Each file is supposed to be one sentence each, as per the request… no? I’m just reading off of the pastebin file…
Edit: @Polyphemus ok you’re correct! All the sentences are to be compiled into ONE file anyway! So it doesn’t matter how many sentences as long as the total matches the minimum requirements. I’ll edit my post.
We would like you to read the following sentence from the NMS Wikipedia Page; “No Man’s Sky is an action-adventure survival video game developed and published by the indie studio Hello Games.” , do you understand and agree? *
No, they don’t have to be compiled into one file. They have to all be in a Reddit Private Message to u/satcom-70
Meaning the links placed in the message I am guessing
Yes, I know. If we get more speakers, then some of the sentences will be redundant. But if everybody reads three, it gives us the best chance of getting 100 within the rules.
The background on http://satcom-70.com/ looks exactly like the picture and pdf we received. (Just a theory here) Could this mean that the picture and pdf from earlier in the ARG are actually predictions of the future sent to us from Emily.