Two days ago, I started playing No Man’s Sky again. It’s my first time since early March.
For most of you, this would be no big deal. For me, it’s a significant milestone. For months now, I have had neither the energy, nor the enthusiasm, nor the concentration, for games. Now it seems the Mojo is returning.
Great to hear from you Polyphemus and great to see you reached this milestone. I’m excited for you to see all that’s been added during your time in recovery and I hope the Worlds update was kind to your base planets <3
Had you been keeping up with the updates at all while out of the game or did you return with the bliss of ignorance?
Pretty much, yes. I’ve been so washed out and tired I really haven’t felt able to keep up with anything other than day-to-day necessities. So I’ve missed the last few expeditions, and there’s a lot that’s new and confusing.
Still, it makes things interesting and a bit challenging.
Exactly! I just keep staring at the water. People everywhere are building bases on the water. You can even land your ship on the water. Water. Water. Must…get in…the water…
It’s both. And when you drink it you are granted visions of Ken Jones, the actor. None of this sounds appealing I know… Unless you were really into Porridge