Loose Ends

im almost 100% convinced we cycle back through the existing sites again…

OLD ONES, rather than Old Gods, though it does sound very Lovecraftian. This one might be a coincidence, I’m beginning to think.

I took the Hamlet quotation to be a clue that the numbers we were voting on didn’t have a ‘right’ answer – that all had valid reasons to choose (not good or bad but thinking makes them so); we’d just get that number of keys.

(Or maybe we’d always have got 80 regardless – the figure of 100 keys that came of the next round of voting didn’t seem to relate to the answer chosen.)


Might be, though that clue was long before the voting. It is hard to prove if it belongs to anything in particular or not, but I agree it might be possible.
Then again, I’m not even entirely sure there wasn’t a “right” answer. :slight_smile:

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The waiting, it burns

Has the latest PDF been discussed anywhere? I can’t seem to find anything and there looks to be some cool stuff on it.

It is first linked here: https://forums.etarc.org/t/atlas-65-com-has-launched/1113/234 there is also some debate on it in that topic. It does however not appear to have a dedicated thread. There are however some topics discussing the open ends, like this one.

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