With the new ‘major’ update of NMS Origins just released, we are awaiting new (sub)categories to be added to the forum. For now we will have to do with the NMS Beyond categories.
Until then, we would like to ask you all to add ‘Origins’ as a prefix to the topic title for any new topics being created related to this new update.
Thank you all for your patience 
Welp, that didn’t take too long …
Enjoy the new (sub)categories for NMS Origins !!!
We have removed any redundant suffixes from some of the new topic titles. We can now carry on as per usual, using the wonderfully coloured new (sub)categories.
The NMS Beyond category and subcategories will soon be moved to the archive.
Thank you all 
The following categories have now been moved to the archive:
- Waking Titan
- NMS Beyond
- NMS Beyond - Help A Fellow Traveler
- NMS Beyond - Creative Mode
- NMS Beyond - Bugs & Issues
The order of main categories on the front page has been adjusted.
This concludes the reorganisation of the forum in regards to the new major update for No Man’s Sky.
Thank you all for your patience and the smooth transition 
Note: This announcement will automatically be unpinned globally, a week from now.