May 22-26 New WT Commands and Cont'd Dev Kit Arrivals

I did! Or trying. I think there are some messages missing.

1 - “W/ARE Tech support, how can I help you?”

2 - “Hello, uhm… I would like to have a follow-up on an incident related to your headset.”

1 - “On your W/ARE device?”

1 - “No, on my computer.”

2 - “Thank you for taking the time to update us on your condition. I see that you’ve ordered some of our exclusive blood thinners, did you follow the prescription instructions?”

4 - “Actually, I took an Aspirin, went to bed, and it disappeared over night.”

3 - “Were your sleeping patterns the same as usual?”

4 - “Do you have an approximate amount of time?”

1 - “Uhm, ten hours tops. This is very unusual to me.”

2 - “I see you emailed our department yesterday about the same inquiry. Do you still suffer from the previously mentioned symptoms?”

3 - “Can you identify where this feeling is coming from?”

3 - “Right side mostly, arms and legs.”

4 - “Thank you for your patience. I relayed a quick recap of your symptoms to our internal specialist, and your condition seems to be related to a mild case of brain fatigue. We suggest you take pauses between play sessions so your mind relaxes. If your symptoms persist, we suggest you consult a health specialist to make sure you don’t have any underlying conditions that could interfere with the headsets performance.”

3 - “Alright, thank you very much.”

2 - “6 - E - 6 - 9?”

The figures seem out of place at the moment. And perhaps the conversation doesn’t flow correctly until we have the missing audio from the remaining development kit.

But does a code appear to emerge from the re-order of the spoken audio files as they were delivered?
Possibly so far we might have:

1 2 112 434123343 … 2

This is all hypothetical of course and perhaps better brains than me can see a pattern emerging.
Maybe we are getting a telephone number or something we have to ring for a deployment code?


There are still 2 Dev Kits left. Good job! @ScienceofArt and @johnnycloud


Looks like we may be able to help Arnaud once we have all the messages. This is what we have so far.


Seems we need to figure out the medical condition and request supplies? I don’t think we ever solved that on the extranet, or did we?


Looks like another Kit has been received



A new suggestion for the audio script conversation so far, now with the 5th Dev Kit audio declared:

1 - “W/ARE Tech support, how can I help you?”

2 - “Hello, uhm… I would like to have a follow-up on an incident related to your headset.”

1 - “On your W/ARE device?”

1 - “No, on my computer.”

2 - “6 - E - 6 - 9?” Possibly an answer to a missing line requesting a Tech Support Reference?

2 - “Thank you for taking the time to update us on your condition. I see that you’ve ordered some of our exclusive blood thinners, did you follow the prescription instructions?”

1 - “I started a new game, played a bit, and went to bed after.”

4 - “Actually, I took an Aspirin, went to bed, and it disappeared over night.”

2 - “I never used them. This morning, though, my body feels actually stiff. Should I have taken them?”

2 - “I see you emailed our department yesterday about the same inquiry. Do you still suffer from the previously mentioned symptoms?”

3 - “Were your sleeping patterns the same as usual?”

3 - “I slept a lot, actually.”

4 - “Do you have an approximate amount of time?”

1 - “Uhm, ten hours tops. This is very unusual to me.”

3 - “Can you identify where this feeling is coming from?”

3 - “Right side mostly, arms and legs.”

4 - “Thank you for your patience. I relayed a quick recap of your symptoms to our internal specialist, and your condition seems to be related to a mild case of brain fatigue. We suggest you take pauses between play sessions so your mind relaxes. If your symptoms persist, we suggest you consult a health specialist to make sure you don’t have any underlying conditions that could interfere with the headsets performance.”

3 - “Alright, thank you very much.”


Any clearer on any patterns emerging in the order?
The order can still have a few variations and still no final Dev Kit to include.


6E69 is a HTML Chinese character.


Someone please get me up-to-date. What was the importance of the hex numbers in these Data Dump images? Note: Image 1 & 4 match.

1 Like

Image 1 - 65 74 61 20 75 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6e - eta unknown
Image 2 - 65 74 61 20 6d 61 79 20 31 38 2d 31 39 - eta may 18-19
Image 3 - 49 73 20 4c 20 50 6c 61 79 73 20 47 61 6d 69 6e 67 20 72 69 67 68 74 3f - Is L Plays Gaming right?
Image 4 - 65 74 61 20 75 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6e - eta unknown

It’s all detailed here:


Yes. For all things Waking Titan ARG related, see Game Detectives’ wiki on it. They are pretty thorough and detailed and they are constantly updating it with the latest information as the ARG goes by, including the photos and websites.

From GD Discord, “Ben” provides a good summary of open investigations,

heres my update on puzzles from nmscord
Current/Active puzzles to solve

  • Phone audio files. 5/6 phones recieved, transcript mostly rebuilt
  • Myriad app. Unknown deployment code, presumably unlocked from another puzzle
  • Medical procedure forms from devkits. Primary missing information is “current status” and “steps to follow”
  • Mercury Datadump analysis. Examine data dump (clyp audio files?) and send analysis to (Clyps from second document here: Dropbox - Client - 43617373696e69 - Simplify your life)
  • Request supplies form. Still has not been used, presumably waiting on correct pre-existing conditions (and quantity?)
  • Loop16 Voice Reconstruction. Unclear if anything to do here, probably just waiting.

Courtesy of PeacefulGamer


Arnauld’s Symptoms (So far)

Prescribed blood thinners
Feels stiff on right side of body
Aspirin made it better overnight (can be used as blood thinner)
In hospital now. Presumably unconscious now?
Last week - Heart rate and blood pressure were unstable

Vital signs have been very unstable during last week. Heart rate and blood pressure stabilized for two days.
HR: 57-62 bpm
BP: 110 / 70

If you are willing to help, here’s an update on Arnaud’s condition.
HR and BP still stable
EEG in high gamma zone at 82
Oxygen levels stabilized at 94%


He had a stroke. I’d say embolic (blood thinner helped). He had lack of movement on one side (sign of stroke), specifically the right. Combine that with the aphasia he expressed in the audio clips, and I’d say it hit the Broca’s area (left side of brain).


We have been given a bunch of sound files. There appear to be more to come. While we’re waiting for that. I decided to have a look at the ones we have.

So far, I have the following files:

Game Detectives - 1.mp3"
Game Detectives - 2.mp3"
Game Detectives - 3.mp3"
PoC2 - Audio 1 - Clyp.mp3"
PoC2 - Audio 2 - Clyp.mp3"
PoC2 - Audio 3 - Clyp.mp3"
PoC2 - Audio 4 - Clyp.mp3"
Sound file 1.mp3"
Sound file 2.mp3"
Sound file 3.mp3"
Sound file 4.mp3"
Stellar Software - 1.mp3"
Stellar Software - 2.mp3"
Stellar Software - 3.mp3"
Stellar Software - 4.mp3"
Summon Studios - 1.mp3"
Summon Studios - 2.mp3"
Summon Studios - 3.mp3"

I opened them up with a text editor. They all follow a similar structure - they’re MP3 files, created using one of the FFMPEG variants.

File headers all look much like this:

And file ends all look much like this:

I haven’t found any hidden text appended to the end of any of them.

Spectrographic analysis doesn’t reveal anything obviously related to text or pictures. I see this sort of thing:

The only thing I can find that’s in any way odd or anomalous is that they all have these curious dark bars (they’re actually blank areas - no sound) - but only in the very top frequency band. I have no idea whether that means anything or not.

So that’s where I’m up to. Nothing important to report so far.


What happens if Contact #3 never responds? Or are they holding out til the weekend?


Why do you think they gave us a software phone?



Those “black bar” are artefacts from the conversion to a mp3. That’s part of why mp3 is more compress.