Inventory management a mess ... (1.63-1.65)

With the new changes in 1.7 - The Abyss, inventory has somewhat improved?

At least all/any exocraft inventory is no longer showing for any quick transfer inventory available. Instead, it now shows exocraft within range, including available items for those. If multiple exocraft are available, it will only show the Nomad icon, but inventory for all those available (within range). This makes it quite confusing in my opinion, although I understand it saves on the amount of icons/list options required.

Now they have reduced the available transfer options to those actually available to you. Not sure why it includes my freighter though, when at my base planet side, as it is actually not an option for transfer. Oddly enough, I can however transfer items from Freighter inventory to my Storage Containers, when at a base having them at least. Of course I can then still get the items this way, even though not directly possible. … hmmm.

They also changed access to Storage Containers, to only be available at a base that actually has them. It appears I am now forced to build Storage Containers at other bases, if I want to be able to access them. This change makes some sense and is likely intentional. Too bad I never built my bases with this in mind …

Will update if I come across other issues/changes.


I do my refining on board my Freighter, but it appears they made some changes to inventories you can select to fill up slots for refining. I can access ‘All Inventories’, ‘Exosuit’, and ‘Starship’. Not actually sure this has changed, or if it just feels awkward because I have not used my refiners in a while. Exosuit and Starship makes some sense, with All basically being both, but why not Freighter or my Storage Rooms? Why do I have to transfer first, having access, to only then be able to use it. I mean, my Starship is located in the hangar bay down below, while my storage and Freighter inventory is even easier to actually get to, isn’t it? Oh well …


I was a little annoyed that I now have to duplicate all the storage containers on a freighter now. Was better before.


I agree it was certainly easier before. Initially you could basically access any inventory anywhere, as long as you were at one of your bases, sometimes requiring an odd workaround. This is slowly being dialed back to actually make more sense. Personally I feel they are going in the right direction, having more logical access to inventories actually available to you, which has likely always been the intention. I would rather have seen it being done ‘right’ from the get go, instead of the other way around. Somewhat annoying, but in all honesty, I am not complaining. Just a few more bugs to squash and some further improvements/QOL … :slight_smile: