Datamining (Maximum Spoilers)

Theres new fields in GcCreatureGenerationData specific for Purple systems, and count / start properties for them in GcGalaxyVoxelAttributesData. Looks like the purple systems are treated by the game like Atlas / Black Hole systems, at least when generating. Some new creature types (like the Glowing Variants of existing fauna and the manta ray they just added, maybe?) would spawn only in purple systems. Also different weights for the heavy air effects when in a purple system.


Yes I was looking at this today : (Not Decompiler though lol)
Apologies not using C# lol: (Also Still fixing some data types…so this is still rough)

Namespace NeuralPathways.MemoryCentre.MemoryFiles.Unsorted
<NMS_MemoryEngram(Alignment:=4)> Public Class NMS_GcGalaxyVoxelAttributesData

#Region “Properties”
Public Property InsideGoalGap As Boolean
Public Property UnitDistanceFromGoalEdge As Single
Public Property RegionColourValue As Single
Public Property TransitPopulationDistanceRange As Object
Public Property TransitPopulationPerpDistance As Single
Public Property GuideStarMinimumCount As Int32
Public Property GuideStarRenegadeCount As Int32
Public Property BlackholeCount As Int32
Public Property AtlasStationCount As Int32
Public Property BlackholeIndices As Int32()
Public Property AtlasStationIndices As Int32()
Public Property PurpleSystemsStart As Int32
Public Property PurpleSystemsCount As Int32
#End Region
End Class
End Namespace

Namespace NeuralPathways.MemoryCentre.MemoryFiles.Unsorted
<NMS_MemoryEngram(Alignment:=8)> Public Class NMS_GcCreatureGenerationData

#Region “Properties”
Public Property BiomeSpecific As NMS_GcCreatureGenerationOptionalWeightedList()
Public Property SubBiomeSpecific As NMS_GcCreatureGenerationOptionalWeightedList()
Public Property AbandonedSystemSpecific As NMS_GcCreatureGenerationOptionalWeightedList
Public Property EmptySystemSpecific As NMS_GcCreatureGenerationOptionalWeightedList
Public Property PurpleSystemSpecific As NMS_GcCreatureGenerationOptionalWeightedList
Public Property PurpleEmptySystemSpecific As NMS_GcCreatureGenerationOptionalWeightedList
Public Property Generic As NMS_GcCreatureGenerationWeightedList
Public Property AirArchetypesForEmptyGround As List(Of NMS_GcCreatureGenerationWeightedListDomainEntry)
Public Property SandwormPresenceChance As Single()
Public Property LifeChance As Single()
Public Property RoleFrequencyModifiers As Single()
Public Property RarityFrequencyModifiers As Single()
Public Property GroundGroupsPerKm As Single()
Public Property WaterGroupsPerKm As Single()
Public Property AirGroupsPerKm As Single()
Public Property CaveGroupsPerKm As Single()
Public Property DensityModifiers As Single()
Public Property LifeLevelDensityModifiers As Single()
Public Property HerdCreaturePenalty As Single
#End Region
End Class
End Namespace


Ya know when you’re seeing if yr coworkers need anything and you walk in on something you can’t unsee? That’s where I’m at right now… Do I back out slowly and pretend it never happened or do I throw my two cents in?

Fuck it, we’ll do it live!!!

I hope these new star types are hidden and require you to do a scan like with echo seeds, so new players can be surprised end game by the sudden appearance of a new star type.

They’d be missing a fun trick by just having the world populated by purple stars you can see from your first foray into the galactic map.

I was expecting maybe new POIs and stuff for worlds part 2 to populated the new pretty with stuff closer to how quests might work in Light ano Fire.

A whole new star type? This is too much, we don’t deserve this, :sob:


Since they are purple…seems to me they are likely void mother worlds etc.


Me,the day before the update drops :slight_smile: it was wishful thinking but wow, glad I kept my expectations set to global saves. I’d still like those tho


I mean its called Worlds Part 1. I don’t feel this is the content portion of the update. graphics are always a bonus, but myself I want something I can chew on. Mostly only thing I bother with is the expeditions.

Working today (as usual) so time was limited to being nossy before work started drinking energy drink, but now that I mostly have all the structures and ENUMS pulled from EXE etc as soon as I get a free movement I am going to be comparing the changes to see what was added.


Well, we also have a lot of new ‘assembly’ texts. If there is any hidden jokes in there, you might be missing out!


Fair point lol.
But Lazy.
1 Click… Exe to code… profit lol
Except when Sean breaks things lol


Also incase others were dumb and did it the trial an error way (like i did), because again dumb. then metatestclass was renamed : cTkTestMetadata

All the datatypes now:
TestBool = 1
TestByte = 2
TestClass = 3
TestClassPointer = 4
TestLinkableClassPointerArray = 7
TestColour = 6
TestDynamicArray = 7
TestDynamicString = 8
TestHashedString = 10
TestEnum = 11
TestEnumUInt8 = 11
TestEnumUInt32BitField = 11
TestInlineEnum = 11
TestExternalEnum = 3
TestModelFilename = 12
TestTextureFilename = 12
TestFlags = 13
TestFloat = 14
TestID = 15
TestID256 = 16
TestLocID = 17
TestInt8 = 18
TestInt16 = 19
TestInt = 20
TestInt64 = 21
TestNodeHandle = 22
TestResource = 23
TestSeed = 24
TestStaticArray = 25
TestString = 26
TestString64 = 27
TestString128 = 28
TestString256 = 29
TestString512 = 30
TestString1024 = 31
TestString2048 = 32
TestUInt16 = 34
TestUInt32 = 35
TestUInt64 = 36
TestUniqueId = 36
TestVector2 = 38
TestVector = 39
TestVector4 = 40
TestIDLookup = 15
TestAudioEvent = 3
DocOptionalVector = 39
DocRenamedString64 = 27
DocOptionalRenamed = 17
DocOptionalEnum = 11
TestEnumArray = 25
TestExternalEnumArray = 25
TestHashMap = 44


doesn’t get much clearer than this (I KNOW, I KNOW…Supposed to be working shhhhh)

Public Enum NMS_RealityEnum_GalaxyStarTypes As UInt32
Yellow = 0
Green = 1
Blue = 2
Red = 3
Purple = 4
End Enum


Updated the rewards for the upcoming expedition


Updated the Quicksilver rewards

Do note how there is no shop 90 tier 1, which might have a reason.


Huh…yeah, never noticed that. Mine shows the same. Starts at Tier 2, nice catch


So, according to the server responses, expedition 14 should begin on the 24th of July at 1 PM GMT.


Nice. Love it.


Bake Sale? Yum! What are we raising units for? :grinning:



The hate and suspicion has gone on too long.


If no one has said it yet, i’ll say it.

Thank you all for your hard work. Glad there is a place to find datamined information.


New base building camera mode called “Focus Cam” with a more orthogonal control scheme: Focus Build Mode.mp4 - Google Drive


:heart_eyes: and it comes with a grid?
Great for really big builds maybe?