Instigator’s bi-weekly report #4
Frontiers-Nomads, Citizen Scientist, and Founders?
The ETARC HUB has two new Instigators @Oshoryu and @Xion4012, They have taking torches up from the fire started by @SlowRiot4NuZero the High-Instigator, who has been trapped in another simulation. We look forward to his return, may he find our work Good and blessed by the (choose your god: 16, Emily, Atlas, Todd, etc.). PLease, look and follow their topics…
We have approved the measure of “One Outpost safe rule”, This will ensure that any member up to 257 can claim an Outpost for the CSFD, and that any member can not lose all their claimed outpost. They will always have at least one reversed. My question for the CSFD now. is this an outpost of their choice or should we let this happen by natural selection?
- Member with approved outpost(s) can put there seal on one of there approved Outpost that can not be challenged.
- Natural selection, Survival of the fittest. Let it happen naturally, whatever outpost is left last from one member.
0 voters
I have decide data entry for two list is to tedious. So, I have combined the two list TPL and OPL to just the OPL.
CSFD Outpost List (OPL)
List of all CSFD Outpost
We still need Outpost #1-6, and we missing #10. #10 may be an oversight by me.?
To see a filtered list showing only approved Trans-Galactic Highway Outpost go to menu bar |Data| then, |Filter views…| then, check |Trans-Galactic Highway Outpost|.
Current Trans-Galactic Highway Outposts?
Red_Genocide | 7)Budullangr | ETARC Embassy #1 [BAH] | 100 | CSFD @zsigmond | 30FF00007FFC |
zsigmond | 8)Kikolgallr | CSFDSTATION-ZIG | 3,001 | NonexistentParadiseCSFD-ZIG | 319201008001 |
zsigmond | 9)Eltiensleen | ETARC-Hezhou-GB-ZIG | 3903 | ETARC-Ubtsov-GB-ZIG | 120302FFEFF7 |
zsigmond | 11)Elkupalos | ETARC=Osekin-Gb-ZIG | 2,883 | ETARC-SatKaray-GB-ZIG | 11CA02FFBFFA |
10)Eissentam | |||||
zsigmond | 12)Aptarkaba | ETARC-Umidak-GB_ZIG | 3,201 | ETARC-Muglinski-GB-ZIG | 409003003007 |
zsigmond | 13)Ontiniangp | Dittenfe-ZIG | 3,509 | Goordteer Navis | 2049FDFFE008 |
zsigmond | 14)Odiwagiri | CSFD-ATLAS-Remyachi-GB-ZIG | 3297 | CSFD-ATLAS-lodi-GB-ZIG | 10BAFF004007 |
@Oshoryu is looking for #1
I am at the center of HIlbert Dim., ready to enter the center, I have one Outpost that is a candidate for #2. Take a look If need be I will find more, I’ll see how this vote goes, and try to find more. The center of Hilbert isn’t as crowd as Euclid, but unclaimed systems are still hit or miss. Anyone know a way of checking the system before jumping there. The “Contact” thing seems hit or miss, also. I could always find a few non-CSFD member claimed candidates.
2)Hilbert Dimension, SYSTEM: ETARC Numenor Andondi, DTC: 3613, Planet: CSFD Mellon [ETARC HUB]: CSFD Address reporting - #57 by Sir_oops
- Approved
- Disapprove
- Find more, keep looking
0 voters
Zig is in #20 galaxy going onto #21, now. and is traveling at ludicrous speed. Here are a few candidates for Outpost from zig.
15)Ogtialabi none reported
16)Muhacksonto, system ETARC-Riasaki-GB-ZIG, DTC: 3,111 [ETARC HUB]: CSFD Address reporting - #50 by zsigmond
- |ETARC-Somaebvay-GB-ZIG|2088FE005046|hot|
- |ETARC-Aifurmek-GB-ZIG|4088FE005046|Caustic|
- |ETARC-Tiyindg-ExtremeSentinels-GB-ZIG|5088FE005046|Dusty, water world|
- |ETARC-Horingar-GB-ZIG|6088FE005046|Hyperborean|
0 voters
17)Hitonskyer just system reported no planets
18)Rerasmutul, system ETARC-Nuangle-GB-ZIG, DTC: 3,038 [ETARC HUB]: CSFD Address reporting - #60 by zsigmond
- |ETARC-Bayase-GB-ZIG|3066FEFF8FFF|Extreme Hot Rain, Oceans, small islands|
- |ETARC-Moon-Beppusia-GB-ZIG|4066FEFF8FFF|Acrid, toxic|
- |ETARC-Zachron-GB-ZIG|5066FEFF8FFF|Hyperborean, nice place|
- |ETARC-Uacosteini-GB-ZIG|1066FEFF8FFF|Arctic|
- |Himaiut-GB-ZIG|2066FEFF8FFF|Toxic, bad place, extreme environment, sentinels|
0 voters
19)Isdoraijung, System: ETAR-Posakit-Rok-GB-ZIG, DTC: 3,204 [ETARC HUB]: CSFD Address reporting - #66 by zsigmond
- |ETARC=Humbutio-GB-ZIG|108B03003008|Floruishing, Good planet|
- |Extreme-Fire-Storms-GB-ZIG|208B03003008|hot|
0 voters
20)Doctinawyra, System: Korrekk-Beda XVI, DTC: 2977 [ETARC HUB]: CSFD Address reporting - #67 by zsigmond
- Lyakog-Lukup Eyndenna, Desert, 107F00FFC007
- Calamadeasoy, Extreme Sentinels
- Ikeaksumen Farg, Extreme toxic rain
- Licheloedko, Arctic, creatures want you for dinner.
0 voters
Well, that ones easy.
All other Topics still up for discussion, anyone can call for a poll for this week, next week no polls as usual.
Just another Instigator,
Sir Oops
Next report 11-6-17