Future Update Speculation


It could be an in-game NMS ARG which will lead to unlocking a trailer for LNF


Doesn’t the cowboy usually mean update imminent that day? This seems like a really awkward time in Guildford for release though…


Yesterday, I too chose LNF. Then I chose NMS. Conflicted, I then re-chose LNF. Still conflicted, I then chose NMS. Why? IDK, perhaps I’m crazy! Finally just grabbed a screenshot and walked away. :sweat_smile:

SM drops an earth emoji. :earth_americas: Only, this isn’t just any ordinary emoji, this is an earth emoji.


I recall them releasing at a funny hour for guildford once or twice, the cowboy can also sometimes come the day before, but in non-emoji form, so whose to say.

My guess is, internal checked out, uploading build to public as of cowboy tweet but could be today or tomorrow before we get it, I’m gonna lean towards tomorrow so I don’t sit here hitting refresh for the rest of the night :wink:

I haven’t seen the cowboy or the want conjurer thingy used by sean in a while and he’s used both for this one… I want to imagine its a small update but it seems I can’t help looking for reasons as to why it might be a special one XD


And there is always the possibility it releases to 3xperimental first…


:earth_americas: :earth_africa: :earth_asia:

Granted, earth emoji could still mean both NMS and LNF, though.

  • NMS update &/or expedition: Earth-like…

  • Planetary update, rotation, orbits, water, multi-biomes &/or universal reset, global saves, etc.

  • LNF release date, platforms, another trailer &/or otherwise, more details, ARG, etc.

After all, LNF was marketed as a single Earth-like planet…

Light No Fire


Developer: Hello Games
(Light No Fire, No Man’s Sky, Joe Danger, The Last Campfire)

Release Date: TBC

Platforms: TBC

Website: www.lightnofire.com


Light No Fire is a game about adventure, building, survival and exploration together. Set on a fantasy planet the size of Earth, it brings the depth of a role playing game to the freedom of a survival sandbox.


A Multiplayer Earth

Carve a life together. Meet players from across the globe, build a life, explore and survive together. Construct persistent buildings and communities, or strike out alone to discover the world for others.

A Procedural Earth

A truly open world, with no boundaries, at a scale never attempted before. A massively varied and dense planet filled with immersive biomes, unique enemies and valuable resources to discover.

A Fantasy Earth

Light No Fire presents you with an ancient earth to uncover. One where you’re not the hero. Thick with lore, mystery and a constant fight for survival. Inspired by the adventure, charm and imagination that we love from classic fantasy.

An Unexplored Earth

Every mountain can be climbed, and below them lie endless vistas, oceans and continents perhaps no others have seen. Who will climb the tallest mountains, who will find the deepest sea? Set sail across vast oceans and rivers, ride wild beasts through fantastical landscapes, fly dragons over undiscovered landscapes.

How many times do you count the word Earth? — 6, maybe.


Thanks for posting all these Xitter screenshots / direct links! Since Twitter started hampering anonymous users (I can’t navigate anymore from a direct tweet link to related info such as author info, comments, or follow-up tweets), I stopped checking for game news there. :person_shrugging:

When an anonymous user clicks a Xitter link, they see a feed with unsorted tweets randomly picked from before 2023. Basically X makes it purposefully look like the account has been abandoned in 2023. Are Xitter users like Sean aware of that?


Prolly not. :upside_down_face:


I find social media became useless/worrying to me back when FB got rid of its chronological feed and let the algorithm take charge and sort via popularity/engagement.

Sadly every other place soon followed suit, Instagram was my last refuge for a bit but that lost chronology to its timeline the second FB bought em.

It looks great numbers wise, very impressive for advertisers to see those bumps in engagement, but I find it incredibly abbrasive as a user.

It’d be like if the daily paper just randomly had news from weeks or months ago and also the sports and tv listings were in a different section every day.

Newspapers were old fashioned when I was growing up so this isn’t harping for the good old days, it just makes sense XD

I may have PTSD from social media, I think I just got triggered ;-;


Another twinge felt in the Force.


LOL. Gotta get that LNF tie-in.


@sheralmyst – “Africa,” by Toto!

“I bless the rains down in Africa, …”

Confirmed … Water update! WooHoo. :rofl:


Hope they got the pizzas in and the coffee on for the update eve crunch.

I wish I could like this post twice


POLL: Results are in, NMS by 51%. Tight!

Source: :link: x.com

  1. On the cusp of a NMS anniversary update (July, close to August, and Steam internal checks out)…

  2. On the cusp of an (eventual, someday) LNF launch (since announced at The Game Awards)…

Community is tore. Granted, while an earth emoji could very well refer to either games, the general discussion is that LNF SteamDB is quiet and LNF Twitter/X official is quiet (x.com/lightnofire). While NMS SteamDB and NMS Twitter/X official is active. So, at this point at least, we have no real reason to believe that there is anything presently coming for LNF. Soon maybe, but not right now.

We are left with this…

What could :earth_americas::earth_africa::earth_asia: mean for NMS?


They did a midnight push for a recent update too, didn’t they? Was it Adrift or Orbitals?

Edit: It was for Adrift, if anyone’s curious. Might not be a reliable indicator of a larger update.


You realise that the sentence “On the cusp of an eventual…” makes no rhetoric sense, right?


Me joining in.


Sean reposted the cowboy :cowboy_hat_face: