ECSD Starchain

It is forever ours, regardless of what the Atlas has done to the names…post your pics of bases both old and new. Share your adventures in the Starchain.

The fishin’ is fine according to @toddumptious


Before they added more visible stars within systems, you were able to spot the star chain from nearby star systems.

This image is from 2018

I have tried on and off a few times in the last year but have never been able to find somewhere with a decent angle let alone even spot it amidst everything.

Gold Star to the first person who finds the Star Chain in the night sky again :stuck_out_tongue:

I will make a non-fishy version of the star chain as a handy future reference,


So there is some really weird stuff happening at the base above…an old base is creeping back in and I cannot delete the parts. It says there is nothing to delete…what did you do @toddumptious ? :rofl: :rofl:


I kept my arms and legs inside the Freighter at all times.

Last time I was anywhere near Edison was when it was re-uglified

and I had to close down my school for orphans again :(

The ruin turned 90 degrees so none of the build fits the form anymore. Gonna wait to see if it fixes itself (was the weird restoration of infested planets update they did in a post-Worlds patch, hoping that is a temporary thing until the other parts of the update arrive)



I remember being able to see the starchain while off to the side & lower down. I think I was out near @toddumptious’ ‘survival mode’ base at the time.
There’s a pic buried somewhere taken from on board my frighter.


We made a mistake giving out the location of the star chain before we decided what to do with it. Whilst only members can post on this forum, it is completely open to readers - there are an awful lot of lurkers, most of whom we know absolutely nothing about.

Consequently, while we were trying to democratically decide how we would manage an ETARC headquarters within the star chain, people we’ve never heard of suddenly started claiming and populating large parts of the chain. We were rapidly faced with a situation where we had to grab what we could, or there would be nothing left for us.

Then, while we were still discussing how we could manage the thing, Hello Games performed a universe reset. All the planets changed, many bases became unusable. The headquarters bases I had built were not compatible with the new universe setup, and I found I could no longer visit the star chain, or my game wouuld crash, corrupting my save.

It was a nice idea, but doomed by practicalities, and the unstoppable march of updates.


Yes. And the fun continues as old bases are popping up. Some half deleted some still intact. My original base was reduced to the comms left by the first visitors and buried deep beneath the surface.
It is kinda fun though and fits the Lore. Boundaries falling. Other simulations bleeding thru. And now we can have multiple player bases. Back then, it was a disaster if anyone else built on the same planet. So I think I will build some small camps up and down the chain.


We should have gone with @Oshoryu 's backup star chain or the Shards field of @Mad-Hatter and let the other one be a decoy for the lurkers.

By the time I got there I think I managed to find one blue star with naming rights yet to be taken.

@Jacob_2000_Lol seems to have named the majority of the systems and then the rest are INFINITEDEATHMACHINE and EPICBEARDEDMAN, whose forum names I’m sure are drastically different (thanks for keeping your name the same Jacob, we see you :stuck_out_tongue: )

It’s grand. I didn’t name any of the streets I’ve lived on and I’m doing fine… I mean, things could be much better. But that hardly has anything to do with someone else naming the roads? Or does it?! ;0;

That’s it, from now on if anyone asks me what the matter is my response will be “Well, someone we’ve never met named all those estates over there, and it’s been downhill for me ever since”.

Nothing greater for a man to do with his day than shift the blame :smiley:


It wasn’t that simple. We were trying to create the ETARC headquarters in a much earlier, much more limited, version of the game.

There was no multiplayer as such, and communication was difficult. You could, however, see other player’s bases (if you could find them). You could leave comm ball messages

You were only allowed one base per player per save game, and you had a limited number (5?) of saves. You could only build a base at a predetermined site. There was only one public (viewable) base allowed for each planetary system - so, for example, if I built a base on a planet, and uploaded the base, then visitors to the planet could see the base. Unfortunately, if another player then built their own base anywhere in the saame system, and also uploaded it, then my base would disappear from public view. It would still be visible to me, but visitors would only see the new player’s base.

The major driver behind the headquarters was so we could easily visit each other’s bases - and in each play session, each player only had one base. So if we all built visible bases within the star chain, we could visit each other, and leave messages.

But if non-ETARC players started claiming systems and building on them, our own bases would be overwritten and removed from the viewable pool. It wasn’t just a matter of naming rights - having outsiders building in the chain destroyed the whole thing.


I forgot this was back in the pre-bubble/post-bubble times '^_ ^ I think I used the Pilgrim pathfinder to make my way close to it in the lead up to Atlas Rises but then the Glyphs landed and I took the short-kzzkt-.

I just meant there’s no worry now in current version with the names being all weird, not that it wasn’t an issue back then. It certainly was disastrous X D


You’re right, of course. But the ease of current multiplayer game sharing, teleporting, and multiple base ownership, pretty much removes all the reasons we had for establishing a headquarters in the first place.

