May 22-26 New WT Commands and Cont'd Dev Kit Arrivals

@toddumptious Are you able to use If so, in the upper right hand corner search for:
SJ 16-02 that’s the satellite’s name- as far as I know.

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Satellite is the same name.

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I was out. Brazil is living a Chaos right now, so I’m apart of ARG. We were out of gas, nothing at markets… A real chaos.

I spent 4 hours reading it to came here! Nice work, CSD. I’m sorry do not contribute.


It’s over Asia now, just follow the big red “dot”

Now you’re becoming ‘Paranoid’…

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I can’t see the big red dot lol

A nice summary of this part of the ARG. This concludes this section. Please move to New Email From Old Gods thread to continue the ARG

Later, clue 3 in the status command in the Waking Titan terminal had changed to a link leading to an About page on IBM Resilient’s website. It was found that one of the people mentioned on the page, Bruce Schneier, was the developer/designer of an encryption method called Blowfish, which is a symmetric block key cipher. This turned out the be the decryption method for the hex output of the base64 strings received from the Pastebins. The keys were found by solving the riddles from other glyphs. The glyphs were paired up so that the 12th glyph’s terminal command gave the decryption for the 11th glyph, and the 14th glyph’s command gave the answer to the 13th glyph. Glyph 15 was the outlier in this, and the riddle that gave its key was found in the 6th W/ARE development kit received by the Game Detectives. The solutions to the riddle were as follows:

From my red soil, four times rises Vulcan - Tharsis
Marked with honeycomb scars, I am the lowest of the low - Hellas
High up in the dark, a rising panic - Phobos

Once decrypted, it was found that the hex then converted properly into ASCII text, and provided more riddles:

Ouranos - Tharsis - The hills I have conquered honor the lost, who preceded my journey…
Nuada - Hellas - From these hills, I can see the headless horsemans lair…
Triglav - Phobos - With me, came great openings

These three riddles are referring to the Spirit rover that landed in the crater Gusev on Mars in 2004. The first riddle refers to the Columbia Memorial Station, the landing site of the rover, named in honor of the seven astronauts lost in the Space Shuttle Columbia’s destruction upon atmospheric re-entry. The second riddle refers to “Sleepy Hollow”, a small depression in the ground close to the Rover’s landing site that scientists took interest in. One of the rover’s aliases, MER-A was then found to be the deployment code needed to access a synchonization process on the uplink.satcom-70 website.


Right… with me came opportunity. Now i get it! :smile:


Hope you are OK. Be careful! I hope things get better soon. :blush:

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Great thread and exciting reading, well done guys!

“Sokath, his eyes uncovered!”


Thank you! Kind message! I hope it too! I’ll try to help you more this week. :smiley:


Is anyone else having a problem with the Myriad Dashboard freezing (none of the things moving)? I have to reload the site to even see the map; otherwise, it just shows the splotch, two orange dots, and some numbers.

The satellite finally passed the UK and I had .99 signal strength, I was given a sync code too. Anyone know what happens now or what I do with that sync code?


Nothing else so far. What’s important is to send the strongest signal (like the one you mentioned) and send it. Once your device is synchronized and the message is sent, wait for the next surprise!



Great thanks @arpoja, the red dot was blinking so all good. Looking elsewhere on the site, the code seems to be unique, or at least different to the one @Jupiter.blues has in his photo in a different thread.

I guess we hang on to the code for now then.


It seems that I can’t find the list with all the unlocked commands remaining… I know that @DevilinPixy posted a list but impossible to find it, anyone help?

There’s Tango, Nadir, whoami, but I’m sure there’s others

Is this the list you are talking about…?
Sorry, if it’s the wrong one.
Waking Titan - All Glyphs / Sigils / Passwords

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No it’s not that one, remember all the commands that are still locked ? lke tango or nadir? that one hehe :grinning:
But thanks anyway man!

saying to myself that before asking I should look at the wiki page! :sweat_smile:

Satcom-70-com is currently down.

Anyone can confirm this?