New Base is open for visitors!

Nomad is the better geo for all terrains & correct me if I’m wrong but the tech replicates the same as previously installed on newly built exos (of the same sort).
You just pack up your geopad when you leave to reclaim some resources & leave the vehicle behind.

That’s correct isnt it??? I should probably fact-check before typing :wink:

I’m not up to portal visits yet and I’ve rarely built a geo away from home.

I believe they all require the same resource to build, and you’ll get half back if you reclaim the Geobay as you said.

Yes Nomad is very quick and glides over water, making the journey to my base substantially easier which is why I specifically said a Nomad.


LordMarkov is the only Spacing Guild member in those screenshots.

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Hmm. Is this a feature of normal/creative modes? I get nothing from dismantling things outside my base.

OP, i am coming to your base today! Im playing on Survival, but i am indeed on Ps4 so i cant wait to make first contact with another player’s base! Wish me luck xD. Will defo leave a comm ball when i arrive!

Sorry to tell you, but OP is on normal. You won’t see his base on survival. (unless this has changed?)

I don’t know how it would work but sure would be nice if you could see other people’s bases on various modes. You can see the orbs and hang out with others on the various modes. I’m not a coder but wondering what it would take or is it that involved?

Hey Dale, I saw you (and heard your disappointment) when you was around earlier. Real shame you couldn’t see my base :worried:

Thanks for the message pod!

I’m not sure why the various modes can’t base share.
I understand that the resources are more limited in some modes but why does that affect bases?
Maybe it’s got something to do with the graphics of the buildings and resourses both being interactive with a player. Can’t have one without the other…
Surely bases can be separated from the surounding graphics to allow inter-mode interaction???

Perhaps they don’t want players making gigantic farms in creative mode that can be abused in survival/permadeath modes? It would affect the difficulty.

It’d be like finding an oasis though. A cool feature.
None of the survival basic resources are there, only stuff to make $ off. Maybe a terminal. In a base isnt meant to be deadly…
Simply impliment a 1 off harvest yield for base sharing for those on survival. They get the bonus of a find but only once. Then they need to move on.
Its a pity the modes can’t share; I hope this changes.

Base Improvements = Hauler Landing

Ever landed on a raised Landing Pad only to be thrown out to the floor minus health?

Worry no more! Necessity (and HG not fixing this) is the mother of invention so feast your eyes on my new extension to ETARC Garilan Outpost, now Hauler friendly!

Oh yeah and I got a sweet new Exotic too…


Very nice. Quite the establishment!

Finally visited (now I’ve got most glyphs).
Even better than in photos.


Does anyone know if there a limint to how many times one can move Base to another planet?

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There is no limit on how many times you can move bases.

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Thank you for that info… I will free to move as often as I wish now…

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