Future Update Speculation

I searched ages for a paradise planet with very short and infrequent storms to build my new base on. I had a planet that was perfect and Origins turned it into a maelstrom of lightning and torrential rains. Now I am wondering if it is about to happen again. :face_with_monocle:


What I imagine, and had mentioned before, I think its very likely that we’ll get a major update to planets at some point. Not sure if this one will be the one but I can see it happening at some point.

We already all suspect that NMS is a testbed for LNF and since LNF’s focus is on a single planet with multiple biomes and POI’s, its very likely that NMS will get something similar at some point to test that out.

I suspect that we may not be getting much, if any, terrain updates as I can see those being reserved for LNF for awhile. But I do see an update to adding features such as rivers, peninsulas, etc. (mayyyybe waterfalls but I doubt that one) and variety of plants and the A.I. for animals. Maybe even more animal variety.

But whole knows, this update might just be the exocraft wheels update and the only option is a round and blue set. :joy:


Paradise planets turning ugly has happened so often to me that I have started ignoring them. (Especially in multiplayer. Just go along with the planet that looks like paradise to the other player and smile and tank the environmental damage…) I am now fully on team Calcishroom planet! Don’t you dare change them, Sean. :unamused:

My association with :earth_americas: was also LNF, because at the first trailer presentation Sean said, he made a whole planet Earth. :person_shrugging: But I don’t play English guessing games - e.g. the hint for Origins was :tangerine:… Right. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


At this rate I’m starting to think it might be an LNF trailer or announcement of some sort. Theres been no updates to internal in a while and thats usually had some activity this close to a release.

I’m gonna play it safe and assume our next update for NMS will be closer to the anniversary in august

*hides in hole and waits for russian induced medical coma *


A lot of people seem to think LNF is going to release with this announcement… I can’t tell if they’re genuinely serious or not. I really hope not because that is expectations completely unchecked. You can hurt yourself with that sorta carry on, you should always wear elbow and knee pads when skating so close to the curb.

They haven’t even announced platforms yet, come on guys '^ _^

Moar Edit: Scrolling the comments, remembering twitter has gotten even worse with the climate musk created, is there a non shitty person version of twitter yet? Is such a thing even possible? Won’t assholes just ruin that eventually?

Some sort of social media where you get vetted on your online discourse… of course entry would be slow due to the strict vetting process, userbase would die and advertisers would pull out before it became a success…

So we’d need to use AI.

Cool, everyone just sign this waiver that will let an AI profile your entire online discussion history and, oh… that’s a massive breach of privacy?

Okay I guess we just can’t have Friendly Twitter. It’s just never happening XD

Actual Speculation from me, below…

So if this is the update that introduces cross save, I have one simple request.

Keep the platform saves together, but seperate. So whether I’m on ps4/ps5/pc/etc I can see all my saves for all platforms and maybe have them seperated by tabs.

I’ll even be happy if it just merges the saves from different platforms into a single file with yr free save slots taken up by ones from other platforms now.

My worries is it might be limited or restricted or require me to delete some playthroughs on platforms to make way for the new shiny cros save or that its limited to one save file per cloudshare


Haven’t seen that guy conjuring in a while, what a fun way to bring it back.

What was the old meta for those again? When we get three of the conjurers its go time? Maybe they only booked em for a one-off special guest appearance.


saw this user point out the LNF steamdb shows something was uploaded, so very much sounds like it could be a new trailer and details on LNF.

Moar edit:
Looked into it myself, seems the change is actually just a routine id change applied to several games by steam so this is more coincidence than anything.


Steam has the game off on 60%, seems to have started today.


It does seem like SM is pointing out the rotation.


I chose LNF just because… :laughing:


Well, I’m hoping whatever it is comes this week. Next week for me “looks bad” for any type of gaming.


SM worshippers seem to be manifesting Wednesday.


I noticed it yesterday and assumed it might be an issue on my end but it persists on both my desktop and phone.

The pinned LNF post on sean murrays twitter, the video fails to play back and gives a media error every time. Probably nothing, most likely twitter just xitting itself with all the freakin rollbacks Elon Musk does XD



Okay nevermind then, I guess it is NMS related :smiley: I’ve talked myself back down to Global Saves, see you next time maybe, LNF.


I honestly would not mind a galactic reset


I find they always deepen my head-lore for the universe and strenghten my immersion, like I’ve lived through a reset or found myself on the other side of a boundary and am in an older or future simulation.

I think a fitting end to the Void Arc and the game as a whole would be her return causing a “perfect” simulation that will end up being the sims final form. Though I am not apposed to more upgrades to world gen after this either, would just be a good time to do one.


Most of the reset panic I read about in posts related to those who build massive complex bases. They fear the base will disappear.

More likely: a reset that includes terrain changes might float or partially bury a base.