Not sure if helpful for PS4, but here is a direct link to the recorded stream:
CSD Games Dev Kit
Or the embed below:
Would the stats need to be recorded on the sheet you received?
Thanks! I was able to watch it, though the frame rate jumped around like crazy; PS4 just doesn’t play Twitch well.
Might not have been an issue on your end, as there was regular buffering throughout the stream for some reason. @bcatrek and I have done some testing after to change some stream settings and it should be fixed for a next time he goes live
Has anyone seen this?
It’s not connected in any way but maybe this whole W/ARE scenario is SM’s way of bringing attention to this sort of thing. It’s a Chinese company.
So is there just 1 dev kit left to arrive, or 2?
Just 1 left
They need to bring Arnaud’s Gamma down to 40Hz. That way he can slip into Lucid Dreaming and wake himself up! -)
What if we could carefully increase him past 100Hz?
Check this out. I think Arnaud has to experience death, and then somehow be brought back to life.
SO usually with a brain death…that is it. It isn’t like a heart death where massaging the heart, lungs, and jolting it with an electrical shock can restart it. When a brain dies, it shuts down impulses to other body parts…causing them to quickly die. Then the body starts to rot quickly from the inside.
The brain is the largest organ in the body that uses the most blood in the body. When other systems cease to feed that fresh oxygenated blood, the brain starts to lose memories and starts to decay…much like computer Ram when the electrical supply is turned off.
Bring his brain down out of a high gamma state to a lower state, which can induce controllable thoughts and induces Lucid Dreaming (where the Dreamer can control his dreams and can recognize they are dreaming…thus willing themselves to wake up) is more viable than taking a chance on “restarting the brain”.
Someone needs to go to Limbo and spin the metal top and remind Arnaud not to become an old man filled with regret…
Weeell… technically, he might be hanging around somewhere in NMS… Watch those travellers carefully!
Arnaud = Artemis anyone hmmmmmm???
So, does that mean Arnaud’s story ends on the Anomaly or is that what we are rescuing him from?
Artemis, interesting… In my latest played game version I let him/her die…
In another game version I let him/her be uploaded into the Korvax simulator by Nada.
Later on am having a few conversations with Artemis in which he/she tells me to be very happy in this simulation as he/she realized that all travelers are in a simulation anyway. So why would that of Artemis be any different.
In the game we’re all in the same boat lol
And am curious whether the Atlas will at some point die in the game in future…
Maybe when Sean finishes that Artemis storyline in Next and we break free from the simulation, thats who those 4 characters are on the game cover
yeah that’s very nice too
I first thought about a whole family exploring in space: pa, ma, son, daughter…
all still trapped in the simulation…
Would like to ask you a question: I’ve started a whole new game on a new PlayStation 4 (struggling to get used to a controller lol). I’ve warped for the first time and see a lot of planets with the word Contact attached to it. Does this mean that those planets are already discovered and claimed? Cause there are a lot. It’s becoming rather crowdy in Euclid…
tmk “First contact” is used for when you discover a system for the first time…
Ah thanks, on a PC this is not visible, so I wondered…