Well… I flew to a new star system to look for a planet to build my base on, since I just came back after… TWO YEARS?! Lordy. Anyhow, I was hunting for new digs. You know, a really nice place with a swell neighborhood, good weather and pleasant flora and fauna. So one ringed planet wasn’t a radio/acidic/fungal/heat-freeze death trap. It was “Temperate.” Sounds cool, right? It looked partly cloudy, had an ocean and big landmass… looked quiche.
So I flew down, and I went right into a rainstorm. Hey, I figure I’ll just fly somewhere and wait it out. The first place was a big tall commerce tower which I thought was totally ace. Landed, walked through the showers to the walkways up to the shops, and -
What the hail?! Isn’t this a TEMERATE planet?? So I ran up the ramps as my heat protection kicked in and sheets of rain made it really hard to see ten feet in front of me, went under a sheltering roof, and… the shelter was all of a five or six foot spot under a much bigger canopy. This has to be a bug. I ended up having to scamper up to a fairly empty sheltered area which contained one single archive terminal. Which would only let me peruse ONE subject, I found out. It was a long boring five minute wait for the storm to lift.
I decided to wait to check out the Vy’keen fighters as I’m pretty rich and still looking for that killer ship, when -
Oh for tha love o gawd…
I’m beginning to really get tired of a survival game with a separate Survival Mode. That has to be living Hell. What is Permadeath Mode? Living Hell with sprinkles??
Do I have to find a five star Paradise planet to get one which is a normal, sweet garden planet? I haven’t found but one Paradise planet in more than 1100 hours of playing. And right now I’m only going to yellow G Type stars like our Sun, but garden planets are extremely rare. I’m beginning to think, the first mod that makes weather on all planets pleasant, I’m installing as fast as I can mash those keys.
Okay, I’m suffering first world grumps and still love the game, I just got addicted to Gran Turismo and Fallout for a couple of years. But this… kinda seems like ATLAS is some kind of sadist.