Per a previous thread that is closed (before this Bugs & Issues section was created)…
Continuing the discussion from No Man’s Sky V1.5 NEXT Bug Reporting:
To help possibly answer both issues…In My Humble Opinion…
It depends on the Video Ram Size in your system. I am running an 8 year old computer system and recently upgraded to a video card with 4gb of DDR5 Vram on the Video Card. The prior card had only 2gb and the game would Use all that Plus 6.5gb of System Ram! which would often start over-heating my video card & system. I had to have an extra external fan blowing into the machine (with the computer door removed) to play the game.
To get the game running with the old card, I had to:
- Close all background programs that I could…to save memory usage
- Use the Windows 10 Services to disable Windows 10 Update
- Use the “Game Mode” on my Virus Protection Software…so it wouldn’t check everything and slow the system down
- Use a telemetry-blocking program…so Windows 10 wouldn’t use memory to start sending files home!
With the new card, I don’t have to do any of that to get the game running!
I still block the telemetry and close background programs that don’t need running. Now all 4gb of the Video Card’s Vram is filled and 2gb of my System Ram is used…leaving 6gb of System Ram to actually run the game & other applications!
The video card I got (for this Dell XPS 8300) is low powered (I upgraded the power supply to 600watts from 340watts…just in case) and is the same size as the original video card. I’ve monitored the heat generated whilst running NMS…and the video card’s fans rotate at the slow speed…that is how effective the video card is at removing heat. Average temperature: Video Card = 60°C, System CPU = 62°C. It is an older card (3 years old since the model was introduced) and I don’t want to start a graphic-card-war here. PM me if you need to know the make and model.