Datamining (Maximum Spoilers)

a grid? very interesting


What I really wish for is more control when trying to align things. Neither the controller nor the mouse allow for really precise movement. The rotation comes in too big an increment.


I just spent the last twenty minutes trying to get small triangular floors to auto snap together on a second floor exterior wall so this is a welcoming sight :grin:


I hope @Polyphemus is still with us and able to see all our years of believing HG was using NMS as a test bed for something new is in fact, true.


I was actually combing through archived wishlist and speculation threads from former updates yesterday and it was crazy seeing what everyone was asking for or predicting and how close or bang on the money some of us were.

Bookmarked a few of Polys, been meaning to post some well wishes with links to em in his health update thread to show how right he was about so many things :joy:

I do think heā€™s still lurking just not sure heā€™s back to gaming levels, has been on steam recently too if I recall <3


cursor sensitivity settings under controls affects both ui interaction and build cam. No sure if you tried adjusting it already.


Thanks. Will check it out.

1 Like

Next up: NMS RTS updateā€¦


A tower defence style mini game for settlements is something I would not say no to


Looking at all the creature typesā€¦I have been racking my brainā€¦ Brainless?

In fairness I dont think I have ever seen a sea snake or shark either lol

Public Enum CreatureTypeEnum As UInt32
	None = 0
	Bird = 1
	FlyingLizard = 2
	FlyingSnake = 3
	Butterfly = 4
	FlyingBeetle = 5
	Beetle = 6
	Fish = 7
	Shark = 8
	Crab = 9
	Snake = 10
	Dino = 11
	Antelope = 12
	Rodent = 13
	Cat = 14
	Fiend = 15
	BugQueen = 16
	BugFiend = 17
	Drone = 18
	Quad = 19
	SpiderQuad = 20
	SpiderQuadMini = 21
	Walker = 22
	Predator = 23
	PlayerPredator = 24
	Prey = 25
	Passive = 26
	FishPredator = 27
	FishPrey = 28
	FiendFishSmall = 29
	FiendFishBig = 30
	Jellyfish = 31
	LandJellyfish = 32
	RockCreature = 33
	MiniFiend = 34
	Floater = 35
	Scuttler = 36
	Slug = 37
	MiniDrone = 38
	MiniRobo = 39
	SpaceFloater = 40
	Weird = 41
	SeaSnake = 42
	SandWorm = 43
	ProtoRoller = 44
	ProtoFlyer = 45
	ProtoDigger = 46
	Plough = 47
	Digger = 48
	Drill = 49
	Brainless = 50
	Pet = 51
End Enum

hmm this one is also interestingā€¦ killtargets = Mechsā€¦not walkersā€¦cause walkers is there also.
Possibly this could be creatures targetting usā€¦but then why to Player target or NPC, gonna have to check where this is used.

Used in GcMissionSequenceKillā€¦So are we gonna be fighting mechs?

Public Enum KillTargetEnum As UInt32
	Robots = 0
	Drones = 1
	Quads = 2
	Walkers = 3
	Predators = 4
	Creatures = 5
	Pirates = 6
	Traders = 7
	Fiends = 8
	Queens = 9
	HazardousFlora = 10
	Worms = 11
	CorruptSentinels = 12
	SpiderSentinels = 13
	SmallSpiderSentinels = 14
	HostilesWhileInMech = 15
	CorruptPillars = 16
	Mechs = 17
End Enum

**Been drinkingā€¦maybe better look at this stuff sobber, before I think we can harvest cheese from the moon or something,

Yeah forgot about the damn Sentinel Hardframe Battle Mechsā€¦been ages since i killed them I guess lol


Hostiles while in mechā€¦


Iā€™m a little more concerned by PlayerPredatorā€¦

Keep an extra eye on Telamonā€¦ Trust nobody! Heck even I could be the PlayerPredator and I might not even know about it. Best not to believe anything I say. Except that part about trusting nobody.


Extract from source

<Property name="Id" value="BUGS_EVERYWHERE" />
<Property name="ForceOnDuringSeasons">
  <Property value="27" />


Could this be like weekend events that happen sim wide? Like, on Sunday between X and x time, bugs drop x item or bugs attack your location in waves etcā€¦

Guess theyā€™ve really been enjoying DemocracyDivers <3

I like the idea of ā€œseasonal eventsā€ but letā€™s hope itā€™s a toggled option so the chill vibe players can build and explore in peace :dove:


Oh, I am sorry, seasons are the expedition events. Our last Adrift expedition 13 (season 26) just ended. Season numbering is just different due to the re-runs.


Fired up my MBIN Dum for quick searching for files changed
No shock the PS5 Usersetting are there, been here for awhile, but this line stood out that was added:

**This was added for all devices, False for allā€¦what happens if that was changed???


My brains a bit over eager today, Iā€™ll have to be careful not to answer the door to anyone selling anything :joy:


Iā€™d saw some posts on Reddit about how the option for transferring your save to PS5 had disappeared from the ps4

I was thinking, with cross save showing up in the last datamine, that maybe itā€™s ready to go for Worlds part 2 but for now theyā€™ve just done a system wide deactivation and they kinda forgot about ps4s option for cross gen transfer.

This little line here might be the culprit :slight_smile:


Crosssaves are clearly a highly demanded feature, and would get a lot of sales. Many people would love to play on portable etc, but wont as its not main save. I own Xbox and pc copy. Never opened the xbox one. I have a Ps5ā€¦would likely buy a copy for it.

There is no paid micro transactions, so Sony shouldnā€™t care.