Beyond BEYOND - wishlist

In a follow on from my comment over in screenshots regarding ringed planets, (since this wishlist thread is more appropriate to such rants :grin: )

The rings need a bit more involvement, with the asteroids found within yeilding something different; perhaps red rings might hold asteroids that possibly give oxides…sometimes.
Or green rings may sometimes yield gasses. Something like that…

It would be nice if sometimes the ‘roaming’ frigates & freighters looked like they had a purpose, (like mining the rings or asteroids), as opposed to simply showing up and floating about.

I know NMS is getting to the point where my little PS4 is working so hard it might accidentally collapse in on itself in a loungeroom wormhole but there are just a few more aesthetics I’d like to see tidied up.

I’d like the freighter landing bays fixed so that the graphics make sense. The clipping through walls by starships is very messy.

I’d like to have a camera option view off the exocraft which doesn’t spend half its time underground or obscuring the mining lazer target. Again, messy.

There is the clouds thing viewable in your freighter (when in low orbit) that must be complicated to fix since it still exists, given how bad it looks.
I’m sure twitter’s Fix Clouds! dude has piped up often enough about fixing it :grin:

It would be fun if monstrosities occured out in the wild sometimes: Randomly hit an egg in the grass while harvesting some dyhydrogen and all hell breaks loose :rofl:

I think the occurence of boxes and crates is excessive. Maybe on some heavily populated yellow star-sytem planets it would be ok to have lots but on the more extreme worlds with lesser populations, signs of habitation should be more sparce,… including less boxes.

It would be nice if ‘Damaged Machinery’ took on more than one type of appearance: I’m thinking a variety of wreckage bits such as abandoned exocraft, wrecked/rusted out starships, abandoned machines, bits of unknown junk.
Keep the icon (visor) and maybe the blue sparks but give more variety. Perhaps ‘abandoned’ type planets would have all sorts of junk left behind but little or no habbitation. Would be good for ocean planets to have this kind of thing underwater to encourage lots of Nautilin use since underwater is so beautiful now.

NMS has grown into such an amazingly immersive game and for me, tidying some of these things up would just round it off.

And thus ends todays rant :laughing: