Sent a combat frigate out on a low level mission. Came back successful but damaged. I repaired the ship manually by landing on the ship, speaking to the captain that you are automatically prompted to do, damaged ship locations get marked and I head over and fixed them.
After I left the frigate,it was still highlighted with a red icon indicating that it was still damaged. I double checked and the frigate repair locations were not broken at all. I later assumed that it is just a glitch and its actually repaired but maybe the notification is just stuck there… I think I was wrong because I sent it out on a 1-star level mission and it was destroyed instantly at the beggining of the voyage.
I have one Frigate that says it is damaged but, there are zero components to repair. (Damaged :0) I even left and came back, still the same. I will check it tomorrow and see if exiting the game made a difference.
This is weird cause I had the exact opposite issue. As quoted from the ticket I sent to Hello Games:
When I repaired a frigate, there were 4 red damage icons. After repairing 3 of them, the 4th disappeared and the frigate appeard as fully healed. This made gameplay a whole lot easier for me (I didn’t the required resource on me and was planning to collect it separately first). Is this intended or is it a glitch?
UPDATE: If you’re on PC I found a way to fix this problem, but you have to download the new Save Editor and edit your save file. And it’s a little tricky, but if you do so here and install it, then
Choose to Edit the raw JSON
In the PlayerStateData, scroll down to FleetFrigates
For each damaged frigate (they are numbered from 0 to the no of frigates you own-1), set the following counters to zero: NumberOfTimesDamaged, RepairsMade and DamageTaken.
Maybe you don’t need to set all of these to zero actually, but I just did them all to make sure and it worked! My unrepairable frigate is now alive and healthy again!!
Unfortunately I am yet to find a workaround. I am on PS4. The ship is repaired and the distress beacon disapeared on its own after some time and the ship came back to my freighter BUT the ship is locked in a mission still and the mission timer is stuck at 52 minutes. Its been a day like this now.
July 30 Hoped the small update would help but my Frigate still needs repairing and the areas I need to fix still do not show up…so Frigate still broken.
Tried it and it worked for me!
I have another issue with my frigates though, doors that I can not go through even though I have before…I am afraid I will get trapped inside one of these days.
@sheralmyst I already am trapped in my freighter. Lol. I made a seperate bug post for it already. Ship won’t take off so I am in my frighter. I think if I join someone else’s game, I think that may be a way around this so I can escape but I haven’t been able to try this out yet.
Day 2, I have been trapped in my capital ship for 24 hours now. The sound of my freighters’ emergency siren echo down the halls. Blood-red lights flood the halls with each flash. I was not prepared for this. Food rations may be enough for one more day… Two, if I mix them with some water to make them last longer. I realise now that my focus should not have been on the technology modules but, rather, on focusing on the more important things such as safety measures… if only I listened… if only I created a warp terminal from my home base to my freighter like he said…
Sending a rescue team. Perhaps they can cut through the hull, however, they say it could still take days. Hold on! I am sure help is coming. In the meantime, I would keep looking for a hatch or anything you might be able to squeeze through.
I’m reporting this as well. Also going to try @bcatrek’s solution.
UPDATE: the mod does not work for me, just going to hope that Hello Games heard me.