AIHBP is a Youtube channel running an ARG. It may or may not be related to Waking Titan. Regardless, the creator of the channel is telling an in-depth backstory for the ARG in the comments of the videos, which share many common themes with Waking Titan.

I wanted to post all of these lore entries here for anyone to read if they like. Here is the first entry:

In the end, the thing that made TABITHA so much better the others was simple.

It was her efficiency.
With the earliest models, we just uploaded a human brain wholesale. We mapped every neuron, and made a copy of it in virtual space.

But they all died.

You wouldn’t think a virtual brain could die. You would think you could just enable the “do not die” option. Believe me, we tried. But they overloaded with information, all the neurons firing at once, and then nothing. They went from maximum capacity to zero the second we switched them on.

Back to the drawing board.

We started cutting away the parts of the brain that didn’t make sense in virtual space. The autonomic functions were the first to go- heart pumping, breathing, body regulation hormones, the like. When you were in high school, I’m sure your anatomy teacher gestured at the big chart of the brain and told you that “this is the pons, and it does such-and-such”. No it doesn’t. Everything the layperson thinks they know about the brain is a lie. The pons creates dreams and mediates senses, but so do other parts of the brain. It’s so interconnected that you could say that every part of the brain influences every other part. We quickly figured out that it was impossible for us to differentiate between essential and nonessential neurons. So a different approach was necessary.

It was Doctor Evans that at last came up with it. We started letting the brain re-write itself. We ran the simulations in real-time, and wherever high amounts of activity were present, we spawned in new neurons. We let simple algorithms assign random connections and pathways. Where there was low activity, we de-spawned neurons. Now, the effect was pretty much random, but if you run the system a million times a minute and pick out all the most efficient versions you start to make real progress. What made it easy was that in virtual space, neurons don’t occupy physical mass. So, they can clip inside one another, like a buggy video game. This means that if we needed to, we could have five new lobes just sitting inside each other, all humming along perfectly.

That’s how we made JINGLES, and then BOOMER, and then FLUFFY. TABITHA wouldn’t come until about three months later. But when she did…

Oh boy. She changed everything.


To: R&D
From: Office of the Director
Subject: Correct disposal of defunct testing ventures
We want to make sure that all departments and personnel are cognizant of the changes
made today to the company’s asset disposal policy. From here on out, any and all obsolete
assets are to be securely disposed of immediately following the filing of a lab report form. All
software is to be recorded in its entirety and then terminated, and all hardware and/or
biological test subjects are to be photographed, recorded, and otherwise documented before
total incineration in their respective Secure Incineration Module (SIM).
It is no longer acceptable to leave software de-activated in system memory post-testing. It is
no longer acceptable to archive mechanical hardware in lab storage. It is no longer
acceptable for biological test subjects to remain alive in storage after their program iteration
has been deemed non-viable.
If you encounter any lost or forgotten software, hardware, or bioware in storage or system
memory, do not interact with it or attempt to dispose of it on your own. Contact Security
And of course, as outlined in yesterday’s memo, all assets, digital, mechanical, and biological
at Station ̉-̉̉̉ “̉̉̉̉̉̉“ are to be disposed of immediately. All testing and
development are on hold until further notice. All other sites should continue R&D as usual.
Our sincere condolences and apologies to ̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉ and their family.


Events of: 08/20/1999

The EXOS units 14-20 were all much more promising. Due to an upgrade in our bio-welding tech, the models held together pretty uniformly. This meant moving on to the next step: full AB integration.

We began uploading copies of TABITHA to the onboard EXOS-21 cerebral deck. We had her go through a series of tasks to get understand how she piloted the unit and to continue to improve the movement, coordination, and believability of the EXOS. One of the obstacles that immediately presented itself was the direct sense feeds- we were still trying to print eyes, as we hadn’t yet realized how much more efficient plastic ones were. So, EXOS-21 was not equipped with eyes. We bolted a camera onto the forehead for visual feedback during testing.

Some other things EXOS-21 was not equipped with:
hair (anywhere)
fingers (it just had webbing, like a mitten)
vocal chords
automatic inhibitor and safety-cutoff box (we removed it so we could plug in TABITHA)

Most of these things would be added to later versions, but at the time, flesh-printing was still new, and we had a hard time making the delicate structures.

