That’s awesome Projectcartwheel lol. Thanks.
Just a quick heads-up, @Nightazure, as I’d not like for anybody to mistakenly rely on outdated info…
Thanks Argent-Star. There is a lot of outdated info out there.
I saw a few Lush in transit and I just found my new home it is categorized as a “Paradise planet” playing on PS4. I will say I traveled quite a bit to find it but it’s amazing. They are out there just tucked away. Pictures soon.
Are there planets that are still called lush, or are they now paradise, temperate, verdant, and incandescent? Grats on your paradise planet too!
I remember before next came out, I found tons of lush planets that had mixed purple, blue, yellow landscapes. They were absolutely stunning with lush flora and fauna.
Man I miss those so much.
Happy Traveling!
Thank you everyone for your input. I was getting constant crashes and I left my planet I was working on, through a portal and am over 300,.000 away from the core now. Before when I was having all the crashes I was 3000 to 5000 away.
I still have no luck finding any planets calles “Lush.” some blue grass, mostly red/orange/ green. No vibrant purples, yellows, bright blues. Mostly pretty dull colors. I’ll keep searching until I find those. I honestly couldnt’ tell you what galaxy I’m in. I am clueless to the names of them. I even took a portal to Eissentam (no where did it say Eissentam but it was lilgoober’s portal address from his video so It brought me as close to the core as one can get. No lush planets anywhere. I can’t tell when I’m going from one galaxy to another. My apologies for my derpness lol.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Screenshots v1.5
Last planet in this guys video is what I am looking for. They use to exist. Purple grass. It’s beautiful.
If anyone ever sees one, please let me know , so I know they still exist with the planet information too, thanks.
So now it is October and it isn’t that there are or are not Lush Planets, I have a string of them within 100 LY, it is just that most have Killer Weather. All of my bases are on have Zero Bad Weather Planets. Interestingly (well to me at least) my very last planet pre-Next had Squid, Beautiful Haulers, Great weather, No Fauna and the base was 20 seconds from the airport. Post -Next Still Squid & Hauler but Ugh after that. But 92 LY later I had 2 very similar planets with just Fauna do deal with. Base on an island usually fixes that problem for me. Water worlds every time especially if Nauticon arrives someday.
Ignore Paradise or Temperate as it is a useless guide. If it says Star Bulb give it a go. Many planets have said “Acid Rain or the like” before I’ve even gotten to land.Even if you just sit in your ship the Weather will change soon. Fog is the best for scary as you just don’t see anything coming and cannot see where to hide anyway.
Don’t believe all that “Stats Stuff”. Way too much out of date NMS stuff out there now.
Thanks TheQuillPen,
I will take your advice. I found a video of the landscape I loved so much before the NEXT update and sent it to Hello Games and did their survey. I hope they will put the colors back in the game as I miss them dearly.
Here is a video of of the kind of planets I had my bases on before the update.
If you know if any of these still exist since NEXT please let me know. While I love the update and I love NEXT dearly, I miss my bases with the landscapes like in this video. I’m moving towards the center of the universe, and will check out the planets with the Star bulb listing. Thank you! In the video is the planet with the dark purple/bright green landscapes that are the ones I’m talking about.
There is literally only four grass colors now and it appears there are no patches of color just solid colors.
I recently started a base on a “lush” planet, and there is nearly no variation to the grass. As you can see in this picture, it’s nearly all one shade of green.
I hope that Hello Games decides to add more grass colors. It’s been forever since I’ve seen really colorful grass.
The flora, however, looks great. I love the Star Bulbs.
Thanks for your input everyone. My advise is to say in the new survey from Hello Games, that you want the environment/landscape colors back. I sent in a request to them to both their bug report/issues and the survey, showing pics of one of my bases that was beautiful, as well as some videos of the colors before NEXT came out.
Supposedly they are going to add more diversity in the planets, in their next update which is going to be quite large I understand. They are going through the survey’s and looking at what we want and they will be making a ton of additions, corrections, etc. I hope by diverse, it means we will get our colors back.
Losing those beautifully color landscaped bases after they reset everything when NEXT came out, was almost a game killer for me, but I’m still hanging in there. I really don’t want to build any elaborate bases either until after we get back the colors too.
Keep your fingers crossed. I miss them dearly. The planet names that gave those colors were temperate, viridescent, iridescent. Now those planets are like SaraStarWind said, 4 colors. There use to be beautiful patches of purples, bright greens, bright yellow’s and pinks mixed in with green, and blue grasses. They had that “WOW” factor.
Happy Traveling!
I took a short break from NMS and just returned. I’m hugely disappointed that a recent update (1.58?) essentially CONFINES single player creative mode players to the Euclid galaxy.
In my last save, my plan was to make my way to Eissentam - or preferably to the lush/tranquil galaxy after that, exploring galaxies along the way by using portals.
Since HG has decided to remove the ability to build bases beyond portals, it’s pretty much impossible to do this. AFAICT, now, the only way for a creative mode player to get to the galactic center is to warp there. Since it’s ~700,000 LY from rim to center, this means 1000+ warps per galaxy (and Eissentam is 9 galaxies away from Euclid).
So basically, for creative mode players, the universe just got a whole lot smaller.
If I can’t explore galaxies in an exploration game (in “creative” mode, no less!), what’s the point of playing?
You can do the Artemis path which gives you the choice at the end. After that though, it is a lot of warping to switch.
They fixed a long standing ‘exploit’ to finally have portals work as intended, for visit only. In creative mode you are not limited to Euclid at all, you just have to do it as it is supposed to be done, by travel. Creative mode is intended to be free of cost, no risk, and does not include instant travel anywhere in the universe. If you wish to ‘explore’ then why wish for ways to bypass this altogether?
I suggest you find yourself a nice explorer or exotic. Install upgrades in both ship inventory and technology and you’ll reduce the amount of jumps required to about 300 (±2500ly each). Shouldn’t be too hard to do in creative and gives you more than plenty to ‘explore’.
I loved doing the Artemis story and missions even creative mode. I’m in normal now, and have been having lots of fun doing the atlas black hole hopping towards the center.
I use a great explorer ship with almost 100% hyperdrive I boosted. Got it from a korvax system.
Hang in there. This game is truly marvelous!
Well admittedly, 300 warps is better than 1000. So traveling to a different galaxy will “only” take 5 hours of real time - if you don’t do anything else (~1min per warp on my PS4). In normal mode, this time is certainly reduced by being able to use black holes… but in “creative” mode, there is no way to shorten this time. It just seems to me that if the game offers 255 galaxies, perhaps I’d like to be able to visit a different one in less than 5 hours. shrug
I’ve played plenty of hours of normal mode, and I NEVER used a portal to get to the center. I understand how this would be considered an “exploit” in NORMAL mode. But it does seem like for creative mode without black holes it’s an artificially created timesink for galaxy exploration.
You can’t use black holes in creative mode? I didn’t know that. That sounds like an oversight…
Although I have found black holes to be a very inefficient shortcut to the center in any case. A maxed-out hyperdrive is a lot faster.
There’s nothing really ground-breakingly different in other galaxies, though. They offer a little bit of gameplay variation, being either more hostile or more calm, or having more of a certain something, but nothing you couldn’t find in euclid too. And since creative mode makes most of the gameplay-related tweaks completely pointless (you don’t have to fight or gather stuff anyways), there’s really not that much point to going to them. Just explore euclid. You’ll see everything there’s to see.
After finishing the storyline in normal, here was my original plan for my creative save:
Travel to a lush/tranquil galaxy to explore, build bases, etc. checking out different galaxies along the way.
Since everyone who chooses the tranquil choice in the Artemis path goes to Eissentam, ideally, I wanted to travel to a different tranquil galaxy to settle in.
Prior to 1.58, I could have done this – even with portals to the centers, it would have taken quite a long time (it was taking me perhaps up to an hour of real time to get to the next galaxy using portals). It’s simply no longer feasible at all, really. Again, I’m only talking about creative mode. Why should it be EASIER to travel in normal mode?
Also, the ability to even choose a galaxy type in creative is dependent on doing story mode elements (the Artemis storyline). The Atlas path story is present in creative but useless because it cannot be completed (I still do it, because I like the questline).
IMO, a simple solution to those that think that bi-directional portal travel is an “exploit” would be for it simply to be locked (portal interference) until after the main storyline is completed. I have no problem with the limitation in normal mode. I think that HG just needs to separate creative from normal mode further, and provide a real exploration/open universe sandbox for creative players.