Installing the Colossus’ refiner resulted in glitched icon for materials.
Was able to call in my freighter & then it instantly used my materials to build the refiner, without prompting for the materials.
Works ok once in but buggy to install.
Cannot summon land based exocraft.
Hologram remains red over any terrain & pushes through the surface prohibiting it from being placed.
I have a freghter summoner, a exosuit summoner and also tried the older radar dish summoner.
Forgot to check if the new suit tech works with the Nautalin.
(I think there us a larger ‘placement’ bug in general, as my partner said she cant place several decorative building parts)
I mentioned a similar problem in an earlier post. I can’t summon my minotaur. I just get a red image, and nothing materialises.
Used to be, if your exocraft fell down a hole it couldn’t get out of, the fix was to exit the exocraft, jetpack out of the hole, then summon the exocraft from the top. Now it doesn’t work.
Same here, Nautilon works fine though when near water 
I think theyre telling us to go into the Abyss. When we’ve seen enough new sea creatures they’ll flip the switch and turn em back on
This is also effecting things you place like Signal Boosters and Save Beacons, they phase through the ground and dont adhere to the ground terrain.
Luckily you can turn free placement on and have them half buried in the ground or floating in the sky, so still placeable somewhat.
The save beacon I placed this way I was unable to delete, recolour or move in the build mode editor, it could be picked up as normal.
Okay it’s all build items, base computers, floors, none of it adhering to surface, all free floating.
Good time to go build a base on surface of a water system actually
just remember, the bug also prevents you from deleting items 
@Mad-Hatter @Polyphemus after closing the game down and returning later, all of the above issues had ceased. I can place Exocraft/build items again. If it happens again a restart might do the job