Emily Glitch Video Analysis

No I’ve never heard of it either, I don’t have a PC so can’t even try it lol

no it is not weather balloon data, it is more of a shipboard radio broadcast

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It’s worth noting that Emily had posted on the ETARC news:

Can you do DSP with an Arduino? https://www.etarc.org/?s=dsp
Dan KB6NU, a prolific HAM radio blogger and technician, recently posted this article on using Arduino units to manage DSP audio playback. His article details his experiments and research into using pure Javascript to properly utilize filters for audio playback with this method, allowing the Teensy 3.6 Arduino unit to play back audio on its own without the need for another device.

Maritime Mobile Service Net Relays Distress Call; Crew and Vessel Safe
Calling out to the MMSN’s 14.300MHz frequency, the net control station controller on duty was able to be contacted, relaying their position to the US Coast Guard.

Not sure if they are useful or not, but they could be relevant?


Well, I have been thru a steep learning curve. Ran the mp3( thanks Malveka) thru a program for rtty ascii and some I don’t even recognize and came up zilch… :cry: (going to cry in the corner) It still seems like there may be something there…but it is beyond me…


I think that @sheralmyst, @FRANK_CADILLAC and @solarparty are really on to something via the Radioteletype (RTTY) idea. It just makes sense considering Emily’s background. More so, I feel like this would be a good topic for the Knowledge Center thread that she made because it feels like a lot of folks might gain some knowledge through some discussion about it. What it is, The History, How it works and How it has evolved due to Technology… stuff like that.

For now though, I found this-- Radio Teletype (RTTY) - Signal Identification Wiki
If you scroll down there are samples. I have been watching You-Tube videos through out the day and have learned that most amateur stations use the 45Bd. So, take a listen. To me it sounds just like Emily’s recent glitched video.

Edit: Also, there’s a list of decoding software on the bottom of the page. I think some are free. For example, Fldigi. I don’t have the knowledge to do this stuff. But, maybe someone on here can download something via their PC and run the clip through it.

In the meantime, I have reached out to someone that I think might be able to help with lip reading. Stay tuned.


Right away, I see a connection, she posted the Can you do DSP with an Arduino on April 7th, 2017 which matches the date of the Internal Memo from yesterday’s live drop. The document that was in the briefcase has a date on the upper right hand side and ironically Game Detectives did not include it via the typed translation.


:tada: sittin’ here cheerin’ you guys on! Go! Go! :laughing:


from looking at the sites here https://forums.etarc.org/t/emily-glitch-video-analysis/1793/46?u=duckduck i found this. its a similar pattern!



Yup. My thoughts exactly sheralmyst.
I’ve got nothing to offer but I’m intently following the Citizen’s analysis work with great interest.
Keep it up guys :nerd_face: :radio:


That pattern is sequence off-set. By adjusting the sequence it will be better to see.

I find 4 tracks in this audio file


What sort of tracks? Can you isolate them?

4 tracks that are on top of each other,
the track pattern repeats
that is why it sounds like morse code.
pattern I found
-… -,-- ,–? …-- , repeats

the above ? is hard to determine which way it goes
there is a pattern and it fades
I can not separate the layers, I do not have the software for that.
spectrum analysis shows the pattern flip flopping back and forth

Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?

Seems like something has been stumbled upon… well done!!




Well that’s definitely a pattern! And it just repeats from there? It doesn’t translate right to morse code, cause we don’t know when a letter stops…

biggest problem is the area ? that appears to be garbled or squished,

NI NM AM IM is one result
YJVB is the second result

second one is no good,
first one is

the beginning is a little mess up
NMS am I am is what I get from it

Yeah, I got some gibberish that started with a B…
Usually there’s a clock line or something that would tell you the beats, or something.
It might not be morse code either, but I don’t know what else it could be…
I’m installing Adobe Audition to see if I can play with the file any. Instead of sleeping…

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