Locked Glyphs theories

It’s a mix of abstract symbols, celestial stuff (sun, moon, galaxy/blackhole), objects and animals.
Definitely screams ancient hyeroglyphs to me. From the ones who built the monoliths (fourth race?).

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Im thinking the pizza with the dot may refer back to the segmented hexagon on the WT page.
I do agree that it is very likely just a bunch of random interesting looking glyphs but it is also interesting to speculate if the masters had underlying reasons for which glyphs they ultimately chose.
Was it just for looks or was there a more involved reason.
The background of the hexagon was a mass of interconnecting shapes.
Perhaps the various glyphs fit into a bigger picture…?

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@raist the image was originally posted here: https://forums.etarc.org/t/mercury-subroutine-phase-1-all-sigil-and-glyph-solutions/1143
And appears to be made by @DevilinPixy
Perhaps you could edit the post to add that information. :slight_smile:

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Yeah I think you’re right and altho the answer might not seem relevant to the glyph I think the method to working them out does. Yes I do think @Mad-Hatter that looks like a fish and @Polyphemus looks spot on with that image, what is it/where’s it from? With regard to the box one as I think @Mad-Hatter pointed out, it looks like the waking Titan sigil pizzle image, the dot in upper left segment may be a clue that relates to the answer for that segment…maybe, nice work on the image with all glyphs @Polyphemus :+1:

Of course @Shota credit goes to @DevilinPixy for putting the image together :smiley:

@Raist @Shota @FRANK_CADILLAC No worries :wink:

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The picture of the two heads is the cover art for the Pink Floyd album “The Division Bell”

Hmm… Bells…


Something I forgot:

"Only the Traveller
could perceive the portal, though they
did not know how to step through.
They did not know the secret language,
the glyphs. They did not yet grasp
the price of the final truth."


Nice job @Polyphemus! The last one certainly seems portal-like.

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Yeah it dies kinda look like the top of the portals, let’s face it portals is prett much what this has all been leading upto.

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The dinosaur looks very similar to the long necked creatures that feature in the NMS trailer, and on the game box art…ill have to check the latter, with the mention of creatures discovered on the whois command prompts, leads me to think they are connected somehow.

Sixteenth glyph was in the middle of sygils, linking to this etarc forum.


What would you/anyone think that the 16th glyph looks like or could be in relation to ETARC that it was linked to?

Maybe a little satellite dish (for signals and radios)
Cupped hands maybe (as in homely company).
or possibly a tree. ( as in a point of growth or branches of development)

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Just a fact. There was a glyph once, linking to this forum :slightly_smiling_face:
it looked like a “Y”

Yeah could just be that, I’m tryin to find some sort of link to potentially give us a heads up to the remaining glyphs and there passwords, knowing the boat one was linked to the knot pdf

Best I can do, sorry. The original image was terrible.

Lost Sigil3

FWIW, I think it’s a tree.


The links to the images of the 3rd glyph still exist:

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This whole thing has clearly been planned a long time in advance. It’s delivered in stages, and each stage has a kind of “theme” to it. I think the glyphs may have been chosen because they relate in some way to that theme or stage - but not necessarily all in the same way.

So, for instance:

First glyph - rising sun - dawn - the beginning

But that’s just about how the developers chose those symbols. I thing the glyphs will have a greater significance, later on in the game. If you enter the word “portal” on the Waking Titan site, you get this:


I saw DaVinci’s hot air balloon design in the next glyph. 75b8ab72dd562623f3f13d6c15bdfb48--grande-arte-rocket-ships