Echo-64 has updated

Doesn’t mean they couldn’t upload the PDF, grab whatever the URL is (generated by Amazon), and then hide it in a site somewhere. They don’t need to generate the UID themselves to hide the pieces. If I were creating an ARG like this, it’s definitely something I’d consider doing.

Edit: Also, it is a valid GUID as long as it fits the pattern of (8 digits)-(4 digits)-(4 digits)-(4 digits)-(12 digits), where all digits are valid hex numbers (0-9, a-f). You can test yourself on that site you linked that even something silly like 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 is a valid GUID.

Well yeah… I mean it follows the rules. If you say the rules are that something has to be 8 regular digits then there are going to be all sorts of silly numbers that would be valid - 12345678, 11111111, 12344321, 13371337. There is no avoiding that - there is never a rule but it can’t look silly.

So why do you think it isn’t a valid possibility to keep in mind? There seems to be a lot of unused numbers on the echo-64 site. It seems odd for them to construct this entire site just to get us to the next password (which was unsettlingly easy to obtain from the main page). I’m not saying “2211” must be part of a PDF UID, but whenever we come across seemingly unused strings of numbers (especially including hex numbers) I just think it’s a possibility we should keep in mind.

Well it just seems like we don’t have nearly enough of them yet (especially not the long ones) and all the PDFs have been public so far (again does not mean it’s not possible). Emily made a numbers thread. We should probably move this theory over there to put it in one place at least.

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Maybe is the red herring and this 2211 stuff is the real lead. :open_mouth: And that girl asking for help is just a phony-baloney act trying to play on our emotions and distract us from the real secret…

Hello all, I just got into the arg yesterday but I wanted to point out that the area code to the Echo company phone number is out of San Jose, California. Looking for possible connections currently. Also the recording says it is “in transition and cannot receive new input Once it reaches its predetermined finite state, it can take new input and get back to you.” So I don’t believe there are any passwords that can be entered as an input has been received and it is currently transitioning. I get this logic from the way that finite machines work, they transition between predetermined states based on inputs.

However if this one is stuck in transition then maybe there is some way that we are suppose to help get it to its working state. Just an idea though.

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We do know that Instance 16’s status is currently Loop16 unexpected error.

So, I’m new at this ARG thing, but I’ve managed along so far. I googled Atlas Network and went to their webpage. I fully admit that this could be a real site, but I found it interesting that if you go into News and Analysis, there is a news story about Denmark. With the Hamlet reference, I thought maybe I had stumbled on something??

EDIT: The company is on wikipedia, so, not related. Weird coincidence. I imagine the Atlas Network will come up when goes live.

Hamlet is based in Denmark, the castle (Kronborg) is in Helsingør (Elsinore) “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark etc etc”

not that they did, but you can find a way to request a phone number from another place - Community Forums - Sign in to the Verizon Community - Verizon Community - so noting where the call came from is good, but reading it as exact location, I am leery until other pieces of evidence prove out. (although Echo does mention following HIPPA which is very close spelling to HIPAA, which is an American Privacy policy (which makes me suspicious going back to that Sesame Credit link mentioned on their site)…

I think the company is definitely american, and they actually meant to say HIPAA (looked into what HIPPA was cause id never heard of it before, and it seems like you could abbreviate it to HIPPA). It would also make sense in the context. Where exactly in america, it is hard to say at this stage.

Also the CEO and CTO went to CalTech, which is in California, so Silicon Valley as a start makes sense, but they mention the 5 international hubs (I think Geneva was actually mentioned) and they have the Chinese connections, so they are definitely spreading out across the globe… I wonder - how do their history numbers compare to those of Facebook and Facebook like sites?

Alibaba and the 40 thieves. Open sesame was the phrase to open the secret cave

I was looking into the grayed out companies near the top of the page. Found this. Icons look similar. Plus if you go to the website, their mission statement sound familiar.


I had a look. The company seems to be legit, and registered for a few years, so their involvement seems unlikely. Familiar looking logo tho :thinking:

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I phoned the number and said echo. However, that was just a test. What we need is a sequence that lasts 5 minutes which the game has already given us. How long was the music on the NMS tapes?

Its the Atlas Foundation. I have also tried searching for this but all I can find are a bunch of charities.

In the header image are five logos. The last one is the logo of “The Louis Creed Foundation”. Louis Creed is a character from the Stephen King novel “Pet Sematary”.

Doctor Louis Creed buries his son in an old native graveyard and he returns from the dead.

So I think this book could be somehow connected, at least it fits into the narrative of bringing back lost relatives.


maybe starting a topic with back from the dead and such themes would be good


The system is just a generic voicemail; there’s no audio recognition, unfortunately