Well, there can’t possibly be only one frontier in 256 galaxies, so…
Re: “Old” …one “leak” suggested that a Void universe would contain old type planets, etc.
What are “old-type planets” anyways?
Bringing back the old colors that have been requested?
That is what is mentioned. Bringing back the original style of planets which can be accessed via the Void by using your Living Ship.
Whether that is true or not, we shall see. But, just the name Frontiers has to mean something “new”. A place we have not been… whatever it is, it is exciting!
Happy Cake Day @Clemm !
Aren’t they back? Color variety has improved a great deal again since origins. The only thing that I’m kinda missing from the old days are the perlin worm planets, they were kind of fun, but on the upside we have a lot less random stuff floating around in the air now…
…and the tall pillars of elements.
Was it tall blue heridium or do I have the wrong element?
I thought the old color scheme was more of a pastel than now. I’m not great at remembering things. I swear the very first signs of Alzheimers (Old Timers) is starting to show.
But I’m only 54.
Correct on both above points. No Old Timers yet.
The original color theme was more like colorful SciFi book covers of yesteryear. Colors were vivid. Some considered them too gaudy.
Planet biomes had significantly less vegetation.
Fauna were not as varied nor as plentiful.
A later update made the color theme much softer and more pastel. Lighting in some planets made it look like dusk even at midday.
Since then the color theme changed again and brightness and contrast were adjusted. Too much so in regards to fauna such as Child of Helios, which lost the details in the “tentacles.”
But “old type planets” could refer only to the terrain look and feel. The " leak" may be way off base, too.
I’ll happily play whatever Hello Games releases, as usual.
Awesome, long term is still ok. That short term though…few minutes to a few hours, that is the most obvious.
Been thinking about that missing SciFi aspect that SM talked about. We are travelers/anomalies, right? We never seen what we look like without our helmets… maybe we’ll be able to see what we really look like behind the helmet? Mandalorian style. Lol.
This is not the way!
I’m afraid we would find out we are all clones.
Back in the day, @Sir_oops was doing this stuff. Prophetic, or what?
The spoken part at 28 seconds, was it there before, or was it added specifically here?
I think it’s saying: the negative energy is making us stronger, this band will not retreat.
Edit: before anyone tries to look too much into this (like me) it’s apparently part of a 65daysofstatic song [url]https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retreat!_Retreat![/url]
I don’t mean to brag or anything, but I did in fact inspire this update, (polishing nails on uniform). yup, all me (rocks back and forth on heals, looks around to see if anyone is buying it.)
But seriously, as far prophecies/speculations goes, I have no idea. I would think that frontiers would mean more to explore. Maybe, the diversity that every other gamer goes on about.
I miss something about version 1. Maybe, I just need fresh eyes.
Updated: whining was spelled wrong and sounded to harsh.