Games and Game-Related old and new

Stretch goals for Firmament include PSVR. Help fund the project!


Gotten very addicted to this in the last week, avoid at all costs if you value your time. Actually burnt myself out on it :crying_cat_face:


So this is not a game but I have to share…who is that at the end!!! I jumped outta my skin!!!


Although my pc is in a crpyt somewhere .This caught my eye. Reminds me of a mix between Viva Pinata and Animal Crossing. Seems addicting and like a pretty relaxed game. May have to pick it up for the Switch the Fiance got me, I see now it comes out on the 16th for it.


Sounded almost like Palpatine to me. I wasn’t an enormous fan of the last Starwars but excited non the less.

Edit: Found this, looks like I may be correct. Who's Laughing At The End Of The Star Wars 9 Trailer? (It’s Not Snoke)


I can now be excited for this one

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I am an archaeologist. That’s what my university degree says. That’s what I spent four years on digs for.

Nobody handles a Munsel soil chart like I can.

OK, after that, I had to go do something else - nobody will pay you a living wage for being great on Munsel charts and flint tools.

AND today, I noticed a thing in the news - and I suspect it’s actually true. (Most “archaeology” in the news is the product of lunatics and self-publicists).

This news, however, actually ties in with the physical evidence. And has strong connections to Colin Renfrew’s theories of an independent genesis of metalworking culture in the Balkans.


Wish I had stuck with it. I could have been certified years ago. But, as you stated, you have to do it for the love of it.


If you enjoyed Cyan World’s Myst , Uru or Obduction the Kickstarter for Firmament still has 7 more days. They are at 65% funded.

Here are some links to game play. It looks awesome.


Looks like an interesting space game and has a free demo/key available (alpha 2.1 currently)

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Firmament has reached its goal! And I would post a screenshot but the ability to do so has been removed…?

Ok. I found it. The icon has been moved…:ghost:


I nearly bought this but went with Whispers of a Machine and Unavowed instead. Both incredible point and click games, up there with the Lucas arts greats etc.


Now that we reached the funding goals I can sit back and enjoy the updates and news on Firmament. I can’t help it I have jumped on the hype train! Cyan makes excellent games. My 2 favorite Devs are Cyan and HG!

If you are interested:


So nice that they expanded it to PSVR. I jumped on the train day 1!

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Around 1991 I built my first colour SVGA PC. For the time, the display was amazing. It was also fabulously expensive.

At the time, there was very little software that could take advantage of the new graphics standards. Then in 1993, along came a game called Myst. Good job I had fitted one of those new-fangled CD-ROM drives.

I was entranced by the picture quality of Myst. Unfortunately, the hardware available at the time wouldn’t allow animation of such complex images. You could have animated cartoon scenes, or still photo realism - but you couldn’t have animated photo realism. Still, it was beautiful.

I tried to play Myst. I could progress to a certain degree, then I got stuck. Then I got frustrated. Eventually I bought a printed guide (extremely limited internet in those days).

The reason I had got stuck, I discovered, was because some of the puzzles made no sense, had little internal logic, and there were no clues.

I made it about half way through, and gave up. I concluded that it was a very pretty game, but it was also very badly designed.

About 1998, I got hold of a cheap copy of Riven. I thought perhaps the game play had improved. It hadn’t - I gave up half way through.

Around 2005, dealers were virtually giving away copies of Uru (it had been supplied as part of a starter pack with a major manufacturer’s new PCs - but business customers didn’t want them - so for a couple of years, the computer fairs were flooded with cheap OEM CDs).

I made even less progress in Uru. My expectations were already set. I think I played about an hour and a half, before deleting it, and consigning the CD to my “too good to throw away, too bad to use” box.

When the newly resurrected Cyan announced Obduction, I did a little tentative research. It didn’t take long. I got as far as “You have to learn an alien base 4 numerical system”, before I switched off. No, no, no. Not for me.

So will I be buying into Firmament? I think not.


:laughing: I understand.
I know the games so well, I could play them in my sleep. For me, it was the story. Being drawn into a mystery. I read the books and they filled in the story between the games. The story is wonderful. I fell in love with Atrus. The Ages are exotic.
D’ni…a story of a people so wrapped up in themselves and their delusion of grandeur, that one woman is able to topple an entire society because she stood up for change. It is really a civilisation better left dead but also one that holds endless fascination. I think it strikes a cord with my love of exploration and discovery.
URU literally you are you, is not a game you can just pick up and play. By then, MYST fans could read and write D’ni. Being able to actually visit the place was a dream come true. The heart of URU is activating The Great Zero, a GPS like system that allowed navigation of D’ni. At this point, you really need to have read the books. The stories are very involved and complex. Basically, Atrus wanted to rebuild D’ni. He realizes the greed and lust for power that comes with the ability to write and thus control Ages, is just too much power for any individual to wield. Later on, the DRC (D’ni Restoration Council) attempts to pick up where Atrus left off. They soon come to the same realization. It is left to Atrus’ daughter, Yeesha, to set matters straight by handing the power back to where it came from. That is when you meet the Bahro. And that, is whole 'nother story. :laughing:
Here is my name (Cheryl) in D’ni and the first 10 numbers.

On a completely different note, from the makers of Planet Coaster and Zoo Tycoon, a game I will definitely get because, well…I love all the cuteness!


I enjoyed the books, too. I still have them, somewhere on my shelves. It’s Cyan’s games that defeat me. :grinning:


Not a new game but new info on an old game…:laughing:


And that, dear parents, is the reason why you should take care that your 5 to 12 year olds engage in varied, versatile activities. Specialisation can wait until after that.