Morse Code Found in DM21 Video

No Man's Sky: Waking Titan - v1.3 BETA?! Everything you need to know ... - YouTube - This video.

The morse translated goes to this: - … . / .- -. … .-- . .-. / -.-- — …- / … . . -.- / … … / … … -… -… . -. / … -. / .-… -.-- .-. .- … / -… .-. … --. … - . … - / … - .- .-. / ----- —… / …— ----. / …— ----- .---- --… / .- – -…- .-. … - -… / — …-. / -… .- - .- / … … .- .-… .-… / -… . / . -…- .–. — … . -… / …-. — .-. / .- .-… .-… / - — / … .

Translating that gives: the answer you seek is hidden in lyras brightest star 08 29 2017 am=ritb of data shall be exposed for all to se

Need opinions ASAP. Possible troll or new clue?

DM21 has been silent about WT until this recent video. I doubt the puppetmasters would have targeted him to reveal a clue; not enough exposure.

Yes, that’s an interesting question. The date is still pretty far ahead, so probably unrelated.

Edit: that being said, you can still try and solve the riddle to see if it might relate to anything.

We have decided that this is, in-fact a complete troll.

The decoded message gives Vega, and has nothing to do with the ARG. Take this very lightly.


Vega, the 5th brightest star.

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Yup total troll, but he’s quite the entrepreneur to feed off the buzz with waking titan to pull in the streaming viewers.

He uses information from known theories or discovered clues to create his own that feed in to the overall ARGs narrative.

For example an “answer being revealed in the stars on august 21st” (verbatim) falls in line with a very early theory someone had when people were certain the ARG would come in three phases, that waking titan might be a Cube/Crate and conclude with augusts eclipse.

Thing is, it’s looking like they were totally right. This troll is just feeding in to it

Edit just noticed he said Aug 29th not 21st, my bad. Or HIS morse code isn’t up to scratch and he meant 21st haha.

This is what I could find for astronomical events in our nightsky on Aug 29th

> The variable star Algol in Perseus reaches minimum brightness at 4:02 a.m. EDT. If you start watching it on the evening of the 28th (it rises in the northeast around 9 p.m. local daylight time), you can see its brightness diminish by 70 percent over the course of about 5 hours as its magnitude drops from 2.1 to 3.4. This eclipsing binary star runs through a cycle from minimum to maximum and back every 2.87 days.

Bicycle Walrus has been doing NMS videos since pre-release and is both humorous and insightful. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he was pulled in to drop a clue in place of getting a cassette. I think he has a decent following.

I am hoping that the Old Gods have extended offers to popular YouTubers of NMS with inclusion into their ARG. That would extend the “resources” we may have to scour or monitor for new content. A win-win situation.

But if that is not the case here…

I don’t understand why YouTubers do this type of “false advertisment/trolling” and the general public admire/praise them. Trolling/fraudulent content is basically just conning everyone…which I despise. But then, I come from a different era in time.