Frontiers Observations/Wishlist

Now if only game controllers had a microphone so you could dictate text for those new tablets (data pads).

My paranoia at hiding stuff when our house is empty got the better of me. I can’t locate my Xbox type controller (I used in infrequently but would like to try it on a recent game purchased.)

Hmm. I feel a Hello Games ZenDesk suggestion submission for tablets that accept text coming on. :smiley:


Nice idea. In Space Engineers, they have this feature: You can leave notes on datapads in cargo containers, beds, lockers, cockpit seats, etc. You can also buy datapads, they contain random messages and coordinates of NPC trading outposts. A streamer was creating encounters for other players, and he was collecting messages and short stories from the audience, for others to find later, it adds a nice touch.
If HG can handle comm balls that pop up messages, would datapads be much different? Admittedly a datapad visually needs a desk, and a comm ball is more flexible in where it can be positioned. Basically NMS has no persistent containers to leave items or messages behind, what is different in saving a base and saving containers, dupebugs…?
(In Space Engineers, there is no centralised match making, and every multiplayer game is isolated and hosted separately, so persistence is much easier, I guess?)


Suggest at:


Submitted :wink:


I love my new AI mech and Laylaps friends. However, it seems there is no way to make the AI “stay” without dismantling the AI…he follows me everywhere :roll_eyes:


Laylaps has a toggle to turn him “off” but stays in the inventory. It would be great if you could do the same with the mech.

(Yes, I finally got the mission to start and was able to build the mech yesterday)


Hmmmm…I yanked the AI motor out and the mech is still walking around… :ghost: It is alive!!! Where is the OFF switch? :laughing:
And while I am here, I have searched high and low and used a ton of settlement charts looking for a settlement on this wonderful planet I have found. It is heavily populated so there must be one somewhere…so my wish it that we could place a settlement where we want it to be.


With regards to base building and settlements. I like the settlements much more than base building these days. It would be nice if we could build those settlement structures anywhere there is a base computer placed. Perhaps build them the same way we do by adding materials and it gets buipt over time.

I use to love base building but with restrictions on time I havent done much base building so these prebuilt structures are a dream come true for me.


For settlements, I basically have three wishes:

One, only make a subset of them static and waiting for player intervention, while the others develop by themselves, or are static in some state of development, so that there’s more cool places to visit.

Two, connected to this, make Settlers like normal space station / trading depot / archive NPCs in settlements that are not owned by the player. Settlers in setlements not currently owned by the player have pretty much zero interaction value, making all but the one settlement even more uninteresting.

Third, make a development tree akin to the already existing crafting trees for building out your settlement, not just random “do you want this or that” events. Other random settlement events can stay, but should become a bit more meaningful. Some of them, like mediating a quarrel, are literally just clickbait…

I’m happy with the Sentinel update, though. It does what it’s trying to do pretty well.
It also seems to me that predators have become way more aggressive, which is cool. Might just be the planet I’m on, though.
I’d have liked them to also upgrade other combat enemies like creatures (give some of them some special abilities like camouflage, breath and spitting weapons etc) and sandworms. The monstrosities are fine, actually, if they’d enter buildings. Which they might now, I haven’t tried.

The only thing I’d wish for the sentinels themselves now is some way to counteract you entering the ship. Can’t they just start blasting the thing when you enter? Or, even better, they order in air support. You get in your ship, you have 10 seconds or so to get out again to cancel the order, or you’ll have some fighters bearing down on you. Time decreases with rising threat level. Yeah, that’s about the one thing missing from that update that I would have considered in scope (the other wishes aren’t really in the “sentinel” scope, so… maybe later?)


People need some way to escape the sentinel wrath. My new save cannot take much of these new sentinel waves without retreating to my ship. However, I do think our ships should take some damage if we just sit there. Taking to the air to evade detection I am glad for sometimes. Leaving the atmosphere before they call off the search still summons the space sentinels.


How about running and hiding? We even have access to a cloaking device now! :stuck_out_tongue:


One more thing came to mind. A small thing, comparatively… Could we switch multi-tools by pressing the number keys like we switch weapons in most other games? That would make things so much more convenient, and really lend some power to multi-tool specialisation.


I wouldn’t even mind a wheel like Horizon and the ability to switch, craft/recharge from there. Scrolling thru the quick menu is time consuming and frustrating especially for recharging in battle


Recharching is kind of ok, now that the thing I want to recharge is actually automatically selected most of the time…


I have to agree. The quick menu isnt very quick. I use a ps4 controller vs my keyboard so a button to hold that opens up a menu wheel of options would be a huuuuge improvement.


Yes. I use an xbox one controller. Would be nice
Happy Cake Day to @Jupiter.blues


Oh right, I forget that people play things with those impractical thumb-trainers… :grimacing:


It follows me everywhere. Make it stop.


How did it get in there??