ll be working my way through this over the coming weeks, I had to take a break from my lore docs in November due to health issues, then got a chest infection it took 4 courses of antibiotics/steroids to shift over Christmas, so I’ve been very bed bound and unable to spend any length at my PC.
It’s been great for the back log though, caught up on a lot of ps5 must plays I missed over the first four years on the 30th anniversary/Christmas sales
The who with the what now?
Why you little!!!
It’s nice to learn new things that make us appreciate our friends a little more.
How many space creatures have we discovered spend their youth in the ocean now? I wanna say 3 but it’s probably 2.
It’s 3. I forgot about the giant abyssal space horror, I think it wipes your memory of encountering it wait, what was I talking about again? Ah, who knows, it’s probably 2…
Hey! My headache is gone!