Time for another voyage I think.
I’m leaving my home location in the Yibolak Cloud near to the Etarc Hub in the upper Alpha Quadrant of Euclid to visit the outer rim of the Euclid galaxy.
By using the Galactic map, I zipped straight out (well hopefully straight) from the area of the Etarc hub using the galactic map. Once I’d located the outer ‘haze’ of the edge of the galaxy, I hunted until I found a star-chain to explore (and possibly colonise) fairly close to the edge. This is about 900,000ly from the galaxy core.
In a region called the Sea of Ujjaru, I’ve found a suitable chain with an adjacent single planet star called Sosait-ljo XVI where I’ll hopefully find a usable planet with a portal.
I know the distance is about 193000ly from my home location and that with my currently equipped 'S’class freighter I can pull a top distance of 2500ly per jump. This equates to an optimum of around 80 warps.
Should anyone wish to see my progress using the Pilgrim Star App, I’ll take note of my location from time to time and include the co-ords in my account. I have no co-ordinates for my destination and only have a very vague and meandering galactic map trace-line to use as a general guide.
Starting point:
First position coordinates:
My intention is to move quite quickly so I’m aiming for single planet systems so I can make a quick touch & go discovery at a local trading post before jetting off again. I’m stopping at the space station at each system to check for tech and to do any missions that have particular rewards.
I’m also taking note of really good ships and will post pics over in the appropriate thread.
After many jumps this is my current location.