Multiverse-75 will be the next site to go live

I noticed that one of the testimonials was from Mikhail Regison of Echo. Interesting, but I’m not sure if it’s indicative of anything important.

Also, Sabrina Dane’s picture is behaving strangely on my phone…it’s similar to the way the puzzle behaved on echo’s site from my phone. Hope it helps.

I have 3 pictures stuttering all the time

That’s normal! It’s an intentional thing. Three of the members have glitching profiles. I think it means there’s something important!

Is’ also the same 3 fields listed with the percentages a bit higher :Computationalism 80%
Magnetic Field Applications 90%
Radiation Belts 95%

People can “Like” the pictures of the team members, and it seems to record everyone who has liked them, but the like counter is shared across all the photos. Maybe if we get enough people to like the pictures it will reveal something?

How high does the test counter tick to? Is it linked to the likes? On my phone and out and about so can’t investigate further. :confused:

My guess is it is counting how many people have visited the site. In other words, every person who visits the site is a part of their “daily” experiment.

There is a hidden string of characters on the home page of


It is in black font, to the far right of the phone number and e-mail info, towards the bottom of the page. Try ctrl+a on your keyboard and it will highlight it…

So far, I haven’t figured out how that plays into determining the answer for the 3rd button on

  • Matt

One immediate observation is that the characters that make up “SCHRODINGE” are missing from the alphabet that immediately follows…

Schrödinger’s cat.

This has been solved: please join here:

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