[ETARC HUB]: Citizen Science Frontiers Division CSFD

:star_struck: Wow, It took me like a year to get to Hilbert. You guys that our out there, just wow! @wyo @zsigmond

To answer your first question, You canā€™t be to far. CSFD (name pending!) will fill the gaps, and you may have noobs nipping at your heels in no time.

We will be gathering address for temporary post, and possible CSFD Outpost.

Also, Which platform our you on?

I was in Euclid for the last year also. Without any spoilers, thatā€™s not the case anymore! Now how do I work my way to my medium range goal of the 13th galaxy?!

Maybe we can work as small teams based on the galaxy weā€™re on. If someone moves on, they join that next galaxies team and if someone moves up, they join your team. Not sure how many of us will be in any given galaxy at one moment, especially beyond the first few.

Will look at more of your work tonight. I see youā€™ve been busy with the first post @Sir_oops!

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:thinking: I got to finish that campaign, at some point.

Makes cents to me.

Rip into it, let me know whats wrong or unclear.

I is try?!!:sweat_smile:

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Now the main HUB project is going to be working on the first 3 galaxies so will we limit our work there? We wonā€™t need a home system there will we? Maybe a piece of land where they set up? Now from galaxy 4 on up, thatā€™s a different story.

So are we looking at having a home system, planet, outpost or base on each galaxy near the center?
And obviously a portal at the home planet/outpost so others can catch up if they like.

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I think we should still have an outpost in all three. Not, sure how much real-estate is left in Euclid. Where-ever the CSD or Etarc Hub(s) sets up that will be Home, CSFDā€™s, home away from home, is the front-line. The Front-line is the galaxy we do not have an outpost on yet. Outpost system should be one jump from center. We really only need one planet, with a portal and the nearest base to stay unoccupied (I worry about this). But if someone wants to claim the system for CSD-Etarc, cool. You, probably, understood much of this already, just trying to reword it.


I have my eyes set on a certain 16th. I have reasons to believe there might be some Easter-eggs hidden thereā€¦ Might be a galaxy or it might be an address (more likely), but itā€™s thereā€¦ Waiting.


I havenā€™t really followed the base problems. What do we need to watch out for and is there anything we can do to prevent issues with ā€˜othersā€™.

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ĀÆ _(惄)_/ĀÆ

Idk, I think worst case, we would have to send people to the next closes base, and the next closes, etc. If we leave a communication ball (and flyers), asking people to be courteous, and quick, I think they will. Depending how busy the highway gets, we could just designate more bases around the portal. This all depends on if we make it public. Iā€™m think we should, at some point (like when we get a few galaxy linked), we make up a flyer and post it around.

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Just to clarify preliminary goals:
When you say outpost do you mean just a building with a place to land our ships or do you mean a base? Or both?
And then this idea would be replicated for each galaxy (one jump from the center of each galaxy).

So this system closest to the center and the ā€˜bestā€™ planet of this system would be our home galaxy system and planet (for that particular galaxy) and on this planet, it would obviously need to have a portal (ideally not too far from our base).

I havenā€™t played with the portals and bases (so we can get our ships) so how does that exactly work with passing travellers using the base? We donā€™t actually claim the base or we unclaim it when we leave?

Thanks for all the work @Sir_oops to get some preliminary direction going for us.

No, more then a system.


Kind of, CSD or CSFD(stationed) could setup Home base, and maintain the road/outpost, like making sure pilgrims can find bases to do the puddle jump and try to evict squatters. and they could spread out finding more portals. (i.e. adding more lanes). Iā€™m avoiding call an outpost a home, at least for active Frontier Nomad. The Nomad should be torn between the port of his heart ETARC HUB and the the sea that is the void of space (Frontline). Its like we are laying tracks, like the town ā€œHell on Wheelsā€ we follow as the end of the tracks move.

Hereā€™s the kicker, I havenā€™t either, I donā€™t even have one glyph (working on this tonight), Iā€™m relying heavily on this being true, Reddit - Dive into anything. claiming and unclaiming is part of it. The game probably unclaims a base when you enter the center, now that I think about it.

Can someone verify either of these points? Also, do Centers still work?

Your welcome, and thank you, and all that have been posting! :vulcan_salute::grin::+1:

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And unless someone knows something else, once we move forward there is no going back! So we will have no ā€˜realā€™ home back in Euclid because if weā€™re not in Euclid, we can never go back (at least without mods). We can set up temporary ā€˜homesā€™ while exploring a galaxy but weā€™ll never be able to visit our ETARC homes in the first 3 galaxies (except for those that are still in the first 3 galaxies.

Since Iā€™m in the 7th galaxy, Iā€™ll never actually be able to visit our future outposts/bases/homes in Euclid, Hilbert or Calypso. Just so people know once you move on, you move on! Unless someone knows a secret? There are mods like No Manā€™s Connect but as far as I know, once you move on a galaxy, itā€™s forward only!

Good point, I was going to use my survival or creative games to get to the Hub. Maybe we will find a way back out there. We should have a Warning about traveling the Highway. Also, this road thing should only be one part of the CSFD, not the whole of its existent.

Iā€™ve been playing exclusively in Creative mode lately. Since Iā€™m an explorer at heart, it suits me perfectly. No need to grind but you still get all the benefits of exploring, lore, missions, upgrades etc.

And no matter what everyone decides we want to do, it should be first and foremost, FUN!!! Not a chore or a grind but something, we want to do and the process whatever we decide, should go down that line imo. We all have other things going on in life that may take us away from this for weeks or maybe even months at a time. This is my quiet time of the year and then the first 6 months of every year, are the complete opposite.


PC, the only way to play!!! lol wife uses PS4


I will be moving to the next galaxy in the next day or two.
I will be jumping tonight for about 4 hours or more non-stop.
I will leave a communication terminal.

The system should be 1 jump form the center.
I will post information in a follow up.
Note: I have a pre1.3 S-Hauler, tech not available for systems scan.
I have not found the BP for the new tech that is available yet.
Jumping I goā€¦


ETARC should definitely have a presence in all galaxies.

I propose that the location of the system should be near the centre, to stand proudly amongst the other HUBS and organisations. The system should be named ETARC - CSFD Euclid Hub System and the Capital should reside on a beautiful planet with a purpose built base. This capital planet should naturally be called Edison

Other planets in the system should be named in honour after the founders of the original website.

I also suggest that each galaxy follow this convention and that a planet named Edison persists in each Galaxy.

Kikolgallr Galaxy 695732
Kikolgallr Galaxy 400481

It will take me about another 3 hours to center.
Should be about 100 jumps.

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Wait for me, wait for me lol!

Just enjoying my 2001 Space Odyssey planet early on in Bulludangr! Still 700k plus out lol!


I have over 70 anti-matter in my storage, I can go through another galaxy easily.
see you at the edge! lol


Hello everyone, I just signed up.

I got an idea but I donā€™t know if it is possible right now.

Why do we base, really? One point would be for everyone to get a big freighter (ok, cost a lot) but then why not travelling in group, Quarian style? And then we can split the fleet to explore different point and agree to a meeting point afterwards.

I donā€™t know if we can see one another, I am playing NMS, GOG version on PC and till now I met no one. Plus I started Atlas with a brand new game in survival mode ( does it prevent me from seeing other players in normal?)


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