Community event returns you in Euclid when coming from another Universe!

Well I made a manual save beforehand in my galaxy, so as long as the game would load I think I would have been ok… Maybe :man_shrugging:

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True, as long as your manual does not get overwritten you should be able to reload it. This was one of the reasons I was never happy about HG making the location discovery an actual manual save back in Atlas Rises.

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I managed to replicate this on PS4 ,although just reloading didn’t trigger it.
Tried a few things but finally I went to space station in the event system got out of my ship and completely closed down the game. Restarted then went through the portal and I was back in Euclid.

As I wanted my games out of Calypso, thanks for the info @DevilinPixy


I closed out my game as well, so you may be right that just a reload is not enough for it to trigger. I assume you’re ok after reading your comment and just tested this to be able to confirm?

Haven’t the time till later to fully test everything’s ok. But I’ve buzzed about a few systems boarded freighter etc Seem’s fine, but I’ve plenty of backup’s including one made just before I tried this, in case there’s something game breaking.

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I figured you did have backups. Good to know all is fine then and being able to actually do the event without issues, as long as you do not close out to reload later

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It will be interesting to see how HG addresses this. Once you rewrite the saved game with a new and incorrect galaxy number, there is no obvious way to undo that change. Maybe they can walk through the data from your saved discoveries and infer what galaxy you were probably in previously and then change the galaxy number. Hopefully, they also ask for user confirmation before committing the galaxy number change to the saved game file.

Whatever they do, they need to do it soon, since more people continue to be affected by this bug each day.

From the latest Steam Experimental Patch Notes (31/08):