Sad News - TravelEcho Has Departed

Dear Fellow Travellers,

It is with great sorrow that I must report that my beloved partner and enthusiastic member of the Citizen Science Division and this community has departed our galaxy to realms unknown.

As many of you know, TravelEcho was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer about a year and a half ago. For most of the last year she had been stable and living mostly pain free using a hormone-based treatment. Just over three weeks ago she started having pain in her hips and legs. In the space of a few short days the pain progressed from concerning to debilitating. Also during this time I noticed a certain amount of confusion and lethargy setting in.

After getting admitted to the hospital and following a couple of days of testing, they discovered her calcium levels were off the charts and the cancer had spread to her lower spine and pelvis. Also, a nodule in one of her lungs had grown from the size of a walnut to the size of an orange. Further testing led to the speculation that it was not the uterine cancer but a different, more aggressive cancer, possibly lung cancer, that was attacking her skeleton. Regardless, the prognosis was that she might have as long as 6 months if we pursued an intensive regime of chemotherapy and radiation treatments or a matter of weeks if we pursued a strictly palliative care approach. She chose the latter. Seeing how terribly she was suffering, and knowing that would likely be prolonged by additional interventions, I totally supported her decision.

In the event, she got only two more weeks in this world. During that time she was completely bedridden and somewhat groggy from all the morphine, but still managed to charm the nurses and aides to the point where she made many new friends. As was her wont, she took an interest in everyone and treated them as individual human beings, regardless of their role at the hospital. For the final few days the nursing and aide assignments were being quietly arranged so that the ones we already knew were being assigned to her care as much as possible. In spite of the terrible grief of the situation, the outpouring of love from the staff was beautiful to see.

TravelEcho was a very private person. Her wishes were to be cremated and there will be no burial service. We will be having a small private ceremony sometime in the coming months. We are planning to put up a memorial web site during that same time frame that will feature some of her creative works - her art, music, poems and stories. When that is available I will certainly post a link here. If you feel moved to do something as a remembrance in the meantime, perhaps consider spending an hour doing something creative that you love. Encouraging people to pursue their creativity was one of her favorite things. Or consider a donation to one of the many fine organizations that are working to overcome cancer. While considerable progress has been made, it would be such a fine thing if the terrible suffering inflicted by cancer could be ended entirely.

TravelEcho loved this community and the people in it. It was special place for her. She would often relate to me the discussions that were taking place here and we had many great talks about the current topics of interest. Please know that she thought of you as friends and cared deeply for you. I can understand why. I see a level of genuine engagement and decency here that is rare these days on the internet. It was in a newsgroup back in the 90’s that had a similar vibe where TravelEcho and I first met. But that’s a different story for another day.

If you have any comments or questions please feel free to post them here or DM me. TravelEcho’s favorite things to do in NMS were exploring and mining resources. I know she would wish you all -

“Happy Gathering!”

as you continue your adventures. As do I, and I will also add another of her favorite sayings that she always strove to live by -

“Love is a verb.”



So very sad to hear. She will be missed. The universe is less without her.


:cry: Stength and peace to you and your families! She will be missed.


This is terribly sad news. She was a lovely person, and such a positive presence here.

I will miss her. I’m sure we all will.


I am broken to bits. I just lost another friend this past week to cancer. He too was given a similar option. He tried the chemo and was so very sick from it, he chose instead to spend his last few weeks with his family.
I loved Travel Echo’s creativity and cherish the inspiration she gave me to return to my art.
I was blessed to have her share her music with me and so proud to have an original piece of her art which I will keep in a special place in her memory.
My heart breaks for your family and our close knit group here will feel her loss for a long time.

Simulation number -kzzt- running. Entity Travel Echo added to the system. May she journey on for eternity.


Thank you for sharing that, @sheralmyst . She would be so happy to know that she helped inspire you to return to making your art. She was so happy and excited to share one of her pieces with you.

I’m so sorry to hear that you recently lost another friend as well. :broken_heart:

As for me, I am devastated by her loss. I try to keep myself busy and distracted but I think of her every minute and am constantly breaking down to bouts of sobbing. Not only was she the love of my life, but also the best friend I’ve ever known. I miss her terribly.


I am so sorry for your loss.

I just want you to know that you are not alone. These last few years, many of us have lost loved ones. I myself lost more than a dozen close friend and family members recently, half from cancer as well.

At this time, you need company. Physical company. If you have close friends or family nearby, stick close to them as you get through this. I would do so myself, but im just a stranger on the internet.

Try not to spend too much time alone, your thoughts can start racing and it can make things more difficult when your thoughts turn negative.

And please remember to eat and drink. Even if you aren’t hungry. Its easy to forgot to eat.

Whether or not you are religious, you will be in my prayers.

TravelEcho will be missed. But not forgotten.


@Jupiter.blues thank you for sharing your experiences and the doubtless good advice. I’m very sorry to hear you’ve suffered so much loss yourself in recent years.

Our family and friends are being amazingly supportive, and our kids especially are keeping a close eye(s) on me. Still, I think your admonition about physically spending time with others is wise. I will take this to heart and do my best to seek it out.

