Gaming Style

PS4 PRO -3 days! So excited!


Congrats! I’ve been thinking about upgrading but I’m not sure if it’s worth the extra cost since I have a 1080p tv not 4k. Let me know how it goes!


Will do mate thanks! The 4K screen will have to wait a couple of extra months, but step by step I really want to see nms on it’s best conditions!

That might sound geeky, but it’s been 2 days that I haven’t touched my controller … and my hands are like burning :sweat_smile: :fire:


This thread seems like the best spot to talk about this but it deviates away from the previous discussion. This is about immersion in NMS while landing at planetary locations.

When approaching a planet using an icon lock, I find the very direct approach feels like it isn’t natural. I like the feeling of approaching a planet more like I would in reality rather than coming in vertically then just slamming on the landing initiator.

This is what I do;
Lock in on target (or maybe just the planet in general) and pulse drive across the solar system.
While travelling, I adjust my fuel levels in my inventory so that I arrive ready to go.
As I approach, I may (or may not) scan it. I like surprises so I often don’t scan.
As the planet fills my screen, I flick my reverse thrusters (L2 on PS4) to drop out of Pulse Drive but still zipping along at medium speed but not having to hold the O button. This allows me to either skim the outer atmospere and not lose speed or just adjust my trajectory so as to land where I want.
I drop into atmosphere at an angle leading me short of my destination so I can fly in and level out.
This means I’m skimming along the terrain at quite a speed (equivelent to holding O) as I approach my target location. I love banking and barrel-rolling over mountain peaks while all the while still moving very fast.
At about 10 seconds out of my intended destination I transfer to holding cruise speed (R2 PS4) again flicking the reverse thrusters to slow down but avoiding the sudden slow down.
I then move in on my intended landing point for final approach.
At cruise speed while looking hard to the side at my chosen landing point, I circle in and then reduce speed by just tapping the thrusters until I’m barely floating forward in a decreasing spiral.
I tip my nose to pick my spot and tap the (■ PS4) landing initiator to bring my craft in for a perfect gentle landing.

The looking hard to the side seems to give the best view if using an orb exotic.
I use this same method of circling in when I don’t have an icon lock but am just picking a spot, say beside a lake or a good peice of flat terrain.
I’ve also found that having circled slowly, the ground features render in nicely which reduces wait time in cockpit once I’ve landed. I’m always a bit nervous about fall-through so I like to wait a few extra seconds anyway.


I usually land in the “atmosphere-skipping” fashion. I angle the ship so that I get a light atmosphere burning on the outside and maintain that glide slope under normal power. My target is usually on the other side of the planet so it really feels like I am “in a real-life landing approach angle” rather than just dive-bombing everything. But I play for fun, I’m not time-constricted, I don’t have a “nightly goal of…”, and I tend to wander around aimlessly…per my playstyle! -)



There’s something that’s really fun really love to do when the sourroundings of a base location allows it.

I’ll try to describe it the best way I can.

So far I do exactly the same. As soon as I enter the athmosphere I transfer the velocity to - cruise, having a look around and deploy a early scan as I already try to fly close to the ground, at the same cruise speed (important to succeed the funny maneuver later)

I won’t necessarly land on the first one that appears, the early scan is just a matter of population density identification.

As soon as I am calibrated on a close ground flight, I deploy my scan again and this time to it’ll be to land.

Here comes the fun part:

As soon as I see a base (pretty instantly), I I approach to the ground on cruise speed which is still pretty fast and when I am really close to the base (less than 10m), I do not brake, I just release the power and I full turn around the building creating a long drift (on ps4 both joysticks to add the side view)

The cool effect is that you make a looong speed drift with the back part of your ship and at the same time you can see the base slowly turning around from the front side view!

It is really a funny maneuver to do!

Edit: I will upgrade my post if anyone needs the list of controls / video :wink:


Sticking with personal methods of getting about in NMS, I’ve been thinking about systems exploration & I’m interested to see what other people do as their chosen routine.
Here’s mine:

I arrive out of warp in either my one of exotics and then aim for the space station. After checking for techs & maybe grabbing (& handing in) missions, I return into space. If there is a space battle then I usually call in my freighter so I can swap to my fighter since I’m still in the market for a larger capasity S class freighter.
Once I’m finished, I take my exotic off to the furtherest planet I can find. I then work my back towards the space station, picking each planet off as I go. I always B-line for moons along the way since they can hide sometimes. At some point I always locate a Trading Post and I’ll spend a bit of time ship-watching & messing about nearby.
I rarely try to refill my inventory materials in big doses preferring to opportunistically get what is handy as I move about and then topping up my inventory once I’m finished.
Another part of my personal routine is uploads:
I’m not fanatical about 100% planetary scans so I upload my ‘samples’ as I go along.
As I’m about to leave each planet, I upload that planets finds and the planet/moon name. If it’s the last planet in the system I also upload the system name before warping out of the system.

Things I might get distracted by and spend extra time for are :
Extra interesting or beautiful planets.
Looking for low lying habitable bases on ocean worlds. (Hoping to find a submerged one)
Sometimes locating & beacon marking portals & habitats on particularly attractive (to me) planets & noting them down (in case I choose to come back & have a base there one day).

I rarely stay on dead worlds and typically just do the old ‘touch & go’ unless I’m hunting for easy pickings isotopes.


With my restart in Euclid, I changed up my method. I decided to explore everything near my starting point. Thankfully, noone else had been there ahead of me. What this has resulted in is the exploration of almost exclusively Gek controlled systems. Almost all of the dialect I have is Gek. I am a 100% kind of person so I stay until I have found it all. This can be fun depemding on the planet. Some planets I hate to leave. Once I have managed the full discovery, then I upload and sometimes rename things. I mark Trading Posts with beacons so I can easily return. I try to craft and make some profit as I hunt for the rare creatures and I also try to get some good pics to add to my scrapbook. I rarely visit the Space Station first but, I do check it for any plans I may need and I usually try to fill a few mission quests before I go. Needless to say, I have not gone very far from starting point. That’s ok for now since we don’t know what the future updates hold. I also feel like I own this section of the Universe. :blush:


Lol some of your guys methods are so complicated but probably better. I just flat out divebomb the planet and crash into every single object and mountain available.


You must drive like my missus :rofl:
It’s not so much complicated as simply enjoying emersion:
Just cruising about enjoying the process makes each session, a chill out time for me. It’s nice watching each individual world grow and appear and become clear in its individuality.


Yep. Always.

Even already having the Achievement for finding all Fauna on 10 planets, I must get them all on every planet. Sometimes, though regretfully, the need to see what’s still out there to be discovered --the Explorer, wins out over the Completionist and I move on after too many hours planet-scouring.

I always visit the Space Station first, hand in missions, pick up new ones, check for tech blueprints, learn language, and most of all these days, ask for as many directions as possible to mfg and obs buildings. Then I launch out, scan all the planets/moons and pick the first of them to investigate. I pick a N or S route on planet and savour the journey, on foot, exocraft, or ship hopping, depending on the terrain and weather conditions.

I have finally left my farming base far behind, and have decided to dismantle it when I get around to it, and only have a small base on my freighter.


Meh, it depends on personal temperament I think. Having watched (unfortunately only a part) one of your streams, I enjoyed watching you having fun playing your own way.

I used to careen and crash into stuff a lot more before I got my sweet little fighter ship. I like it that now I can get lower, zoom in to see the ground better, and fit between crags and hillocks and other stuff that suddenly appears out of the blue (or green, or red, or purple, etc.) ;`)