NMS Interceptor

Several. I miss the old Explorer models where you could actually look slightly downward while flying.


Yeah, in first person those ships make me motion sick. I did find it less so to fly in third person, but the game doesn’t let you scan the planets in that mode.

@Malveka picked up a lovely A-class interceptor, only to be dismayed when he climbed into it. All that was left to see through an oblong the size of a postage stamp. It was like the hood came down and got stuck. I think he got a screenshot of its interior before he scrapped that one.


Contrary to most other patterns (some of which I really don’t like), I’m getting a strong cylon vibe from these. :heart:


Some people took to flying their explorers upside down - you got a much better view that way, although steering was tricky.

It’s almost impossible to do it now, because the ships are self-righting.


Yeah, I fly upside down less often now, it was fun while it lasted. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can confirm that crashed interceptors can be found in the wild on dissonant planets, just like regular crashed ships.

Thanks for reporting back your findings :+1:

(I got distracted by coinciding Space Engineers updates and have found only one interceptor)