CURRENTLY RECRUITING: A HUB inside the Mercury Subroutine for ETARC

I know right?:joy: Itā€™ a really difficult decision.
Iā€™m still on my first playthrough, which I started on August 8th last yearā€¦ All the millions will be gone :sob:

I know Iā€™m right on the edge of the center with a lot of hours in but I want to restart just for all this so many new things and how many rare planets did I miss

Iā€™m also going to restart everything. The new Content is just toooo much. I want the full ā€œFresh Startā€ Experience again. but considering our plans for the new Hub, i donā€™t think it matters any more where you are in the game, becauseā€¦ Portals!!

yeah, bye millions of credits, base, all upgrades and everything. I have started anew. PS$ name is Tapichullo btw

Wow, with 1.3 it will be super easy to join the HUB :open_mouth:

In other news, recruitment poll closes in one hour :slight_smile: Next poll will be up in a different thread. Keep your eyes peeled! Weā€™ll be voting on Location and Platforms, which will lead us into the next phase next monday: Project Leader voting!

In parallel, we will be taking applications for our awesome Citizen Science Frontiers Division in another poll, which is also very exciting and I think the first initiative of itā€™s kind.

168 people signed up to be a part of the creation of the Citizen Science Hub Initiative. Iā€™m confident to say that this early in the planing stage, we very well may become one of the fastest growing, biggest HUB in the entire Mercury Subroutine in record time. Everyoneā€™s excitement for the project is inspiring. Thank you!

Iā€™ve also met-up with the amazing folks over at the Waking Titan: Citizen Science Division Discord room. You should all drop by and say hello, I think they secured us a very nice platform for chatting and plotting community objectives in real-time. If you need more information, donā€™t hesitate to give a shout out to @Bad_Television

JOIN: Discord

Donā€™t forget to read patch notes and watch the trailer for 1.3

So excited :slight_smile:

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Just noticed this thread! Iā€™m going to restart for the full experience since Iā€™m only 30hrs in about, but would love to join whatever hubs you guys create. Fairly new to the NMS experience, so most of the mapping and hub talk is new to me, but Iā€™ll be on both PS4 and PC now!
PS4: simplylucid
Steam: solentice

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Second round of voting is LIVE.

Go here:


Canā€™t seem to be able to vote on platform poll?

wrong thread.

DANG!!! Looks like the ship has already sailed without me. Keep me in mind for the next one.

given that there is this now

Should we call ourselves CSD-ETARC to there CSD-Hyperion? Or join them? or create a union with them so there is only one CSD HUB, with different faction, that represent forums. Them hailing form facebook, and us from ETARC.

Iā€™m a member of the CSD on Facebook too, this format suits me better than Facebook to be honest.

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I had discussed with SloRiot early on with regards to naming, that we should identify as the ETARC branch of the CSD so I think CSD-ETARC or something along those lines is ideal. Itā€™s the best way to preserve who we are and where we came from before this place gets turned into the CSD forums.


Iā€™m fine with whatever happens. Just buying my freighter while I wait. I will be setting down on the planet with the most extreme conditions when I reach the new HUB.

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I can not find this on Facebook, for the life of me.

Search for:

citizen science division

It has 158 members and the logo is orangey-yellow colour.

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Sounds good, so how should we tag a system or planet? I just want to tag the outpost for CSFD.
[CSD-E], [CSDI], [CSFD-E], [CSFD] should we make a poll?

Iā€™ve been using ā€œE-CSDā€ for a tag. But I like the poll idea.

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I would personally just tag the System as below or some variation thereof.

So on the Galactic map it would appear:

CSD - Whatever-name-you-choose System

This gives the discoverer more freedom with naming the planets without having to put the tag at the start/end of every planet or moon.


Agreed, and I believe SlowRiot4NuZero said the same at some point.