Hello Fellow Travellers!
I have been really enjoying our communication lately and I hope you guys do aswell.
This weekend I had a lot of playtime, I have hit the 64. Hour on my clock and finally found a beautiful system that caught me and earned the title of my homebase.
It is still in the Euclid galaxy, roughly 700.000LY away from the Center but it is the perfect spot. Over 90 total warps and destination changes had only this System that was Beautiful enough to be called ‘home sweet home’
When I arrived to the first planet there, I was stunned immediately, I wanted it to be my homeplace. Sadly it was completely empty!
So I went to a beautiful place with two wonderful moons and found a base directly at the beach!
Now I want to share with you, how my base building is going so far. I know I am no pro, and that I maybe have made a lot of mistakes, but please be nice with me guys!
My first landing in the system:
I found the perfect place:
The first fundament:
After a bit of questing I had to enlarge my laboratory:
I added a 1 (Atlas for 0) 1 at the front door, I haven’t found a zero symbol yet to complete my ‘101’ at the front door.
Also a messaging station welcomes everyone with a warm ‘welcome to my laboratory I am Traveller101’
Still everything is under construction, I am open for suggestions!
I hope you guys enjoyed this little ‘note’ from a traveller far out in the stars.
Sorry for the bad screenshot of my bedroom, I have noticed afterwards that the menu was still visible.
In Honor
That looks like a lovely planet. Nice find. How far from a portal is it? That’s the latest deal breaker with bases nowadays.
Hello dear Oshoryu!
Currently I am in the bath tub, and I completely forgot to check for a monolith. I know that on another planet in this system was a portal, but I will search for a close one near my base right after I am finished with my bubble bath!
Forgot to do that completely, and I created the base to get visited 
In Honor
Edit: Sadly there is only this one monolith on the other planet, but I will activate it tomorrow to see where the portal is located!
When you get to the monolith, create another signal booster and search for monolith again, should yield another one.
Enjoy your bath! 
Lab 101 is looking good!
Thanks for the cool pics.
Hello fellows!
Thanks alot, the bath was nice and cozy 
I checked, the first one was on the moon right 180degrees from my base, then a second one around 60seconds flight time from my base, on my base planet has popped up!
I had no time to continue with the activation of said portal, but I will do so today/tomorrow after work.
I kind of got hooked by the base stuff, I couldn’t stop anymore haha! But its looking good so far.
Thank you very much! I appreciate this alot!
But I think I have improved since the first steps, what do you think now?
And the (temporaly) final shot:
I hope you guys have a wonderful day! And I hope that you visit me when I activate the portal!
In Honor
Yep. Looking good!
What I want to know is where does the game put your ship when you return to base through the base portal?
Hello fellows!
Interesting question, that was the first thing I tested, because I didn’t know that I could easily farm kelp sac for the landing zone lol. It places my ship right behind my base, with enough distance to take off apparently.
But now I have been hooked yesterday with building my base and have improved it a little bit again.
Sorry that it is night at those screens, I will make some wonderful daylight shots today!
I have now two landings, the groundplates are alot smaller now, I colored stuff and decorated it more stilistic. Now my base looks like a future outpost!
In Honor
Hello dear Travellers!
This week a lot changed on my base, I had found an exotic ship today, and I finished my ‘farm’ (almost lol),
I want to apologize for the vast communication over the past… Kzzzt… Week…kzzt… You know it has been… Kzzt… Dark out here…voice cracks
Here is my Base at its actual state:
By the way: I have found several portals on other Planets so far, and only one on the same planet as my Base is. It is 15hours of walking away from it, so give me some more time finding a good one so you guys can visit me!
Sorry for the doubleposting.
I hope you like my rejunvation of the base!
In Honor