Live Session with a Dreamer: 00:00 UTC Deadline!

Hi @MacForADay,

Forgive such a “late” reply – I’m “catching up” since I’m new-ish around here, and have been away the whole weekend…

I’ve just watched the 40min interview that @toddumptious was kind enough to share (right about your post to which I’m replying; here’s a direct link for your convenience.) and I think I have an answer to your Q re “What is the ARG for?”

I’d recommend you run the video, and just skip to, say, 37min, and listen to the last few mins, where Sean Murray discusses the “process” of getting involved / interested in a game before it launched – granted, this is AFTER NMS “launched”, but I’m taking a parallel, by using NEXT as an “upcoming point”, esp as it’s meant to be a major update / overhaul / feature expansion (etc) . . .

I can easily see that there’s a good chance Sean wants to “share” the kinds of feelings etc he had, and not just of “anticipation”, but interacting with others as part of a community, etc… and it will not have escaped your attention, I’d wager, how interactive THIS community is, in here.

I mean, I’m NEW-new, and have tried to “give back” even in my newness, and have managed to (feel like I’ve been able to) connect with several others “already”. :slight_smile: I will even go a cheeky step further, and suggest that the dozen-plus names I could mention I absolutely don’t need to – y’all know who you are. :wink:
(And Thank You ALL for such a warm welcome, as a newer participant here at CSD (ex-ETARC)… My first few days here have been lots of fun, in the way one might have “fun” sitting typing away at a PC… LOL) x

I hope, Mac, that perhaps my suggestion of “possible answer to your Q” offers at least 1 “alternative viewpoint” to consider. :slight_smile:

aka @Argent-Star :sunglasses: :+1:


EDIT: All Live Sessions from July 7th are now on YouTube

Eun Ha


There is, imho, much to say about today’s climate of “impatience”, thanks in large part, I believe, to smartphones, mobile tech, even Google etc, and the advent / development of “info at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime”.
Immediate Gratification has become so normalised that our younger generations (generally speaking) seem to be far less familiar with the concept of Patience.

I only comment on this, cuz contrary to your own position, @toddumptious, I’d be quite willing to see people who’ve left … actually “come back” to the game, find its changes, ENJOY it, and see for themselves where they went wrong. :wink:
(Hopefully they also go on to TRUMPET the brilliance in the update, too.)

I’d go as far as to say … if you’re familiar with Steam (etc), then there’s NO SHORTAGE of “alternatives” out there, for anyone who wants some form of gaming distraction “now”; and so many genres of games as to satisfy the hungers of a whole slew of different gaming tastes.

It’d be quite “easy”, in a sense, to “walk away” from a game for awhile, or even a long while, and get stuck into something else.

I LOVE space, I love sci-fi, and learning about NMS was like a DREAM come true for me, and I looked forward to it; but my system (PC) isn’t so strong.
I pre-ordered, but couldn’t play it when I finally received it. (I got as far as (E) and the “waking up in new & unfamiliar surroundings” bit, before it crashed out on me; I was never able to play it until months and months later, when I was better able – financial priorities otherwise precluding – to buy 16Gb of RAM to upgrade my system…)

I’ve still had to play on “low settings”, and applied various mods to aid performance.

Whilst NOT playing NMS, I’ve been in both Elite and Empyrion, to assuage my appetite for all things space. :wink:

I still came back! :smiley:


Thanks for your well-thought-out reply.

I see what you mean, based on the video, Sean is saying he would always want to stick with having a small team, but would like to interact with the community even if it meant adding some more people.

So basically what they did was outsource community management to A&S. Part of my frustration is that they seem to have also granted them literary liscense to write their own story for the ARG that isn’t necesarily canon to No Man’s Sky, because things never seem to match up quite right and the ARG characters even talk about No Man’s Sky (you can’t be a part of the origin story of a videogame if that videogame already exists in your reality).

So it seems WT and NMS are two seperate storylines that just share common themes and concepts. We are not really interacting with the developers of NMS, just an ARG company and getting small snippets of concept art that the devs gave them.


It technically could be the origin of NMS and have NMS be part of its universe if the game were a very accurate prediction of the future…but wouldn’t that create a paradox? Because if you know the future then you’d be perfectly equipped to change the future…unless you take a more fatalistic approach and say that everything is set and the future is pre-determined…like the notion of everything having a destiny…and that we are completely unable to do anything about it.


Also, if anyone is wondering where the links materialized from, the status output on Waking Titan was updating with links.
Edit: @LilLadyD76 see, I’m rubbish at explanations! :wink:

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OK, so I got side-tracked, watching Penn & Teller: Fool Us episodes… >_<

Final “catch-up” replies:

:: @SingularGleam,


Thank you; I found those “later”, and actually replied to THAT post, too, so you’ll have already seen that reply, I think. :slight_smile:

:: @DarthTrethon (& @LilLadyD76)

Trethon & D

Yes, Thank you – I read each one when I came across LadyD’s post, and it was of course handy to have the transcripts.
Re vid, yeah, after I watched 1, I figured there’d be no real point watching through the vids … EXCEPT that you can see, in one, where the channel-viewers were making suggestions, in the lower left corner … :wink:

:: @kyle-culver,


Many thanks for your shortlist of direct YT links.
To explain briefly, the in-line linked thread replies – mainly those posted by Singular “earlier” in the thread – now look like empty black boxes; I believe they may have been “current” links to Twitch feeds which – I only learned from someone else’s comment later – may have “expired”, which is why some ppl “re-post” to YT.

I had, since posting my first comment in this thread, then come across other contributions which allowed me to watch / read the 5 interactions. What an exercise; I thought it was a good bit of “trial run”.

