lots of cool stuff coming thats for sure.
Think I finally sorted out some stability in code again…Used a combination of partial classing and method invoking using predefined function name and guid combo. So in theory, I should be able to still read all versions, once I go back and figure out a way to add the couple I skipped after adrift…and shouldn’t mean much manual editing… argh Sean…you make being nosy a challenge sometimes lol
A quick showcase of the unfinished “MP_WHO” Nexus Mission. AFAIK, you’re supposed to extract a resource from the damaged machinery, go to space and have a space encounter, before returning back, all of which should happen after the looping bit you see me stuck in:
Bait items
This is from current Steam Experimental update, which changed these results quite substantially. I do have this for the current public release as well though, just not posted here and soon outdated anyway.
All ‘bait’ items (GcProductTable/GcSubstanceTable), sorted by rarity and size values (per type)
Note: These are just the values as shown in-game when used as bait. Still things to figure out when it comes to the full game mechanic.
Cheese and flesh stew it is…
Thanks for this list. Recipes are the one thing in NMS I fear I will never complete.
Caramel Ice Cream has the night lure bonus on current version, so I was a bit worried when I didn’t see it high on the new list here for experimental.
It’s moved to N/A
It no longer has a boost and has a similar percentage for rarity as it had before, I actually prefer this because I was catching zero Legendarys at night because of the night lure bonus
Bionic lure has been moved to top of the N/A pile which seems odd, I figured the idea was that through cooking and experimenting you would discover better lures for Legendary chance than the default fish lure given for it. Spicy Chum also not far off from Bionic Lures new rate either ;0;
I’ve made farms for both so I’m a happy fisherman either way, and I’m sure more balancing is coming over the weeks, months and years