Ever since the release of v1.3 I’ve been fascinated by the portal functionality and have spent quite some time slowly exploring planets as I discover new glyphs. However, a problem I’ve noticed is that there is currently no in-game mechanic to track/store/share portal addresses. As a result I’ve seen many threads started where people post screenshots of their portal address but I’ve found these threads to be of very limited usefulness for the following reasons:
- Discoveries and bases are not shared between PC and PS4
- Bases are not shared between different game modes, even on the same platform (correct me if I’m wrong)
- Portal address will lead to different types of planets depending on the galaxy seed
- People don’t tend to include many details with each address
In order to track my own portal explorations I created a website The Portal Repository to log my travels. The site uses the WordPress Content Management System (CMS) to properly categorize and keyword tag each portal address by platform (PC vs PS4), game mode (Normal, Creative, Survival or Permadeath) and the associated galaxy. Additionally, each address can include auxiliary information such as climate, flora, fauna, sentinels, hexadecimal/galactic coordinates and other characteristics of interest (types of resources, bases, etc).
The Repository includes search functions in order to help players identify portal addresses based on specific desired criteria. At this time The Repository mainly includes planets that I’ve discovered/explored myself, however I’ve included a form on the site for players to submit their own portal addresses.
My goal for this site is primarily function over fashion. By properly categorizing and tagging portal addresses I hope we can create a high-quality database of known portal addresses that will aid the community in our exploration of the NMS universe.
Since this website is built using WordPress if anyone would like to become a contributor to the Repository just register on the site, read the instructions on how to submit addresses and start contributing!
Thoughts, suggestions, etc are always welcome but my time is very limited so please be patient.
Survival and Permadeath mode players can see each others’ bases, my friends and I recently discovered. All other modes are seperate from each other in terms of base sharing.
It is important to note that multiplayer DOES work cross-mode.
Ah, that’s good to know, thanks for clarifying!
I’ve decided to open up registration for The Portal Repository so anyone can join and start submitting addresses. New users are asked to read the guideline instructions to ensure we maintain a high quality database.
Submissions from new users will need to be reviewed/approved by Repository admins, but users who consistently submit addresses that follow the guidelines will be granted approval to publish independently.
Happy portal travels!
Just wanted to let users know that we are aware of a bug in the portal network where sometimes a portal address for a specific planet sends the Traveller to a different planet in the same system.
So far I’ve encountered two variations of this bug.
The first is the situation where all the portal addresses in a system work except for the last planet in the “index”. In which case the portal address for the last planet always leads to the next closest planet.
The second bug more recently experienced is where all portal addresses in a system lead to only one planet in the system, even in multiple planet systems.
These have been reported to Hello Games so hopefully we’ll see a fix in the next update. I’ll continue to do some experimenting to try to figure out the cause or a pattern that causes these bugs. In the meantime if anyone has any further information on these issues please feel free to contribute to the conversation here.
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Yes, this is a very common bug. About 1 in 5 portal addresses don’t work.
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Here is a thread I started back in August when the portals first became active: Galactic Coordinates Thread
You’ll find a ton of user submitted portal addresses in there, should make solid additions to your repository site!
Thanks chelofellow, yeah I think I need to go through that thread again and see if there’s any new posts in that thread that have all the necessary meta data.
That thread is actually what inspired me to start The Portal Repository because I noticed many people only posted the glyphs and failed to include critical details such as the platform, game mode, name of the planet/system, etc.
The goal of The Portal Repository is to provide users with a highly detailed, easily sortable/searchable database of known portal addresses so Travellers can more quickly and easily visit points of interest throughout the NMS universe. We have over 60 verified addresses so far and we continue to grow!
Due to an increased interest in this site I have registered an actual domain name for The Portal Repository: https://portalrepository.com
The old free .tk domain name is no longer active.
Over the past few months over 100 addresses have been contributed by Travellers across nearly a dozen galaxies, on both platforms and in various game modes. I’d like to thank everyone who’s helped build this database of portal addresses so far, and hope it continues to grow in the future!

Per request, I have updated all urls to the new domain across the topic. I have also included the sub-category Atlas Rises v1.3.
With the new update officially announced I think it’s safe to assume that we will likely experience another universal reset this summer. There are bound to be a lot of changes coming and I’m excited to see how The Portal Repository fits in.
But even if this new update makes The Portal Repository obsolete I will still be maintaining this website as a historical record of the way the universe was during the Atlas Rises 1.3 version of the game. I’d encourage everyone to upload your portal address discoveries to The Portal Repository at some point over the coming months. If nothing else then for posterity; A digital record of a universe that was, but may soon cease to exist.
Based on the latest Old Gods email survey, if you haven’t checked it out recently now might be a good time to visit The Portal Repository to browse 150+ player-submitted portal addresses in the Euclid galaxy. You can also check out the Top Ten addresses favorited by members of TPR.
If anyone wants to browse the archives of portal addresses submitted during the Atlas Rises iteration you can do so here. This subdomain of The Portal Repository is locked, so old addresses won’t be updated and are retained only for historical posterity. On the Main Repository old Atlas Rises addresses may be updated based on their new characteristics in NEXT.
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The new Portal Repository thread for NEXT.