So the cloud save icons previously found, I decided to look at the references and the Upload one is referenced in the UI elements, UI_PSN_UPLOAD_SAVE, with the crosssave boolean in the usersetings (stored in save file) its clear this feature is being tested, if not coming in part 2. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if it came with the expedition. And maybe the delay with xbox.
I have some Exotic Egyptian Serpentis Lipids for you.
Taken strait from the source. Pure, raw, clean. Guaranteed to smooth your skin and reverse hair loss. Can also be used as a body wash, cooking oil and engine oil and as a direct replacement for a blood transfusion regardless of blood type.
And just for you, ill give you a special discount. A 1 ounce jar goes for $150 but if you subscribe to the lifetime Gold Cobra plan you get a jar sent to you every month for only $50 a month. You wont find a deal like that anywhere else.
Edit: its not snake oil, this is snake oils Egyptian cousin serpentis.
So…we commit a killing spree of fish??? lol
Even a CarnageMode added to seasonal options: CarnageMode As Boolean
Current liquidation goal at %CMTIERPERCENT%<>
Do your part by liquidating biological horrors<>, sentinels<>, and the vile brood<>
Individual kills: %CURRENT%/%AMOUNT%
Current liquidation goal at %CMTIERPERCENT%<>
Do your part by liquidating biological horrors<>, sentinels<>, and the vile brood<>
Individual kills: %AMOUNT% and counting
Eliminate hostiles while piloting the Minotaur: %CURRENT%/%AMOUNT%
Board the Minotaur Exomech<>
Summon any exocraft from the Quick Menu<> (QUICK_MENU<>)
Grendades, Sentinels, Apex predators…Appearently if it moves…kill it.
I’ve had that happen while taking off. A large diplo got murder killed by the allosaur variant as I was taking off in my ship and the diplo rag dolled around my ship and got dragged for a bit, flew close to water and it got flung off into spaghettified vertices.
Im having a dilemma.
With adrift as most know they changed the order of the properties. For most of the stuff I read I don’t use MBINCompiler for one main reason. Up until Adrift I could read all versions of MBIN ProductData etc, So If I wanted to scan for changes version to version i could. To Get around this I added a SortWeight Float Attribute to keep properties lined up how they were and still be able to read all past versions as before by using partial numbers of the properties removed, example 3.001
keeping all current property whole numbers
But they keep changing the Property orders, so it broke reading all but the latest versions of things. Friggin sucks. I can’t have different sort orders for every version…I mean I would have to use an array of version/guid and sortorder…so it could be done…but after a few versions, reading it would be a nightmare.
Or I would have to maintain different class structures for each version.
Or maybe include a special instruction during reading to sort the properties based on a list of property names for each guid…probably the easiest, but having it generate this when reading the EXE and keep old code too might be tricky to automate and would mean a lot of code capture and manual editing…
or scrap reading past versions all together.
Sorry using you guys as my sounding board…work is boring today…on a “coffee” break lol
Managed to enable Purple Systems using a direct function hook to the running process, right now they’re hardcoded so that 0 spawn per region, but I’m guessing HG will give us ~ 50 or so when finished. They seem to replace existing Phantom Systems, but override the generation parameters of the System quite a bit, such as always being an abandoned system (mentioned in the MBINs), or turning every planet into a Dissonant World (specific exe function override somewhere). I noticed being in the Phantom System w/o the hook changed the star class of it and even the Planets generated which should only happen if the seed changes, or the code using that seed changes, so it looks like HG has a lot of controls over hardcoding and spawning specific things in these systems.
So if they’re introducing systems that they have a bit more override control on for conditions etc… certainly adds credence that the Atlas path will finally maybe have my dream possibility of actually getting to design our own star system some day? Everyone got their custom ships so I get my thing now? I’m just gonna keep dreaming and hope to one day wake up
The other thought I had was, if getting to handpick our own planets etc for a star system is a bit too gameloop breaky, it could be proc genned based on our actions and decisions up to that point, kinda like a personality test. So an aggressive players system might be more on the hostile side of things etc. It would be a nice touch to put us in the head of null. I asked the atlas what it thought of my journey and apparently it thinks I’m an asshole XD
Love the deep dive. I haven’t found much time to play lately, but all the enhancements and added lore may pull me away from other things I ought to be doing.
I’m still trying to finish the expedition. Busiest time of the year for me, and don’t seem to get enough time to do much. All I got left is the 4 walkers…1 down…so long to do…argh…
but did notice something today, steel reinforced plants?..i don’t recall this being a thing…haven’t had time to investigate, and since on expedition dont have advanced mining to see what i get from it…
And coding? in the middle of rewrite and brok everything lol
…Christmas is coming…Christmas is coming…