I don’t seem to have much appetite right now, but am mostly holding to regular meal times. I think having established habits in this regard is helping.

I am not conventionally religious, but I do believe in the power of prayer in all its forms. Thank you so much for yours.

No, never forgotten. :sparkling_heart:


Oh wow, this hits me hard … :cry:

She joined us here just over 6 years ago, and has been a wonderful presence since. She considered making her home here, and I am pretty sure she did :two_hearts:

I am so sorry to hear she passed away…
Thank you for sharing this with us here @Malveka.
Wishing you, family, friends, and everyone involved, all the best. :hugs:

You’ll be dearly missed Traveller! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Echoes of this traveler will persist.


@Malveka God bless and keep you in this time of sorrow. TravelEcho always made me smile with her unique and positive perspective. You and your family are in my prayers for God’s grace and comfort to be present around you. We as a community will share a vacancy that can not be filled.


I avoided posting in this thread when I first saw it because it was understandably depressing, but today I thought I should get it overwith and share some thoughts.

Like some here, I have family and friends who departed this universe for many reasons, some way too young, so I share in the pain and sorrow. My mother smoked herself to death and father died of Alzheimer’s complications, so it has been a little lonelier in my life.

I don’t like dealing with trouble, overly worried for this planet and its lack of leadership as evil men are enjoying the fruits of their schemes. I’ve been praying for everyone, everywhere, not just Earth, because I’m a sympathetic, sentimental slob at heart. So I tend to avoid news like this and throw myself into my escapes. Either games like NMS or Starfield, or my writing.

TravelEcho was a big part of my time here as a fellow creator with similar talents, and she posted a good deal in my silly art thread. She was always a delight and I looked forward to her many, many posts, and glad that she managed to push through bad vision to do so. And it was heartening to read how much she enjoyed my story I’m gradually adding to here. It’s such a shame I ran it on so long, she never got to read the ending. But she did leave many wonderful posts, and lovely examples of her artwork I’ll have to return to from time to time.

I pray that she is in a happy place, in a much better universe. She will be missed by one more fellow Citizen Scientist. :pensive:


@DevilinPixy Yes, she did consider this community a kind of home. A place where ideas could be exchanged and opinions expressed in an atmosphere of respect and consideration. And, of course, a very fine place to ask questions and commiserate about NMS! TravelEcho did not engage in social media as a rule, and the fact that she did so here points up what a special place it is.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you the creator of some truly amazing interactive base constructions? She showed me a few of those over the years and they were most impressive!


Sorry for your loss, TravelEcho’s posts were always a treat to read, always so helpful to others and gave plenty of hearts like it was going out of fashion. Seeing the painting they sent to sheralmyst and the exciting creativity that spurned out of that is one of my favourite memories on here of recent time.

I’m sorry to say I was absent from the community during the diagnosis and had no idea until maybe a month ago after reading some posts, it kind of helped me with my own struggles, seeing how strong they were in the face of it , posting here openly and still loving this game and this community.

I lost my mother suddenly in February, I can’t even begin to imagine the loss of a partner but seeing my dad go through it these past 6 months, all I can say is their strength will work through you in incredible ways despite their absence.

Take it one day at a time, but I’m sure you’ve already been prepping for this… All my thoughts and heart beats are with you in this difficult time. If I can leave you with one thing from my own grieving experience this year, it’s that this community has been an incredible pillar of support wether you realised what I was going through or not. I dunno, maybe you will find it difficult coming here often since this was TravelEcho’s local too, but just know we are always here, even if we may forget to log in for a few months at a time <3

I think it’s safe to say we’re all very much family here, in this iteration and the next one.

It’s common practice here for churches to live stream funerals, services etc, I don’t know if TravelEcho was religious of any sect or what sort of arrangements have been made but if there is a way for us to be present in some form (no problem if this is a bit too much of an invsaion of privacy) I’d like to see them off <3

I do the same, I wish I didn’t but I think its a defence mechanism (living with mental health disorder), or maybe 2 parts imposter syndrome (how could I possibly console a person etc) which is why I could never respond to TravelEcho directly when they mentioned they were sick.


@stryker99 and @toddumptious Thanks for sharing your personal experiences and fond remembrances of TravelEcho. Your stories, as well as many others here, remind us that loss and grief are things we all share. Knowing that others have trod this path offers some hope that the journey does goes on, though it may do little to make it less painful in the moment.

There will be no streamed service or ceremony, but we are planning to put up a website to celebrate her life. I’m hoping it can include a guest book, where you would be able to write a farewell message.


So very sorry to hear this.
Sad for you & sad for our little digital community. I shed very rare & genuine tears upon reading this news.
I’ve been away for some days & as I’m sometimes inclined to do I’d, ‘switched-off’ all my tech to enhance my solitude, meaning I only just found out when I logged back in to my favourite little digital realm.

My deepest sympathy extends to all who knew @TravelEcho.


My thoughts and best wishes goes to the family.


@Mad-Hatter I still remember the story you wrote back in the relatively early days of NMS. It was a fun and at times moving read. Good stuff. I know TravelEcho thought so, too.