Cool, but we can agree that the Vy’Keen way of dealing with them is with a Lance and Plasma Launcher. Grah!
I was shooting its legs with a boltcaster where it’s armor came off. Damage numbers appeared so I guess total armor removal isn’t necessary?
You’re damaging the armor…the actual head remains intact until all armor comes off I believe.
ohhh. that would make sense. I remember seeing a description somewhere that a piece of a walker brain was needed to craft something too. I forget what it was
The exploding drones frigate mission item needs walker brains.
Not sure if anyone else has stumbled across this.
If you have a small windowless base nearby, say 4×4 with two floors (could apply to any base regardless of size but only know from my experience ) and a walker is chasing you, you cannot hide from them in there.
They will continually detect you no matter what, works okay for drones and quads but walkers just circle Yr base, sometimea glitching through walls and shooting you.
So maybe don’t run and hide there if Yr in a spot of bother
This is not actually true…they do tend to detect you plenty but in the small one room factory buildings for example it is possible to find a sweet spot and run out the timer…if you manage that when you go out you’ll find the walker in a sort of off mode just chilling there…they do wake up and start scanning you if you get too close…I tried to jump on top for a picture, didn’t work.
But who needs to hide from walkers anyway?
A neat and easy way I found to deal with Walkers was to make a tower with he Terrain Manipulator. Use squares, set to max, stack 3-4 tall and then mine a small pit in the top to duck back in. The Walkers tend to get really close and face you directly, but the AI starts to freak out for some reason. Sometimes they will attack and there were times they’ve begun to charge their shot before stopping and just standing there, repeating that several times.
Doing this puts you almost level with the head, though. And the primary weak spot (far as I can find) is the very small, dark blue glowing rectangle in the very center front. I just feathered the trigger and it went down in maybe 1 1/2 magazines of a Boltcaster with 80 rounds to each.