Announcement - Reorganization of NMS topics!

We want to inform you that we are currently reorganizing all the No Man’s Sky topics.

Old ‘Next’ content will be moved to the archive, while keeping their (sub)categories. This keeps even the archive well organised in case you wish to look up some old topics. Do keep in mind that archived topics are generally not to be continued. If you wish to continue discussion for an archived topic, please create a new topic instead and include a link to the archived topic.

The current ‘running’ categories, now include ‘Beyond’ in the name, so including this prefix in topic titles is no longer needed.

We are not sure how long the reorganisation will take, but we will try our best to get this done as soon as possible. We are sorry if you receive any notifications or otherwise experience any inconvenience during this process.

Thank you for your patience,

@Polyphemus @Mad-Hatter @sheralmyst @DevilinPixy


I believe we are done archiving old Next topics and removing the prefixes in topic titles!

We are now awaiting one last change to the pinned category descriptions and we should then be back on track :slight_smile:

Once again, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
The ‘latest’ topics list on the main page(s) should soon be back to regular again as new topics and posts are being created,

Thank you all for bearing with us, stay awesome everyone!