Ta da! I have a Creative Mode base there at least for the time being! Mr Noodle’s holiday retreat is there in Etarcia ECSD on planet Polyphemouse… oops sorry! @Polyphemus ’ planet named - Mr Noodles ECSD.
Anyone can easily visit in Creative Mode and the base titled ‘Mr Noodle’s Playground’ - mouse wheel, is also in the Steam workshop on PC. I have no idea if a workshop item on Steam PC is downloadable to PS4? I would have built the thing in Normal Mode but in Normal Mode I am deep in an outer galaxy, so until I return… Still, it is easier to visit in Creative Mode or via the workshop.
Created in homage to the mouse in the Waking Titan ARG and Frankie & Benjy mouse of Hitchhiker’s fame.
If you do visit, look out for the Hitchhiker’s Easter Egg and there’s also a mini race-track if you get bored with the drinks…
I was there experimenting, building stuff so long I picked up that blue Squid Ship in the star system. The cheese kept me going