The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that I have been absent from the forum for a while.
I have been ill, and was hospitalised for 3 weeks in March - April. Since then I have been recovering at home, but progress has been very slow.
For the past six weeks, I have had neither the energy nor the enthusiasm to even move about the house, let alone play games. I really haven’t felt up to talking to anyone.
As I said, I am gradually improving. It’s slow, but it’s happening, and I now feel able to talk about things.
Two days ago I attended the cancer clinic, who gave me (cautious) good news. I still have to go back in three months for a further check, but for now, it seems my life is not in immediate danger.
It seems the world will have to put up with me for a while longer. In the words of Granny Weatherwax “I ATE’NT DEAD YET”.
Great to hear from you, your absence has been surely noticed, especially when those custom ships finally landed. I’ve been eagerly awaiting your opinions on all of it <3
I had suspected you may have been absent due to illness (or sometimes worse, I convinced myself maybe you’ve gone on a long boring cruise '^ _^ )
Take your time getting back on your feet, we will all still be here in our shared nonsense
I have to admit I was a bit worried but held off on contacting you directly because I was aware of your condition & that rest & quiet was probably the best thing I could contribute.
Great hear from you & wishing you all the best.
The way things have been over the last few months, I have experienced a major change in my way of thinking. I don’t plan for the future any more. I try not to look more than a few days ahead. I try to deal with things as they are now, rather than what they might become in some time to come.
So advice to avoid pre-release is wiser than you know.
Doctor: “I’m afraid you don’t have long to live”
Patient: “Can’t you do something for me?”
Doctor (considers): “How about a boiled egg?”
Hey @Polyphemus, hope your path to recovery is going well, it’s another unusual update without your input but looking forward to the day when you bless us with niggling complaints and modest praise.
I was looking through old archived speculation threads and it’s funny seeing how well some people predicted what was coming or just how things people had on their wishlists are actual things now and working how people imagined they would.
Hope you are finding joyful things to fill the day <3 or things to moan about. I understand they are one and the same, what with this weather, and these feckin isles.
Sorry for my late reply. This account resides on a computer I haven’t been using much lately (long story - ask me if you have an afternoon to waste).
Yes, it was kind of obvious to me that ship building would become a thing - but then I had the advantage of having attended the Londonj exhibition.
The other thing I feel quietly vindicated about is that ever since the Bytebeat was introduced, I have been convinced thet Hello Games’ primary motivation for introducing updates was to testbed new technologies and methods for incorporation into future games.
Lots of people have argued against my opinion over the subsequent years, so it was with some satisfaction that I saw in Sean Murray’s latest video, he admits that that’s exactly what they’ve been doing. Ten points to Polyphemus, zero points to the Rest of the World.
Make that 2 of us. But for me, I was expecting it when they announced that a new game was being developed since thats what most developers tend to do. Its easier and cheaper this way. It made a ton of sense that they would leverage what they already have.
Glad your back. Your contributions to this community have been missed.
It’s been a tense couple of weeks. Ten days ago I went for a follow-up CT scan, and today I was back at the clinic for the results.
I had hoped they would give me the all clear, but I suppose that’s an unrealistic expectation of doctors. What they actually said was that there’s no current evidence of cancer, but that they want me back in six months for another scan…
So it’s good news for now, but I’m not entirely off the hook yet. I can relax a little.