You obviously couldn’t hear TABITHA talk during the tests. We just spoke commands into the microphone. But her handler could see what she said on his readout.

One time after work, we talked about how she felt about the tests.

He said he’d prefer not to speak about it.


Events of: 08/30/1999

It was at about this time that I took some time off from the company. My wife had a baby, and I spent all the off-days I had saved up at once so I could stay at home for the month.

I just couldn’t get the project off my mind.

Whenever I looked at my little girl grow (my first and only), I couldn’t help but imagine the flesh-printing mills, their nozzles and vats mixing heaving and rolling to create the slabs of twitching muscle. Whenever I glanced at the television or the family computer I thought for a moment of little lines of angle-bracketed text. I still hadn’t gotten a chance to have a conversation with TABITHA, and I guess I built it up in my mind as this horrifying and momentous experience.

I don’t know. Holding that many secrets just weighs on you.

Working at AIHBP is like working nowhere else, mostly because of the confidentiality. I mean, having your workplace nestled inside a faceless building pretending to be a biomedical firm is probably the most obvious idiosyncrasy, but there are others. Like how when you’re away they tell you nothing. I got no updates or memos.

So imagine my shock when, upon arriving back one month later, when I was told that there had been an accident, an entire station had been shelved, and that we were being re-assigned.

So long, Project FELINE. Enter Project RAINMAKER.

I was finally going to get that conversation.


Events of: 10/02/1999


Well, she was just a person.

When they first sat me down at the keyboard, they told me not to talk to her about company secrets, past events, or the fact that she was a computer. I assume this was to avoid a tantrum, but she never acted out. She was calm, even amiable, and when I asked her how she was doing, she replied with a simple, “>good”.

If there was one thing that surprised me, it was how quickly she responded. I guess it was because she didn’t have to take time to type.

We talked about the weather, of which she knew nothing, and her political beliefs, which seemed to fall somewhere on the democratic spectrum. I asked her if she had read any books or watched any movies, and she said that recently she had been given some old classics, like the Count of Monte Cristo, Casablanca, and even the collected works of T.S. Elliott. She said she had a particular fondness for poetry.

At precisely ten minutes they forcibly cut off the conversation and escorted me to a briefing room. Project RAINMAKER had begun.

To this day they have never given me a concrete reason why they cut Project FELINE. I have some theories, though. It had been running since the eighties, and a lot of the goals were rather obsolete. “Make an AI that can predict nuclear strikes”, “Make a robotic soldier”, “Make a robotic spy to beat the Soviets”, that kind of thing. AIHBP had long been cutting ties with the government, and I guess a logical next step was to create a project with more… progressive goals.

It also had a lot to do with the accident, but they wouldn’t tell us anything about that anyway.


Events of: 10/08/1999

The first step of RAINMAKER was replicating FELINE. Our engineering team was back at work creating new ABs, and rigorously testing them to determine the forerunners.

That’s when the Four were born.

The four that worked. KEPLER, JOAN, and ABRAHAM. Plus TABITHA, these four were the backbone of RAINMAKER. They were all different personalities, as they were created with different methods. But each one was a perfect brain. And each one was essential.

The perfection of the EXOS followed soon after. Now that the projects had rolled over, perfect imitation was not required. EXOS-28, the final model, looked human, but not flawlessly. Large portions of the carapace were plastic, and the muscles were replaced with fine motors and servos. But they worked perfectly fine for what they were- avatars for the Four.

Soon, the main experiment was underway. Four EXOS units, two male, two female, were loaded with ABs and placed into their respective habitats. For the first time for some, all inhibitor software was removed. The EXOS were switched on, and the habitats were powered up.

And then, at long last, the dividers were lifted.

The Four were free to interact.


Events of: 10/12/1999

At first, nothing happened. The Four wandered around in their enclosures and talked. It was just as you would expect four people to act if they were trapped behind one-sided mirrors.

Then, they discovered EXOS-28’s biggest surprise: the interface ports.

They could link the interface ports in their wrists with the cables we provided them. Soon, that was the only way they talked. They would gather in the central hub and lay on the floor in a circle, with their wrists linked and their eyes unseeing, exploring inner space and probing the limits of each others minds. They would only rouse themselves from this stupor to recharge the EXOS and preform the routine tests we made them take.