THANK YOU, Kyle, for providing another “hot-link list of 5 Dreamers”! :smiley:

I’ve Bookmarked you-3’s 3 different “list” posts, for QuickAccess - Thank You!
(Still getting used to this forum interface… ha! bloody n00b… ) :stuck_out_tongue:

:: @MacForADay,
Forgive me not being clearer…! [ + ] Thanks, also, for appreciating my reply. :slight_smile: [ /+ ]


While, yes, I “also” get the feeling that Sean & Hello Games are keen on Community Engagement, of course, I was referring more to his own earlier experiences, when he was younger, of the interest etc he expressed about QUAKE, back in the day – that he was getting involved even before the game launched. :wink: :+1:

Part of my frustration is that they seem to have also granted them literary liscense to write their own story for the ARG that isn’t necesarily canon to No Man’s Sky

I would hazard a guess that HG gave A&S an “outline” & some “guidelines” in order for them to stay within canon as much as poss, but expand upon (any established) canon with a measure of artistic license, yes. :slight_smile:
I would generally agree with your evaluation, here.

[ + ]
Forgot to mention:- yes, I’m fully “on-board” with the concept that we are not likely communicating with ANY Hello Games staffers / devs, but rather A&S reps tasked to this particular (NMS / ETARC / ATLAS CSD) ARG. :wink: :+1:
[ /+ ]

= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
(Mac said:)

the ARG characters even talk about No Man’s Sky (you can’t be a part of the origin story of a videogame if that videogame already exists in your reality).

WHAT IF… :wink:

NMS does & did exist in the Dreamers’ “reality”, say, if they “experienced” 1.0x.
The Dreamers could then be part of the “Origin Story” into 1.1, 1.2…
Dial it backwards a bit more – say the Dreamers “experienced” an experimental, pre-launch version of NMS, which WE never saw, before 1.0x launched.
That would (better) fit them into the “Origin Story” of our experience of NMS.

Take it another step further / darker:
The Dreamers were “the first guinea pigs / test batch of subjects”.
Feedback from their interactions within the Sim informed changes necessarily made before the “next batch of test subjects”, in the same way that, in THE MATRIX, the Machines “lost entire crops” because the Simulated world was “too perfect” and was not then believable; so the Machines had to add in “imperfections” etc to stabilise the brains’ acceptance of such a “reality”.
Whether or not we are “the next batch” (though wholly outnumbering these 12 by massive factors), or a much larger Sim-experiment, following on from several “failed & tweaked” previous versions … may or may not bear out…


I never thought that we might be communicating with people in the past, there is supposed to be superluminal communication in this reality, but it seems unlikely.


If these “server-based” partial-minds - or, possibly, “echoes” - are only “recordings” or mirrors of past brain-data, then in a way we would be communicating (in the present) with a limited intelligence “echo, from the past”.

Like a “save game” from ages ago, which isn’t up-to-date for the “current” system, which might also inform their inability to recall certain memories etc – their “older memories” might even be “incompatible” with the current, “updated” system. :wink:


The ARG has been strangely quiet for the past 2 days. Maybe they are waiting for the Xbox Live show to happen today so they don’t distract from whatever announcement it will have?

Yeah hopefully the last 2 dreamers will open after that

Does this mean our ‘identity’ as one whole being is only because we are able to have one uninterrupted memory stream? Without memory we’d just be a mass or organisms using each other to survive? ughh


unless there’s something we haven’t solved yet? I don’t know…

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Yeah, probably preparing the second run of Live Chat Sessions. And we’re not. It’ll be intersting to see what happens, NEXT :rofl:

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I made two lists of info about the Dreamers and asked for someone to make another list of their dislikes and fears, no one has yet.

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@MacForADay - Not sure if you’re still doing this, but I’ve compiled the Live Sessions from July 7th here:


I need to run through the Dreamers interactions, since I’m a “latecomer” and haven’t done the original lot.

I’ll try to make a log of my findings to contribute, as you’ve requested, @MacForADay.
:slight_smile: :+1:

Dislikes & Fears especially, then. So let it be written, so let it be done.

Mac, can I be a lazy bugger and just ask you to please “quicklink” your previous lists into a Reply to me here? :wink:
I’ll be Bookmarking @kyle-culver’s post above this (mine), so I can more easily find yours by popping down 2 (or a few) posts. :smiley:


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We’re pretty much entering the realm of the philosophical here. There are people that hold that position, but I’d say it’s not that simple. For example, when we sleep, our memory stream is interrupted. Or if we get wasted or otherwise intoxicated, or receive serious bump on the head, the same is prone to happen. But we would not dissociate those periods from our identity. We might not be quite ourselves during that time, but we still accept those periods as a part of us.
Questions of identity really only arise if there is a serious and prolonged discontinuity during which we are concious, but do not have access to all of those memories (various types of amnesia or traumatic suppression). Or times when chemical imbalances in our bodies make us interpret these memories in a radically different way (endogenous depressions, some forms of neurosis, bipolar disorders, there’s really a whole wealth of mental issues fitting this category).
Even then we usually manage to integrate those periods into our identity once the phase passes, but we are prone to seriously question it during those times. Which just goes to show that there’s more to identity than just contiguous memory, since in many of those scenarios memory is not actually interrupted.

That’s why I prefer to regard identity as a problem of configuration, and in fact as a problem of the change of that configuration over time. It’s not just the memories. It’s the entirety of our bodies. In that way the argument sounds very similar to that of Mac, except that by “body” I don’t really mean matter. I mean the specific configuration of that matter. Replace all of the matter in the same configuration, the identity persists. Rearrange the exact same matter in another configuration, the identity goes out the window.


Just a question has the postcards on been discussed

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Yes. Everything there has already been used. It was part of the ware-tech, Mr Zheng part of the ARG.

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