It’s now easy to visit other players - so easy, in fact, that many of us now avoid it. Back in the day, it was hard - we tried to find workarounds to the game’s limitations - and the star chain was an attempt at a solution. There isn’t really any need for it now.


In the current version of the game, I now find it nice to be able to hop to a base at a nearby system without having to portal jump. Feels cozy and neighborly. And I enjoy visiting other bases. So, I will star my starchain camps today. Hopefully, I will find some current players to build within sight of.


And to think I complain when I have to refuel the Portal I’ve built a base on, every time I go there, to input Glyphs.

How easy we have it now; Humanity’s expectations once again ruined by modern convenience :slight_smile:

Not entirely true. It’s kind of like taking out an old photo album. A snapshot, memories in the strata and other such waxing.

It’s also equally terrifying every time you see “Discovered 7 years ago”; it’s cursed by the haunting of time.

I think a Post-Mortem survey of the Starchain could be fun, I’ve got a bit of a bug since making the Fishing Map and the only remedy is more charts and data!

I’ll tandem visit systems on pc/console and make note of visible bases and any discrepancy’s. (today was the day I found out I’ve been saying INdiscrepancy my whole life and it’s not even a word. )

I started building some fishing spots up at Epic ZagarajoTash since it had 4 unique water biomes, figured it would be handy to be able to teleport to them as they would all show up in the list when in system and it’s quicker than teleporting to a base in a different system.

Snider has another 3 spots, 2 of which are not in Epic and they’re right next to each other. The two systems cover everything except for Odd/Haunted so it’s easily the best spot in the chain for Anglers.

I’m almost done with ZagTash’s fishing bases, I’d be happy to leave Snider for someone else but also, don’t let this stop people from also building more fishing locations in ZagTash, no need to limit anyones creativity to a fishing quota. We’re not Japan or Finland, etc :stuck_out_tongue:


There are thousands of words in the dictionary that are only there because someone wrote them down, once, 300 years ago. It’s entirely possible that when Samuel Johnson defined “scopcroffle”(1) as “Scottish dialect word for a device for removing higblooms from diseased sheep”, he had misheard the word from someone who was drunk, or mad, or taking the piss. But Johnson wrote it down, so now it’s a word.

(1) As far as I know, Johnson never wrote about scopcroffles - i made it up as an example. But just because it’s not a word, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be.

(edit) As far as I know, there’s no such thing as higblooms, either. I made them up, too.


(Drunk astronomer voice): An’ I name sis conshe–conshedelle–lellation–hicc… I I name it… hicc… Heavy Metal Guitar! Becauzzz y’know why? hicc… Becaussssican! (Falls asleep)


This picture hits even funnier because I came across a lot of stars in the clusters at both ends of the chain named after Legends of Rock during my cartographishing XD

I saw Mustaine ECSD, Claypool ECSD, Danzig ECSD, Malmsteen ECSD, to name a few

Sounds like you met this Drunk Astronomer :stuck_out_tongue:

According to the discovery information @LordMarkov is the Drunk Astronomer


I am surprised with all of the updates since then that the discovery information has remained. I always rename systems that I discover, and I couldn’t help but do the same here. My favorite naming convention was D&D creatures from the Monster Manual.

I actually cataloged a decent bit of information on each of the planets doing this for ECSD as a joint venture with the Spacing Guild (at the request of @MacForADay )


It’s a very unique feeling, coming across a decision someone made in a videogame 7-8 years ago.

I think it’s only natural we call that area with Mustaine/Claypool etc the Hard Rock Nebula.

I’d love a way to have a 3d interactive info model of a region,

I know I could use some Photogrammetry software to build a quick 3d model of the star chain cluster by just using a video of a few rotations (to avoid doing it star by star, lazy brainstorming here) or I could just do a simple attempt in Blender with spheres and hand paint the stars, the roadblock after that is I’ve no idea how to make something like that interactive and living in an interactive software engine, but it’s something I think about a lot.

The Galactic Atlas was close to what I was wishing they’d release but ideally I’d love an interactive program thats connected to Discovery Services, and shows heat maps of the galaxies, where bases are clustered, as points of data rather than a static image of a Galaxy.

I remember early on before release sean talked about how they were looking forward to seeing how discovery uploads will track players journeys towards the centre, and he thinks it will look a little bit like spokes in a bike wheel.

I want to see this visualised data Sean. Please gib me ALL the charts and print outs and oscilating doohickeys <3



Is there a way we could identify, then advertise only amongst ourselves such a star chain in a “down the line” lush galaxy?


DM each regular user who wants to be a part of it. Create a group.