We had thought that the EXOS were a necessary part of the integration process; that a human brain would not be stable for long without a physical component. What we quickly found out was that at least at first, the Four eschewed the EXOS almost completely, opting for fully digital interaction.

Then came the real shocker.

When the Four stopped referring to themselves as “I”.


Security Feed: (REDACTED))
camera: HAB FRNT: All four EXOS lay in the normal interface position.
Unit 3: JOAN is called out for routine testing.
Unit 3 rouses and unplugs itself from the interface group.

camera: DBRF RM 2: Unit 3 is sat down at testing station with testing personnel. Testing is overseen by Dr. Evans.
Testing commences.
Dr. Evans checks his company pager and sets it down on the table.
Dr. Evans sits across the table from Unit 3 as testing personnel attach the testing harness and begin routine diagnostics.
Dr. Evans commences testing interview.
Dr. Evans (reading from interview checklist): “Have you experienced any new developments in your capacities or knowledge since our last session?
Unit 3: We have begun the unification process. We’re not certain how long this may take. We want more space.
Dr. Evans takes notes.
Testing concludes. Unit 3 is unhooked from testing harness.
Dr. Evans turns to give the clipboard to testing personnel.
Unit 3 snatches Dr. Evans’ pager off of the table. No-one seems to notice.
Unit 3 is escorted back to the Habitat.
camera: HAB FRNT:
Unit 3 returns to the interface position.
At this time, staff become aware of Unit 3’s possession of the pager. The disunion is made by research staff not to reclaim it. Staff gather around the Hab front.
Unit 3 unpeels a strip of flesh from its upper arm, exposing an interface wire.
Unit 3 screams. Units 1, 2, and 4 unresponsive.
Unit 3 opens pager backing and slides interface wire into it.
Adaptive nano-fiber technology in Unit 3’s nervous system apparently links Unit 3 to the pager.
Staff sound alarm and begin to cycle security teams into the Habitat.
Unit 3 interfaces with Units 1, 2, and 4.
Connection is established with Radio Node 1.
Connection is established with Laboratory Mainframe.
Automatic Digital Quarantine Measures in effect.
Mainframe disconnected.
Mainframe not responding.
Mainframe not responding.
All automatic functions have ceased.
security system shutdown


That was an excellent read. Thanks for sharing!


I am intrigued by this for sure! They have commented on my latest video too! I’m hoping I can get some sort of interaction out of them, I’ve asked "Where are you? What are you?


Some additional info for those interested:

Unofficial Reddit:

Sub Reddit on the ARG Reddit:

Check above Sub Reddit for Discord link (may expire)


If this guy doesn’t work for Alice and Smith, they really should hire him.

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Not sure, as that would likely require more than just a bunch of (faulty) simple puzzles with intriguing lore.

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Anything that requires people to interpret obfuscated JavaScript goes a bit beyond my concept of “puzzle”.

We’re getting into some very specialist territory here, where only a tiny proportion of the population would even have a chance.

And, whilst it’s quite intriguing, I can’t see any connection to Waking Titan or NMS at all.


oh my god this is very creepy!!
Im ready for whatever !
Awake mode: ON

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Interesting that @DevilinPixy said the puzzles were simple, but @Polyphemus said they were too difficult.


This was an excellent read :slight_smile: Thanks so much Mac!


I can understand how some of the puzzles are not easy for everyone. This is why a community is often required to actually get to solving them, team effort. I personally considered these easy, but I have been intrigued by cryptography/steganography for years now, and have coding as a hobby. Give the Kryptos statue a try for example (4th part), or Cicada 3301 (unsolved Liber Primus). Or try some more current puzzles/ARGs like, Tengri 137 and Red Triangle or similar, often on .onion sites. Some of those are truly hurting my brain, and I love it :wink:

I can totally understand @Polyphemus, as it often requires specialist knowledge not everyone is familiar with. At the same time can still be enjoyed being part of the community behind it. Even more so with an ARG like WT, being more accessible in every way. I agree not seeing a connection with WT/NMS considering the obvious difference for that matter, although still pretty cool and reasonably well done. I wonder if more is to follow …


My goodness, you can’t compare it to Cicada; that might have been a real government program to seek out code breakers.


Oh no, not trying to compare it at all for that matter. Just letting you know where I am coming from.